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paramx Module Reference


integer nscamx
 maximum number of scalars solutions of an advection equation, apart from the variables of the turbulence model $ (k, \varepsilon, R_{ij}, \omega, \varphi, \overline{f}, \alpha, \nu_t$) , that is to say the temperature and other scalars (passive or not, user-defined or not) More...
integer nvarmx
 maximal number of variables = nscamx + 12 (u,v,w,P,Rij,e,alp) More...
integer ntypmx
 Maximal possible boundary condition types. More...
integer iindef
integer ientre
integer isolib
integer isymet
integer iparoi
integer iparug
integer iesicf
 if itypfb=iesicf: imposed inlet/outlet for compressible flow (for example, supersonic inlet). More...
integer isspcf
 if itypfb=isspcf: supersonic outlet for compressible flow. More...
integer isopcf
 if itypfb=isopcf: mixed outlet for compressible flow with a given pressure. More...
integer iephcf
 if itypfb=iephcf: mixed inlet for compressible flow with given total pressure and total enthalpy (reservoir boundary conditions). More...
integer ieqhcf
integer icscpl
integer icscpd
integer ifrent
integer ifresf
integer i_convective_inlet
integer nestmx
 maximal number of valuators for Navier-Stokes More...
integer iespre
 Error estimator for Navier-Stokes. iest = iespre: prediction, (default name: EsPre). After the velocity prediction step (yielding $\vect{u}^*$), the estimator $\eta^{\,pred}_{\,i,k}(\vect{u}^*)$, local variable calculated at every cell $ \Omega_i $, is created from $\vect{\mathcal R}^{\,pred}(\vect{u}^*)$, which represents the residual of the equation solved during this step: $\vect{u}$ and $ P $: More...
integer iesder
 Error estimator for Navier-Stokes. iest = iesder: drift (default name: EsDer). The estimator $\eta^{\,der}_{\,i,k}(\vect{u}^{\,n+1})$ is based on the following quantity (intrinsic to the code): More...
integer iescor
 Error estimator for Navier-Stokes. iest = iescor: correction, (default name: EsCor). The estimator $ \eta^{\,corr}_{\,i,k}(\vect{u}^{\,n+1})$ comes directly from the mass flow calculated with the updated velocity field: More...
integer iestot
 Error estimator for Navier-Stokes. iest = iestot: total, (default name: EsTot). The estimator $ \eta^{\,tot}_{\,i,k}(\vect{u}^{\,n+1})$, local variable calculated at every cell $\Omega_i$, is based on the quantity $\vect{\mathcal R}^{\,tot}(\vect{u}^{\,n+1})$, which represents the residual of the equation using the updated values of $\vect{u}$ and $P$: More...
integer ibfixe
integer igliss
integer ivimpo
integer nstrmx
 maximum number of structures in ALE More...
integer cs_user_boundary_conditions
integer cs_user_parameters
integer cs_user_initialization
integer cs_user_physical_properties
integer cs_user_extra_operations
integer ushist
integer cs_f_user_head_losses
integer usvpst

Variable Documentation

◆ cs_f_user_head_losses

integer cs_f_user_head_losses

◆ cs_user_boundary_conditions

integer cs_user_boundary_conditions

◆ cs_user_extra_operations

integer cs_user_extra_operations

◆ cs_user_initialization

integer cs_user_initialization

◆ cs_user_parameters

integer cs_user_parameters

◆ cs_user_physical_properties

integer cs_user_physical_properties

◆ ushist

integer ushist

◆ usvpst

integer usvpst