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Data Fields
cs_equation_builder_t Struct Reference

Store common elements used when building an algebraic system related to an equation. More...

#include <cs_equation_common.h>

Collaboration diagram for cs_equation_builder_t:
Collaboration graph

Data Fields

bool init_step
Flags to know what to build and how to build such terms
cs_flag_t msh_flag
cs_flag_t bd_msh_flag
cs_flag_t st_msh_flag
cs_flag_t sys_flag
Metadata related to associated physical properties
bool diff_pty_uniform
bool time_pty_uniform
bool reac_pty_uniform [CS_CDO_N_MAX_REACTIONS]
Source terms
cs_source_term_cellwise_tcompute_source [CS_N_MAX_SOURCE_TERMS]
Boundary conditions
Performance monitoring

Monitoring the efficiency of the algorithm used to manipulate/build an equation.

cs_timer_counter_t tcb
cs_timer_counter_t tcd
cs_timer_counter_t tca
cs_timer_counter_t tcr
cs_timer_counter_t tcs
cs_timer_counter_t tce

Detailed Description

Store common elements used when building an algebraic system related to an equation.

Field Documentation

◆ bd_msh_flag

cs_flag_t bd_msh_flag

Information related to what to build in a cs_cell_mesh_t structure for a cell close to the boundary

◆ compute_source


Pointer to functions which compute the value of the source term

◆ diff_pty_uniform

bool diff_pty_uniform

Is diffusion property uniform ?

◆ face_bc


Information about boundary conditions applied to faces

face_bc should not change during the simulation. The case of a definition of the BCs which changes of type during the simulation is possible but not implemented. You just have to call the initialization step each time the type of BCs is modified to define an updated cs_cdo_bc_face_t structure.

◆ init_step

bool init_step

true if this is the initialization step

◆ msh_flag

cs_flag_t msh_flag

Information related to what to build in a cs_cell_mesh_t structure for a generic cell

◆ reac_pty_uniform

bool reac_pty_uniform[CS_CDO_N_MAX_REACTIONS]

Is each reaction property uniform ?

◆ source_mask

cs_mask_t* source_mask

NULL if no source term or one source term is defined. Allocated to n_cells in order to know in each cell which source term has to be computed

◆ st_msh_flag

cs_flag_t st_msh_flag

Information related to what to build in a cs_cell_mesh_t structure when only the source term has to be built

◆ sys_flag

cs_flag_t sys_flag

Information related to the sytem

◆ tca

Cumulated elapsed time for building advection terms

◆ tcb

Cumulated elapsed time for building the current system: tcb >= tcd+tca+tcr+tcs+tcs

◆ tcd

Cumulated elapsed time for building diffusion terms

◆ tce

Cumulated elapsed time for computing all extra operations (post, balance, fluxes...)

◆ tcr

Cumulated elapsed time for building reaction terms

◆ tcs

Cumulated elapsed time for building source terms

◆ time_pty_uniform

bool time_pty_uniform

Is time property uniform ?

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: