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programmer's documentation
Data Fields
cs_xdef_t Struct Reference

Structure storing medata for defining a quantity in a very flexible way. More...

#include <cs_xdef.h>

Collaboration diagram for cs_xdef_t:
Collaboration graph

Data Fields

int dim
cs_xdef_type_t type
int z_id
cs_xdef_support_t support
cs_flag_t state
cs_flag_t meta
cs_quadrature_type_t qtype
void * input

Detailed Description

Structure storing medata for defining a quantity in a very flexible way.

Field Documentation

◆ dim


dimension of the values attached to this description

◆ input


Pointer to a structure cast on-the-fly according to the type of description May be set to NULL or cs_xdef_array_input_t or cs_xdef_analytic_input_t or cs_xdef_time_func_input_t

◆ meta


Flag storing in a condensed way metadata about the description. These metadata may vary according to the object on which the description applies.

◆ qtype


type of quadrature to use for evaluating the description (see cs_quadrature_type_t)

◆ state


Flag storing state of the values related to this definition Example: steady, uniform, cellwise...

◆ support


support for this definition (see cs_xdef_support_t)

◆ type


type of definition (see cs_xdef_type_t)

◆ z_id


id related to a zone (volume or boundary) for this definition

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: