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programmer's documentation
Functions/Subroutines | Variables
cs_nz_condensation Module Reference


subroutine init_nz_pcond
subroutine finalize_nz_pcond


integer, save nzones
integer, dimension(:), allocatable izzftcd
integer, dimension(:), allocatable izcophc
integer, dimension(:), allocatable izcophg
integer, dimension(:), allocatable iztag1d
integer, save nztag1d
double precision, dimension(:), allocatable ztpar
 Constant value of the wall temperature given by the user when the thermal 1D model is not activated for the condensation model with different zones specified in the user subroutine cs_user_boundary_mass_source_terms. More...

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ finalize_nz_pcond()

subroutine cs_nz_condensation::finalize_nz_pcond ( )

◆ init_nz_pcond()

subroutine cs_nz_condensation::init_nz_pcond ( )