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Data Types | Functions/Subroutines | Variables
cs_c_bindings Module Reference

Data Types

interface  boundary_conditions_mapped_set
 Set mapped boundary conditions for a given field and mapping locator. More...
interface  cs_fan_n_fans
 Return the number of fans. More...
interface  cs_map_name_to_id_destroy
 Destroy name to id map structure. More...
interface  cs_time_moment_is_active
 Return if moment is active (1) or not (0). More...
interface  cs_time_moment_n_moments
 Return the number of temporal moments. More...
type  gas_mix_species_prop
type  gwf_soilwater_partition
interface  les_filter
 Compute filters for dynamic models. More...
interface  log_iteration
interface  log_l2residual
interface  max_limiter_building
interface  parameters_read_restart_info
 Read restart metadata. More...
interface  restart_check_base_location
 Check the locations associated with a restart file. More...
interface  restart_destroy
 Destroy structure associated with a restart file (and close the file). More...
interface  restart_read_bc_coeffs
 Read boundary condition coefficients for all fields from checkpoint. More...
interface  restart_read_field_info
 Read field metadata from checkpoint. More...
interface  restart_read_fields
 Loop over all fields and read them in the restart file which id is passed in argument if it matches their "restart_file" key value. More...
interface  restart_write_bc_coeffs
 Write boundary condition coefficients for all fields to checkpoint. More...
interface  restart_write_field_info
 Write field metadata to checkpoint. More...
interface  restart_write_fields
 Loop over all fields and save them in the restart file which id is passed in argument if it matches their "restart_file" key value. More...
type  solving_info
interface  time_moment_field_id
 Get field id associated with a given moment. More...
interface  time_moment_log_iteration
 Log temporal moments initialization. More...
interface  time_moment_restart_read
 Read temporal moments checkpoint information. More...
interface  time_moment_restart_write
 Checkpoint temporal moments. More...
interface  time_moment_update_all
 Update temporal moments. More...
interface  timer_stats_increment_time_step
 Increment time step for timer statistics. More...
interface  timer_stats_set_plot
 Enable or disable plotting for a timer statistic. More...
interface  timer_stats_start
 Start a timer for a given statistic. More...
interface  timer_stats_stop
 Stop a timer for a given statistic. More...
interface  timer_stats_switch
 Start a timer for a given statistic, stopping previous timers of the same type which are not a parent, and starting inactive parent timers if necessary. More...
interface  turbulence_bc_inlet_hyd_diam
 Set inlet boundary condition values for turbulence variables based on a diameter $ D_H $ and the reference velocity $ U_{ref} $ for a circular duct flow with smooth wall. More...
interface  turbulence_bc_inlet_k_eps
 Set inlet boundary condition values for turbulence variables based on given k and epsilon values. More...
interface  turbulence_bc_inlet_turb_intensity
 Set inlet boundary condition values for turbulence variables based on a diameter $ D_H $, a turbulent intensity $ I $ and the reference velocity $ U_{ref} $ for a circular duct flow with smooth wall. More...
interface  turbulence_bc_ke_hyd_diam
 Calculation of $ u^\star $, $ k $ and $\varepsilon $ from a diameter $ D_H $ and the reference velocity $ U_{ref} $ for a circular duct flow with smooth wall (use for inlet boundary conditions). More...
interface  turbulence_bc_ke_turb_intensity
 Calculation of $ k $ and $\varepsilon$ from a diameter $ D_H $, a turbulent intensity $ I $ and the reference velocity $ U_{ref} $ for a circular duct flow with smooth wall (for inlet boundary conditions). More...
interface  turbulence_bc_rij_transform
 Compute matrix $ \tens{alpha} $ used in the computation of the Reynolds stress tensor boundary conditions. More...
interface  turbulence_bc_set_uninit_inlet_k_eps
 Set inlet boundary condition values for turbulence variables based on given k and epsilon values only if not initialized already. More...
interface  user_parameters
 General user parameters. More...
interface  user_porosity
 General user parameters. More...
type  var_cal_opt


subroutine balance_by_zone (sel_crit, name)
 Compute balance on a given zone for a given scalar. More...
subroutine pressure_drop_by_zone (sel_crit)
 Compute pressure drop for a given zone. More...
subroutine promav (isym, ibsize, iesize, f_id, dam, xam, vx, vy)
subroutine surface_balance (sel_crit, name, normal)
 Compute surface scalar balance for a given surface area. More...
subroutine boundary_conditions_error (bc_type)
 Handle boundary condition definition errors and associated output. More...
type(c_ptr) function boundary_conditions_map (location_type, n_location_elts, n_faces, location_elts, faces, coord_shift, coord_stride, tolerance)
 Locate shifted boundary face coordinates on possibly filtered cells or boundary faces for later interpolation. More...
subroutine field_set_key_struct_var_cal_opt (f_id, k_value)
 Assign a var_cal_opt for a cs_var_cal_opt_t key to a field. More...
subroutine field_set_key_struct_solving_info (f_id, k_value)
 Assign a solving_info for a cs_solving_info_t key to a field. More...
subroutine field_set_key_struct_gwf_soilwater_partition (f_id, k_value)
 Assign a gwf_soilwater_partition for a cs_gwf_soilwater_partition_t key to a field. More...
subroutine field_set_key_struct_gas_mix_species_prop (f_id, k_value)
 Assign a gas_mix_species_prop for a cs_gas_mix_species_prop_t key to a field. More...
subroutine field_get_key_struct_var_cal_opt (f_id, k_value)
 Return a pointer to the var_cal_opt structure for cs_var_cal_opt key associated with a field. More...
subroutine field_get_key_struct_solving_info (f_id, k_value)
 Return a pointer to the solving_info structure for cs_solving_info_t key associated with a field. More...
subroutine field_get_key_struct_gwf_soilwater_partition (f_id, k_value)
 Return a pointer to the gwf_soilwater_partition structure for cs_gwf_soilwater_partition_t key associated with a field. More...
subroutine field_get_key_struct_gas_mix_species_prop (f_id, k_value)
 Return a pointer to the gas_mix_species_prop structure for cs_gas_mix_species_prop_t key associated with a field. More...
subroutine gradient_s (f_id, imrgra, inc, recompute_cocg, nswrgp, imligp, iwarnp, epsrgp, climgp, extrap, pvar, coefap, coefbp, grad)
 Compute cell gradient. More...
subroutine gradient_potential_s (f_id, imrgra, inc, recompute_cocg, nswrgp, imligp, hyd_p_flag, iwarnp, epsrgp, climgp, extrap, f_ext, pvar, coefap, coefbp, grad)
 Compute cell gradient of potential-type values. More...
subroutine gradient_weighted_s (f_id, imrgra, inc, recompute_cocg, nswrgp, imligp, hyd_p_flag, iwarnp, epsrgp, climgp, extrap, f_ext, pvar, c_weight, coefap, coefbp, grad)
 Compute cell gradient of a scalar with weighting. More...
subroutine locator_destroy (this_locator)
 Destruction of a locator structure. More...
subroutine log_iteration_add_array (name, category, location, is_intensive, dim, val)
 Add array not saved as permanent field to logging of fields. More...
subroutine log_iteration_clipping (name, dim, n_clip_min, n_clip_max, min_pre_clip, max_pre_clip)
 Add array not saved as permanent field to logging of fields. More...
subroutine log_iteration_clipping_field (f_id, n_clip_min, n_clip_max, min_pre_clip, max_pre_clip, n_clip_min_comp, n_clip_max_comp)
 Add array not saved as permanent field to logging of fields. More...
subroutine restart_create (name, path, mode, r)
 Initialize a restart file. More...
subroutine restart_read_variables (r, old_field_map, t_id_flag)
 Read variables from checkpoint. More...
subroutine restart_write_variables (r, t_id_flag)
 Write variables to checkpoint. More...
subroutine restart_read_section_int_t (r, sec_name, location_id, n_loc_vals, val, ierror)
 Read a section of integers from a restart file. More...
subroutine restart_read_int_t_compat (r, sec_name, old_name, location_id, n_loc_vals, val, ierror)
 Read a section of integers from a restart file, when that section may have used a different name in a previous version. More...
subroutine restart_write_section_int_t (r, sec_name, location_id, n_loc_vals, val)
 Write a section of integers to a checkpoint file. More...
subroutine restart_read_section_real_t (r, sec_name, location_id, n_loc_vals, val, ierror)
 Read a section of doubles from a restart file. More...
subroutine restart_read_real_t_compat (r, sec_name, old_name, location_id, n_loc_vals, val, ierror)
 Read a section of double precision reals from a restart file, when that section may have used a different name in a previous version. More...
subroutine restart_read_real_3_t_compat (r, sec_name, old_name_x, old_name_y, old_name_z, location_id, val, ierror)
 Read a vector of double precision reals of dimension (3,*) from a restart file, when that section may have used a different name and been non-interleaved in a previous version. More...
subroutine restart_write_section_real_t (r, sec_name, location_id, n_loc_vals, val)
 write a section of doubles to a checkpoint file. More...
subroutine restart_read_field_vals (r, f_id, t_id, ierror)
 Read field values from checkpoint. More...
subroutine restart_write_field_vals (r, f_id, t_id)
 Write field values to checkpoint. More...
subroutine restart_read_linked_fields (r, old_field_map, key, n_w)
 Read fields depending on others from checkpoint. More...
subroutine restart_write_linked_fields (r, key, n_w)
 Write fields depending on others to checkpoint. More...
subroutine sles_solve_native (f_id, name, isym, ibsize, iesize, dam, xam, epsilp, rnorm, niter, residue, rhs, vx)
 Call sparse linear equation solver using native matrix arrays. More...
subroutine sles_free_native (f_id, name)
 Free sparse linear equation solver setup using native matrix arrays. More...
subroutine sles_push (f_id, name)
 Temporarily replace field id with name for matching calls to sles_solve_native. More...
subroutine sles_pop (f_id)
 Revert to normal behavior of field id for matching calls to sles_solve_native. More...
integer function timer_stats_create (parent_name, name, label)
 Create a timer statistics structure. More...
integer function timer_stats_id_by_name (name)
 Return the id of a defined statistic based on its name. More...
subroutine variable_field_create (name, label, location_id, dim, id)
 Add field defining a general solved variable, with default options. More...
subroutine variable_cdo_field_create (name, label, location_id, dim, has_previous, id)
 Add a CDO field defining a general solved variable, with default options. More...
integer function volume_zone_n_type_zones (type_flag)
 Return the number of volume zones associated with a given type flag. More...
integer function volume_zone_n_type_cells (type_flag)
 Return the number of volume zone cells associated with a given type flag. More...
subroutine volume_zone_select_type_cells (type_flag, cell_list)
 Return the list of volume zone cells associated with a given type flag. More...
subroutine codits (idtvar, iterns, f_id, iconvp, idiffp, ndircp, imrgra, nswrsp, nswrgp, imligp, ircflp, ischcp, isstpp, iescap, imucpp, idftnp, iswdyp, iwarnp, normp, blencp, epsilp, epsrsp, epsrgp, climgp, extrap, relaxp, thetap, pvara, pvark, coefap, coefbp, cofafp, cofbfp, i_massflux, b_massflux, i_viscm, b_viscm, i_visc, b_visc, viscel, weighf, weighb, icvflb, icvfli, rovsdt, smbrp, pvar, dpvar, xcpp, eswork)
 This function solves an advection diffusion equation with source terms for one time step for the variable $ a $. More...
subroutine coditv (idtvar, iterns, f_id, iconvp, idiffp, ndircp, imrgra, nswrsp, nswrgp, imligp, ircflp, ivisep, ischcp, isstpp, iescap, idftnp, iswdyp, iwarnp, blencp, epsilp, epsrsp, epsrgp, climgp, relaxp, thetap, pvara, pvark, coefav, coefbv, cofafv, cofbfv, i_massflux, b_massflux, i_viscm, b_viscm, i_visc, b_visc, secvif, secvib, viscce, weighf, weighb, icvflb, icvfli, fimp, smbrp, pvar, eswork)
 This function solves an advection diffusion equation with source terms for one time step for the vector variable $ \vect{a} $. More...
subroutine coditts (idtvar, f_id, iconvp, idiffp, ndircp, imrgra, nswrsp, nswrgp, imligp, ircflp, ischcp, isstpp, idftnp, iswdyp, iwarnp, blencp, epsilp, epsrsp, epsrgp, climgp, relaxp, thetap, pvara, pvark, coefats, coefbts, cofafts, cofbfts, i_massflux, b_massflux, i_viscm, b_viscm, i_visc, b_visc, viscce, weighf, weighb, icvflb, icvfli, fimp, smbrp, pvar)
 This function solves an advection diffusion equation with source terms for one time step for the symmetric tensor variable $ \tens{\variat} $. More...
subroutine bilsca (idtvar, f_id, iconvp, idiffp, nswrgp, imligp, ircflp, ischcp, isstpp, inc, imrgra, iccocg, iwarnp, imucpp, idftnp, imasac, blencp, epsrgp, climgp, extrap, relaxp, thetap, pvar, pvara, coefap, coefbp, cofafp, cofbfp, flumas, flumab, viscf, viscb, viscce, xcpp, weighf, weighb, icvflb, icvfli, smbrp)
 Wrapper to the function which adds the explicit part of the convection/diffusion terms of a transport equation of a scalar field $ \varia $. More...
subroutine bilscv (idtvar, f_id, iconvp, idiffp, nswrgp, imligp, ircflp, ischcp, isstpp, inc, imrgra, ivisep, iwarnp, idftnp, imasac, blencp, epsrgp, climgp, relaxp, thetap, pvar, pvara, coefav, coefbv, cofafv, cofbfv, flumas, flumab, viscf, viscb, secvif, secvib, viscce, weighf, weighb, icvflb, icvfli, smbrp)
 Wrapper to the function which adds the explicit part of the convection/diffusion terms of a transport equation of a vector field $ \vect{\varia} $. More...
subroutine field_get_coupled_faces (f_id, cpl_faces)
 Return pointer to coupling face indicator for a field. More...
double precision function notebook_parameter_value_by_name (name)
 Return notebook parameter value. More...


integer mesh_location_none
integer mesh_location_cells
integer mesh_location_interior_faces
integer mesh_location_boundary_faces
integer mesh_location_vertices
integer mesh_location_particles
integer mesh_location_other
integer restart_val_type_int_t
integer restart_val_type_real_t
integer restart_disabled
integer restart_main
integer restart_auxiliary
integer restart_rad_transfer
integer restart_lagr
integer restart_lagr_stat
integer restart_1d_wall_thermal
integer restart_les_inflow
integer volume_zone_initialization
integer volume_zone_porosity
integer volume_zone_head_loss
integer volume_zone_source_term
integer volume_zone_mass_source_term

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ balance_by_zone()

subroutine cs_c_bindings::balance_by_zone ( character(len=*), intent(in)  sel_crit,
character(len=*), intent(in)  name 

Compute balance on a given zone for a given scalar.

param[in] sel_crit selection criteria of a volume zone param[in] name scalar name

◆ bilsca()

subroutine cs_c_bindings::bilsca ( integer, intent(in)  idtvar,
integer, intent(in)  f_id,
integer, intent(in)  iconvp,
integer, intent(in)  idiffp,
integer, intent(in)  nswrgp,
integer, intent(in)  imligp,
integer, intent(in)  ircflp,
integer, intent(in)  ischcp,
integer, intent(in)  isstpp,
integer, intent(in)  inc,
integer, intent(in)  imrgra,
integer, intent(in)  iccocg,
integer, intent(in)  iwarnp,
integer, intent(in)  imucpp,
integer, intent(in)  idftnp,
integer, intent(in)  imasac,
double precision, intent(in)  blencp,
double precision, intent(in)  epsrgp,
double precision, intent(in)  climgp,
double precision, intent(in)  extrap,
double precision, intent(in)  relaxp,
double precision, intent(in)  thetap,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  pvar,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  pvara,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  coefap,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  coefbp,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  cofafp,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  cofbfp,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  flumas,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  flumab,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  viscf,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  viscb,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  viscce,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  xcpp,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  weighf,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  weighb,
integer, intent(in)  icvflb,
integer(c_int), dimension(*), intent(in)  icvfli,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(inout)  smbrp 

Wrapper to the function which adds the explicit part of the convection/diffusion terms of a transport equation of a scalar field $ \varia $.

More precisely, the right hand side $ Rhs $ is updated as follows:

\[ Rhs = Rhs - \sum_{\fij \in \Facei{\celli}} \left( \dot{m}_\ij \left( \varia_\fij - \varia_\celli \right) - \mu_\fij \gradv_\fij \varia \cdot \vect{S}_\ij \right) \]


  • $ Rhs $ has already been initialized before calling bilsca!
  • mind the minus sign

Options for the diffusive scheme:

  • idftnp = 1: scalar diffusivity
  • idftnp = 6: symmetric tensor diffusivity

Options for the convective scheme:

  • blencp = 0: upwind scheme for the advection
  • blencp = 1: no upwind scheme except in the slope test
  • ischcp = 0: second order
  • ischcp = 1: centered
  • imucpp = 0: do not multiply the convective part by $ C_p $
  • imucpp = 1: multiply the convective part by $ C_p $
    [in]idtvarindicator of the temporal scheme
    [in]f_idfield id (or -1)
    • 1 convection,
    • 0 otherwise
    • 1 diffusion,
    • 0 otherwise
    [in]nswrgpnumber of reconstruction sweeps for the gradients
    [in]imligpclipping gradient method
    • < 0 no clipping
    • = 0 by neighboring gradients
    • = 1 by the mean gradient
    • 1 flux reconstruction,
    • 0 otherwise
    • 1 centered
    • 0 2nd order
    • 1 without slope test
    • 0 with slope test
    • 0 when solving an increment
    • 1 otherwise
    • 0 iterative gradient
    • 1 least squares gradient
    • 1 re-compute cocg matrix (for iterative gradients)
    • 0 otherwise
    • 0 do not multiply the convective term by Cp
    • 1 do multiply the convective term by Cp
    • 1 scalar diffusivity
    • 6 symmetric tensor diffusivity
    [in]imasactake mass accumulation into account?
    [in]blencpfraction of upwinding
    [in]epsrgprelative precision for the gradient reconstruction
    [in]climgpclipping coefficient for the computation of the gradient
    [in]extrapcoefficient for extrapolation of the gradient
    [in]relaxpcoefficient of relaxation
    [in]thetapweighting coefficient for the theta-schema,
    • thetap = 0: explicit scheme
    • thetap = 0.5: time-centered scheme (mix between Crank-Nicolson and Adams-Bashforth)
    • thetap = 1: implicit scheme
    [in]pvarsolved variable (current time step)
    [in]pvarasolved variable (previous time step)
    [in]coefapboundary condition array for the variable (explicit part)
    [in]coefbpboundary condition array for the variable (implicit part)
    [in]cofafpboundary condition array for the diffusion of the variable (explicit part)
    [in]cofbfpboundary condition array for the diffusion of the variable (implicit part)
    [in]flumasmass flux at interior faces
    [in]flumabmass flux at boundary faces
    [in]viscf$ \mu_\fij \dfrac{S_\fij}{\ipf \jpf} $ at interior faces for the r.h.s.
    [in]viscb$ \mu_\fib \dfrac{S_\fib}{\ipf \centf} $ at boundary faces for the r.h.s.
    [in]visccesymmetric cell tensor $ \tens{\mu}_\celli $
    [in]xcpparray of specific heat (Cp)
    [in]weighfinternal face weight between cells i j in case of tensor diffusion
    [in]weighbboundary face weight for cells i in case of tensor diffusion
    [in]icvflbglobal indicator of boundary convection flux
    • 0 upwind scheme at all boundary faces
    • 1 imposed flux at some boundary faces
    [in]icvfliboundary face indicator array of convection flux
    • 0 upwind scheme
    • 1 imposed flux
    [in,out]smbrpright hand side $ \vect{Rhs} $

◆ bilscv()

subroutine cs_c_bindings::bilscv ( integer, intent(in)  idtvar,
integer, intent(in)  f_id,
integer, intent(in)  iconvp,
integer, intent(in)  idiffp,
integer, intent(in)  nswrgp,
integer, intent(in)  imligp,
integer, intent(in)  ircflp,
integer, intent(in)  ischcp,
integer, intent(in)  isstpp,
integer, intent(in)  inc,
integer, intent(in)  imrgra,
integer, intent(in)  ivisep,
integer, intent(in)  iwarnp,
integer, intent(in)  idftnp,
integer, intent(in)  imasac,
double precision, intent(in)  blencp,
double precision, intent(in)  epsrgp,
double precision, intent(in)  climgp,
double precision, intent(in)  relaxp,
double precision, intent(in)  thetap,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  pvar,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  pvara,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  coefav,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  coefbv,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  cofafv,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  cofbfv,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  flumas,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  flumab,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  viscf,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  viscb,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  secvif,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  secvib,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  viscce,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  weighf,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  weighb,
integer, intent(in)  icvflb,
integer(c_int), dimension(*), intent(in)  icvfli,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(inout)  smbrp 

Wrapper to the function which adds the explicit part of the convection/diffusion terms of a transport equation of a vector field $ \vect{\varia} $.

More precisely, the right hand side $ \vect{Rhs} $ is updated as follows:

\[ \vect{Rhs} = \vect{Rhs} - \sum_{\fij \in \Facei{\celli}} \left( \dot{m}_\ij \left( \vect{\varia}_\fij - \vect{\varia}_\celli \right) - \mu_\fij \gradt_\fij \vect{\varia} \cdot \vect{S}_\ij \right) \]

Remark: if ivisep = 1, then we also take $ \mu \transpose{\gradt\vect{\varia}} + \lambda \trace{\gradt\vect{\varia}} $, where $ \lambda $ is the secondary viscosity, i.e. usually $ -\frac{2}{3} \mu $.


  • $ \vect{Rhs} $ has already been initialized before calling bilscv!
  • mind the sign minus

Options for the diffusive scheme:

  • idftnp = 1: scalar diffusivity
  • idftnp = 6: symmetric tensor diffusivity

Options for the convective scheme:

  • blencp = 0: upwind scheme for the advection
  • blencp = 1: no upwind scheme except in the slope test
  • ischcp = 0: second order
  • ischcp = 1: centered
    [in]idtvarindicator of the temporal scheme
    [in]f_idfield id (or -1)
    • 1 convection,
    • 0 otherwise
    • 1 diffusion,
    • 0 otherwise
    [in]nswrgpnumber of reconstruction sweeps for the gradients
    [in]imligpclipping gradient method
    • < 0 no clipping
    • = 0 by neighboring gradients
    • = 1 by the mean gradient
    • 1 flux reconstruction,
    • 0 otherwise
    • 1 centered
    • 0 2nd order
    • 1 without slope test
    • 0 with slope test
    • 0 when solving an increment
    • 1 otherwise
    • 0 iterative gradient
    • 1 least squares gradient
    [in]ivisepindicator to take $ \divv \left(\mu \gradt \transpose{\vect{a}} \right) -2/3 \grad\left( \mu \dive \vect{a} \right)$
    • 1 take into account,
    • 0 otherwise
    • 1 scalar diffusivity
    • 6 symmetric tensor diffusivity
    [in]imasactake mass accumulation into account?
    [in]blencpfraction of upwinding
    [in]epsrgprelative precision for the gradient reconstruction
    [in]climgpclipping coefficient for the computation of the gradient
    [in]relaxpcoefficient of relaxation
    [in]thetapweighting coefficient for the theta-schema,
    • thetap = 0: explicit scheme
    • thetap = 0.5: time-centered scheme (mix between Crank-Nicolson and Adams-Bashforth)
    • thetap = 1: implicit scheme
    [in]pvarsolved velocity (current time step)
    [in]pvarasolved velocity (previous time step)
    [in]coefavboundary condition array for the variable (explicit part)
    [in]coefbvboundary condition array for the variable (implicit part)
    [in]cofafvboundary condition array for the diffusion of the variable (explicit part)
    [in]cofbfvboundary condition array for the diffusion of the variable (implicit part)
    [in]flumasmass flux at interior faces
    [in]flumabmass flux at boundary faces
    [in]viscf$ \mu_\fij \dfrac{S_\fij}{\ipf \jpf} $ at interior faces for the r.h.s.
    [in]viscb$ \mu_\fib \dfrac{S_\fib}{\ipf \centf} $ at boundary faces for the r.h.s.
    [in]secvifsecondary viscosity at interior faces
    [in]secvibsecondary viscosity at boundary faces
    [in]visccesymmetric cell tensor $ \tens{\mu}_\celli $
    [in]weighfinternal face weight between cells i j in case of tensor diffusion
    [in]weighbboundary face weight for cells i in case of tensor diffusion
    [in]icvflbglobal indicator of boundary convection flux
    • 0 upwind scheme at all boundary faces
    • 1 imposed flux at some boundary faces
    [in]icvfliboundary face indicator of convection flux
    • 0 upwind scheme
    • 1 imposed flux
    [in,out]smbrpright hand side $ \vect{Rhs} $

◆ boundary_conditions_error()

subroutine cs_c_bindings::boundary_conditions_error ( integer(c_int), dimension(*), intent(in)  bc_type)

Handle boundary condition definition errors and associated output.

For each boundary face, bc_type defines the boundary condition type. As a convention here, zero values correspond to undefined types, positive values to defined types (with no error), and negative values to defined types with inconsistent or incompatible values, the absolute value indicating the original boundary condition type. param[in] bc_type array og BC type ids

◆ boundary_conditions_map()

type(c_ptr) function cs_c_bindings::boundary_conditions_map ( integer, intent(in)  location_type,
integer, intent(in)  n_location_elts,
integer, intent(in)  n_faces,
integer, dimension(*), intent(in)  location_elts,
integer, dimension(*), intent(in)  faces,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*)  coord_shift,
integer, intent(in)  coord_stride,
double precision, intent(in)  tolerance 

Locate shifted boundary face coordinates on possibly filtered cells or boundary faces for later interpolation.

param[in] location_type matching values location (CS_MESH_LOCATION_CELLS or CS_MESH_LOCATION_BOUNDARY_FACES) param[in] n_location_elts number of selected location elements param[in] n_faces number of selected boundary faces param[in] location_elts list of selected location elements (1 to n), or NULL if no indirection is needed param[in] faces list of selected boundary faces (1 to n), or NULL if no indirection is needed param[in] coord_shift array of coordinates shift relative to selected boundary faces param[in] coord_stride access stride in coord_shift: 0 for uniform shift, 1 for "per face" shift. param[in] tolerance relative tolerance for point location. return associated locator structure

◆ codits()

subroutine cs_c_bindings::codits ( integer, intent(in)  idtvar,
integer, intent(in)  iterns,
integer, intent(in)  f_id,
integer, intent(in)  iconvp,
integer, intent(in)  idiffp,
integer, intent(in)  ndircp,
integer, intent(in)  imrgra,
integer, intent(in)  nswrsp,
integer, intent(in)  nswrgp,
integer, intent(in)  imligp,
integer, intent(in)  ircflp,
integer, intent(in)  ischcp,
integer, intent(in)  isstpp,
integer, intent(in)  iescap,
integer, intent(in)  imucpp,
integer, intent(in)  idftnp,
integer, intent(in)  iswdyp,
integer, intent(in)  iwarnp,
double precision, intent(in)  normp,
double precision, intent(in)  blencp,
double precision, intent(in)  epsilp,
double precision, intent(in)  epsrsp,
double precision, intent(in)  epsrgp,
double precision, intent(in)  climgp,
double precision, intent(in)  extrap,
double precision, intent(in)  relaxp,
double precision, intent(in)  thetap,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  pvara,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  pvark,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  coefap,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  coefbp,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  cofafp,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  cofbfp,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  i_massflux,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  b_massflux,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  i_viscm,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  b_viscm,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  i_visc,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  b_visc,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  viscel,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  weighf,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  weighb,
integer, intent(in)  icvflb,
integer(c_int), dimension(*), intent(in)  icvfli,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  rovsdt,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(inout)  smbrp,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(inout)  pvar,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(inout)  dpvar,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  xcpp,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(inout)  eswork 

This function solves an advection diffusion equation with source terms for one time step for the variable $ a $.

The equation reads:

\[ f_s^{imp}(a^{n+1}-a^n) + \divs \left( a^{n+1} \rho \vect{u} - \mu \grad a^{n+1} \right) = Rhs \]

This equation is rewritten as:

\[ f_s^{imp} \delta a + \divs \left( \delta a \rho \vect{u} - \mu \grad \delta a \right) = Rhs^1 \]

where $ \delta a = a^{n+1} - a^n$ and $ Rhs^1 = Rhs - \divs( a^n \rho \vect{u} - \mu \grad a^n)$

It is in fact solved with the following iterative process:

\[ f_s^{imp} \delta a^k + \divs \left(\delta a^k \rho \vect{u}-\mu\grad\delta a^k \right) = Rhs^k \]

where $Rhs^k=Rhs-f_s^{imp}(a^k-a^n) - \divs \left( a^k\rho\vect{u}-\mu\grad a^k \right)$ Be careful, it is forbidden to modify $ f_s^{imp} $ here!

[in]idtvarindicator of the temporal scheme
[in]iternsexternal sub-iteration number
[in]f_idfield id (or -1)
  • 1 convection,
  • 0 otherwise
  • 1 diffusion,
  • 0 otherwise
[in]ndircpindicator (0 if the diagonal is stepped aside)
  • 0 iterative gradient
  • 1 least squares gradient
[in]nswrspnumber of reconstruction sweeps for the Right Hand Side
[in]nswrgpnumber of reconstruction sweeps for the gradients
[in]imligpclipping gradient method
  • < 0 no clipping
  • = 0 thank to neighboring gradients
  • = 1 thank to the mean gradient
  • 1 flux reconstruction,
  • 0 otherwise
  • 1 centered
  • 0 2nd order
  • 1 without slope test
  • 0 with slope test
[in]iescapcompute the predictor indicator if 1
  • 0 do not multiply the convectiv term by Cp
  • 1 do multiply the convectiv term by Cp
[in]idftnpdiffusivity type indicator
  • 0 no dynamic relaxation
  • 1 dynamic relaxation depending on $ \delta \varia^k $
  • 2 dynamic relaxation depending on $ \delta \varia^k $ and $ \delta \varia^{k-1} $
[in]normp(optional) norm residual
[in]blencpfraction of upwinding
[in]epsilpprecision pour resol iter
[in]epsrsprelative precision for the iterative process
[in]epsrgprelative precision for the gradient reconstruction
[in]climgpclipping coefficient for the computation of the gradient
[in]extrapcoefficient for extrapolation of the gradient
[in]relaxpcoefficient of relaxation
[in]thetapweighting coefficient for the theta-schema,
  • thetap = 0: explicit scheme
  • thetap = 0.5: time-centered scheme (mix between Crank-Nicolson and Adams-Bashforth)
  • thetap = 1: implicit scheme
[in]pvaravariable at the previous time step $ a^n $
[in]pvarkvariable at the previous sub-iteration $ a^k $. If you sub-iter on Navier-Stokes, then it allows to initialize by something else than pvara (usually pvar=pvara)
[in]coefapboundary condition array for the variable (explicit part)
[in]coefbpboundary condition array for the variable (implicit part)
[in]cofafpboundary condition array for the diffusion of the variable (explicit part)
[in]cofbfpboundary condition array for the diffusion of the variable (implicit part)
[in]i_massfluxmass flux at interior faces
[in]b_massfluxmass flux at boundary faces
[in]i_viscm$ \mu_\fij \dfrac{S_\fij}{\ipf \jpf} $ at interior faces for the matrix
[in]b_viscm$ \mu_\fib \dfrac{S_\fib}{\ipf \centf} $ at boundary faces for the matrix
[in]i_visc$ \mu_\fij \dfrac{S_\fij}{\ipf \jpf} $ at interior faces for the r.h.s.
[in]b_visc$ \mu_\fib \dfrac{S_\fib}{\ipf \centf} $ at boundary faces for the r.h.s.
[in]viscelsymmetric cell tensor $ \tens{\mu}_\celli $
[in]weighfinternal face weight between cells i j in case of tensor diffusion
[in]weighbboundary face weight for cells i in case of tensor diffusion
[in]icvflbglobal indicator of boundary convection flux
  • 0 upwind scheme at all boundary faces
  • 1 imposed flux at some boundary faces
[in]icvfliboundary face indicator array of convection flux
  • 0 upwind scheme
  • 1 imposed flux
[in]rovsdt$ f_s^{imp} $
[in]smbrpRight hand side $ Rhs^k $
[in,out]pvarcurrent variable
[in,out]dpvarlast variable increment
[in]xcpparray of specific heat (Cp)
[out]esworkprediction-stage error estimator (if iescap > 0)

◆ coditts()

subroutine cs_c_bindings::coditts ( integer, intent(in)  idtvar,
integer, intent(in)  f_id,
integer, intent(in)  iconvp,
integer, intent(in)  idiffp,
integer, intent(in)  ndircp,
integer, intent(in)  imrgra,
integer, intent(in)  nswrsp,
integer, intent(in)  nswrgp,
integer, intent(in)  imligp,
integer, intent(in)  ircflp,
integer, intent(in)  ischcp,
integer, intent(in)  isstpp,
integer, intent(in)  idftnp,
integer, intent(in)  iswdyp,
integer, intent(in)  iwarnp,
double precision, intent(in)  blencp,
double precision, intent(in)  epsilp,
double precision, intent(in)  epsrsp,
double precision, intent(in)  epsrgp,
double precision, intent(in)  climgp,
double precision, intent(in)  relaxp,
double precision, intent(in)  thetap,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  pvara,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  pvark,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  coefats,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  coefbts,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  cofafts,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  cofbfts,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  i_massflux,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  b_massflux,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  i_viscm,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  b_viscm,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  i_visc,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  b_visc,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  viscce,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  weighf,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  weighb,
integer, intent(in)  icvflb,
integer(c_int), dimension(*), intent(in)  icvfli,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  fimp,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(inout)  smbrp,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(inout)  pvar 

This function solves an advection diffusion equation with source terms for one time step for the symmetric tensor variable $ \tens{\variat} $.

The equation reads:

\[ \tens{f_s}^{imp}(\tens{\variat}^{n+1}-\tens{\variat}^n) + \divt \left( \tens{\variat}^{n+1} \otimes \rho \vect {u} - \mu \gradtt \tens{\variat}^{n+1}\right) = \tens{Rhs} \]

This equation is rewritten as:

\[ \tens{f_s}^{imp} \delta \tens{\variat} + \divt \left( \delta \tens{\variat} \otimes \rho \vect{u} - \mu \gradtt \delta \tens{\variat} \right) = \tens{Rhs}^1 \]

where $ \delta \tens{\variat} = \tens{\variat}^{n+1} -\tens{\variat}^n$ and $ \tens{Rhs}^1 = \tens{Rhs} - \divt \left( \tens{\variat}^n \otimes \rho \vect{u} - \mu \gradtt \tens{\variat}^n \right)$

It is in fact solved with the following iterative process:

\[ \tens{f_s}^{imp} \delta \tens{\variat}^k + \divt \left( \delta \tens{\variat}^k \otimes \rho \vect{u} - \mu \gradtt \delta \tens{\variat}^k \right) = \tens{Rhs}^k \]

where $ \tens{Rhs}^k = \tens{Rhs} - \tens{f_s}^{imp} \left(\tens{\variat}^k-\tens{\variat}^n \right) - \divt \left( \tens{\variat}^k \otimes \rho \vect{u} - \mu \gradtt \tens{\variat}^k \right)$

Be careful, it is forbidden to modify $ \tens{f_s}^{imp} $ here!

[in]idtvarindicator of the temporal scheme
[in]f_idfield id (or -1)
  • 1 convection,
  • 0 otherwise
  • 1 diffusion,
  • 0 otherwise
[in]ndircpindicator (0 if the diagonal is stepped aside)
  • 0 iterative gradient
  • 1 least squares gradient
[in]nswrspnumber of reconstruction sweeps for the Right Hand Side
[in]nswrgpnumber of reconstruction sweeps for the gradients
[in]imligpclipping gradient method
  • < 0 no clipping
  • = 0 thank to neighboring gradients
  • = 1 thank to the mean gradient
  • 1 flux reconstruction,
  • 0 otherwise
  • 1 centered
  • 0 2nd order
  • 1 without slope test
  • 0 with slope test
  • 1 the diffusivity is scalar
  • 6 the diffusivity is a symmetric tensor
  • 0 no dynamic relaxation
  • 1 dynamic relaxation depending on $ \delta \vect{\varia}^k $
  • 2 dynamic relaxation depending on $ \delta \vect{\varia}^k $ and $ \delta \vect{\varia}^{k-1} $
[in]blencpfraction of upwinding
[in]epsilpprecision pour resol iter
[in]epsrsprelative precision for the iterative process
[in]epsrgprelative precision for the gradient reconstruction
[in]climgpclipping coefficient for the computation of the gradient
[in]relaxpcoefficient of relaxation
[in]thetapweighting coefficient for the theta-schema,
  • thetap = 0: explicit scheme
  • thetap = 0.5: time-centered scheme (mix between Crank-Nicolson and Adams-Bashforth)
  • thetap = 1: implicit scheme
[in]pvaravariable at the previous time step $ \vect{a}^n $
[in]pvarkvariable at the previous sub-iteration $ \vect{a}^k $. If you sub-iter on Navier-Stokes, then it allows to initialize by something else than pvara (usually pvar=pvara)
[in]coefatsboundary condition array for the variable (Explicit part)
[in]coefbtsboundary condition array for the variable (Impplicit part)
[in]cofaftsboundary condition array for the diffusion of the variable (Explicit part)
[in]cofbftsboundary condition array for the diffusion of the variable (Implicit part)
[in]i_massfluxmass flux at interior faces
[in]b_massfluxmass flux at boundary faces
[in]i_viscm$ \mu_\fij \dfrac{S_\fij}{\ipf \jpf} $ at interior faces for the matrix
[in]b_viscm$ \mu_\fib \dfrac{S_\fib}{\ipf \centf} $ at boundary faces for the matrix
[in]i_visc$ \mu_\fij \dfrac{S_\fij}{\ipf \jpf} $ at interior faces for the r.h.s.
[in]b_visc$ \mu_\fib \dfrac{S_\fib}{\ipf \centf} $ at boundary faces for the r.h.s.
[in]visccesymmetric cell tensor $ \tens{\mu}_\celli $
[in]weighfinternal face weight between cells i j in case of tensor diffusion
[in]weighbboundary face weight for cells i in case of tensor diffusion
[in]icvflbglobal indicator of boundary convection flux
  • 0 upwind scheme at all boundary faces
  • 1 imposed flux at some boundary faces
[in]icvfliboundary face indicator array of convection flux
  • 0 upwind scheme
  • 1 imposed flux
[in]fimp$ \tens{f_s}^{imp} $
[in]smbrpRight hand side $ \vect{Rhs}^k $
[in,out]pvarcurrent variable

◆ coditv()

subroutine cs_c_bindings::coditv ( integer, intent(in)  idtvar,
integer, intent(in)  iterns,
integer, intent(in)  f_id,
integer, intent(in)  iconvp,
integer, intent(in)  idiffp,
integer, intent(in)  ndircp,
integer, intent(in)  imrgra,
integer, intent(in)  nswrsp,
integer, intent(in)  nswrgp,
integer, intent(in)  imligp,
integer, intent(in)  ircflp,
integer, intent(in)  ivisep,
integer, intent(in)  ischcp,
integer, intent(in)  isstpp,
integer, intent(in)  iescap,
integer, intent(in)  idftnp,
integer, intent(in)  iswdyp,
integer, intent(in)  iwarnp,
double precision, intent(in)  blencp,
double precision, intent(in)  epsilp,
double precision, intent(in)  epsrsp,
double precision, intent(in)  epsrgp,
double precision, intent(in)  climgp,
double precision, intent(in)  relaxp,
double precision, intent(in)  thetap,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  pvara,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  pvark,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  coefav,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  coefbv,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  cofafv,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  cofbfv,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  i_massflux,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  b_massflux,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  i_viscm,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  b_viscm,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  i_visc,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  b_visc,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  secvif,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  secvib,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  viscce,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  weighf,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  weighb,
integer, intent(in)  icvflb,
integer(c_int), dimension(*), intent(in)  icvfli,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  fimp,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(inout)  smbrp,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(inout)  pvar,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(inout)  eswork 

This function solves an advection diffusion equation with source terms for one time step for the vector variable $ \vect{a} $.

The equation reads:

\[ \tens{f_s}^{imp}(\vect{a}^{n+1}-\vect{a}^n) + \divv \left( \vect{a}^{n+1} \otimes \rho \vect {u} - \mu \gradt \vect{a}^{n+1}\right) = \vect{Rhs} \]

This equation is rewritten as:

\[ \tens{f_s}^{imp} \delta \vect{a} + \divv \left( \delta \vect{a} \otimes \rho \vect{u} - \mu \gradt \delta \vect{a} \right) = \vect{Rhs}^1 \]

where $ \delta \vect{a} = \vect{a}^{n+1} - \vect{a}^n$ and $ \vect{Rhs}^1 = \vect{Rhs} - \divv \left( \vect{a}^n \otimes \rho \vect{u} - \mu \gradt \vect{a}^n \right)$

It is in fact solved with the following iterative process:

\[ \tens{f_s}^{imp} \delta \vect{a}^k + \divv \left( \delta \vect{a}^k \otimes \rho \vect{u} - \mu \gradt \delta \vect{a}^k \right) = \vect{Rhs}^k \]

where $ \vect{Rhs}^k = \vect{Rhs} - \tens{f_s}^{imp} \left(\vect{a}^k-\vect{a}^n \right) - \divv \left( \vect{a}^k \otimes \rho \vect{u} - \mu \gradt \vect{a}^k \right)$

Be careful, it is forbidden to modify $ \tens{f_s}^{imp} $ here!

[in]idtvarindicator of the temporal scheme
[in]iternsexternal sub-iteration number
[in]f_idfield id (or -1)
  • 1 convection,
  • 0 otherwise
  • 1 diffusion,
  • 0 otherwise
[in]ndircpindicator (0 if the diagonal is stepped aside)
  • 0 iterative gradient
  • 1 least squares gradient
[in]nswrspnumber of reconstruction sweeps for the Right Hand Side
[in]nswrgpnumber of reconstruction sweeps for the gradients
[in]imligpclipping gradient method
  • < 0 no clipping
  • = 0 thank to neighboring gradients
  • = 1 thank to the mean gradient
  • 1 flux reconstruction,
  • 0 otherwise
[in]ivisepindicator to take $ \divv \left(\mu \gradt \transpose{\vect{a}} \right) -2/3 \grad\left( \mu \dive \vect{a} \right)$
  • 1 take into account,
  • 0 otherwise
  • 1 centered
  • 0 2nd order
  • 1 without slope test
  • 0 with slope test
[in]iescapcompute the predictor indicator if 1
  • 1 the diffusivity is scalar
  • 6 the diffusivity is a symmetric tensor
  • 0 no dynamic relaxation
  • 1 dynamic relaxation depending on $ \delta \vect{\varia}^k $
  • 2 dynamic relaxation depending on $ \delta \vect{\varia}^k $ and $ \delta \vect{\varia}^{k-1} $
[in]blencpfraction of upwinding
[in]epsilpprecision pour resol iter
[in]epsrsprelative precision for the iterative process
[in]epsrgprelative precision for the gradient reconstruction
[in]climgpclipping coefficient for the computation of the gradient
[in]relaxpcoefficient of relaxation
[in]thetapweighting coefficient for the theta-schema,
  • thetap = 0: explicit scheme
  • thetap = 0.5: time-centered scheme (mix between Crank-Nicolson and Adams-Bashforth)
  • thetap = 1: implicit scheme
[in]pvaravariable at the previous time step $ \vect{a}^n $
[in]pvarkvariable at the previous sub-iteration $ \vect{a}^k $. If you sub-iter on Navier-Stokes, then it allows to initialize by something else than pvara (usually pvar=pvara)
[in]coefavboundary condition array for the variable (explicit part)
[in]coefbvboundary condition array for the variable (implicit part)
[in]cofafvboundary condition array for the diffusion of the variable (Explicit part)
[in]cofbfvboundary condition array for the diffusion of the variable (Implicit part)
[in]i_massfluxmass flux at interior faces
[in]b_massfluxmass flux at boundary faces
[in]i_viscm$ \mu_\fij \dfrac{S_\fij}{\ipf \jpf} $ at interior faces for the matrix
[in]b_viscm$ \mu_\fib \dfrac{S_\fib}{\ipf \centf} $ at boundary faces for the matrix
[in]i_visc$ \mu_\fij \dfrac{S_\fij}{\ipf \jpf} $ at interior faces for the r.h.s.
[in]b_visc$ \mu_\fib \dfrac{S_\fib}{\ipf \centf} $ at boundary faces for the r.h.s.
[in]secvifsecondary viscosity at interior faces
[in]secvibsecondary viscosity at boundary faces
[in]visccesymmetric cell tensor $ \tens{\mu}_\celli $
[in]weighfinternal face weight between cells i j in case of tensor diffusion
[in]weighbboundary face weight for cells i in case of tensor diffusion
[in]icvflbglobal indicator of boundary convection flux
  • 0 upwind scheme at all boundary faces
  • 1 imposed flux at some boundary faces
[in]icvfliboundary face indicator array of convection flux
  • 0 upwind scheme
  • 1 imposed flux
[in]fimp$ \tens{f_s}^{imp} $
[in]smbrpRight hand side $ \vect{Rhs}^k $
[in,out]pvarcurrent variable
[out]esworkprediction-stage error estimator (if iescap > 0)

◆ field_get_coupled_faces()

subroutine cs_c_bindings::field_get_coupled_faces ( integer, intent(in)  f_id,
logical(kind=c_bool), dimension(:), intent(inout), pointer  cpl_faces 

Return pointer to coupling face indicator for a field.

[in]f_idid of given field
[out]cpl_facespointer to coupling face indicator

◆ field_get_key_struct_gas_mix_species_prop()

subroutine cs_c_bindings::field_get_key_struct_gas_mix_species_prop ( integer, intent(in)  f_id,
type(gas_mix_species_prop), intent(inout), target  k_value 

Return a pointer to the gas_mix_species_prop structure for cs_gas_mix_species_prop_t key associated with a field.

If the field category is not compatible, a fatal error is provoked.

[in]f_idfield id
[out]k_valueinteger value associated with key id for this field

◆ field_get_key_struct_gwf_soilwater_partition()

subroutine cs_c_bindings::field_get_key_struct_gwf_soilwater_partition ( integer, intent(in)  f_id,
type(gwf_soilwater_partition), intent(inout), target  k_value 

Return a pointer to the gwf_soilwater_partition structure for cs_gwf_soilwater_partition_t key associated with a field.

If the field category is not compatible, a fatal error is provoked.

[in]f_idfield id
[out]k_valueinteger value associated with key id for this field

◆ field_get_key_struct_solving_info()

subroutine cs_c_bindings::field_get_key_struct_solving_info ( integer, intent(in)  f_id,
type(solving_info), intent(inout), target  k_value 

Return a pointer to the solving_info structure for cs_solving_info_t key associated with a field.

If the field category is not compatible, a fatal error is provoked.

[in]f_idfield id
[out]k_valueinteger value associated with key id for this field

◆ field_get_key_struct_var_cal_opt()

subroutine cs_c_bindings::field_get_key_struct_var_cal_opt ( integer, intent(in)  f_id,
type(var_cal_opt), intent(inout), target  k_value 

Return a pointer to the var_cal_opt structure for cs_var_cal_opt key associated with a field.

If the field category is not compatible, a fatal error is provoked.

[in]f_idfield id
[out]k_valueinteger value associated with key id for this field

◆ field_set_key_struct_gas_mix_species_prop()

subroutine cs_c_bindings::field_set_key_struct_gas_mix_species_prop ( integer, intent(in)  f_id,
type(gas_mix_species_prop), intent(in), target  k_value 

Assign a gas_mix_species_prop for a cs_gas_mix_species_prop_t key to a field.

If the field category is not compatible, a fatal error is provoked.

[in]f_idfield id
[in]k_valuestructure associated with key

◆ field_set_key_struct_gwf_soilwater_partition()

subroutine cs_c_bindings::field_set_key_struct_gwf_soilwater_partition ( integer, intent(in)  f_id,
type(gwf_soilwater_partition), intent(in), target  k_value 

Assign a gwf_soilwater_partition for a cs_gwf_soilwater_partition_t key to a field.

If the field category is not compatible, a fatal error is provoked.

[in]f_idfield id
[in]k_valuestructure associated with key

◆ field_set_key_struct_solving_info()

subroutine cs_c_bindings::field_set_key_struct_solving_info ( integer, intent(in)  f_id,
type(solving_info), intent(in), target  k_value 

Assign a solving_info for a cs_solving_info_t key to a field.

If the field category is not compatible, a fatal error is provoked.

[in]f_idfield id
[in]k_valuestructure associated with key

◆ field_set_key_struct_var_cal_opt()

subroutine cs_c_bindings::field_set_key_struct_var_cal_opt ( integer, intent(in)  f_id,
type(var_cal_opt), intent(in), target  k_value 

Assign a var_cal_opt for a cs_var_cal_opt_t key to a field.

If the field category is not compatible, a fatal error is provoked.

[in]f_idfield id
[in]k_valuestructure associated with key

◆ gradient_potential_s()

subroutine cs_c_bindings::gradient_potential_s ( integer, intent(in)  f_id,
integer, intent(in)  imrgra,
integer, intent(in)  inc,
integer, intent(in)  recompute_cocg,
integer, intent(in)  nswrgp,
integer, intent(in)  imligp,
integer, intent(in)  hyd_p_flag,
integer, intent(in)  iwarnp,
double precision, intent(in)  epsrgp,
double precision, intent(in)  climgp,
double precision, intent(in)  extrap,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(:,:), intent(in), pointer  f_ext,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(ncelet), intent(inout)  pvar,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(nfabor), intent(in)  coefap,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(nfabor), intent(in)  coefbp,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(3, ncelet), intent(out)  grad 

Compute cell gradient of potential-type values.

[in]f_idfield id, or -1
[in]imrgragradient computation mode
[in]inc0: increment; 1: do not increment
[in]recompute_cocg1 or 0: recompute COCG or not
[in]nswrgpnumber of sweeps for reconstruction
[in]imligpgradient limitation method: < 0 no limitation = 0 based on neighboring gradients = 1 based on mean gradient
[in]hyd_p_flagflag for hydrostatic pressure
[in]epsrgprelative precision for reconstruction
[in]climgplimiter coefficient for imligp
[in]extrapgradient extrapolation coefficient
[in]f_extexterior force generating the hydrostatic pressure
[in,out]pvarcell values whose gradient is computed
[in]coefapboundary coefap coefficients
[in]coefbpboundary coefap coefficients
[out]gradresulting gradient

◆ gradient_s()

subroutine cs_c_bindings::gradient_s ( integer, intent(in)  f_id,
integer, intent(in)  imrgra,
integer, intent(in)  inc,
integer, intent(in)  recompute_cocg,
integer, intent(in)  nswrgp,
integer, intent(in)  imligp,
integer, intent(in)  iwarnp,
double precision, intent(in)  epsrgp,
double precision, intent(in)  climgp,
double precision, intent(in)  extrap,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(ncelet), intent(inout)  pvar,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(nfabor), intent(in)  coefap,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(nfabor), intent(in)  coefbp,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(3, ncelet), intent(out)  grad 

Compute cell gradient.

[in]f_idfield id, or -1
[in]imrgragradient computation mode
[in]inc0: increment; 1: do not increment
[in]recompute_cocg1 or 0: recompute COCG or not
[in]nswrgpnumber of sweeps for reconstruction
[in]imligpgradient limitation method: < 0 no limitation = 0 based on neighboring gradients = 1 based on mean gradient
[in]epsrgprelative precision for reconstruction
[in]climgplimiter coefficient for imligp
[in]extrapgradient extrapolation coefficient
[in,out]pvarcell values whose gradient is computed
[in]coefapboundary coefap coefficients
[in]coefbpboundary coefap coefficients
[out]gradresulting gradient

◆ gradient_weighted_s()

subroutine cs_c_bindings::gradient_weighted_s ( integer, intent(in)  f_id,
integer, intent(in)  imrgra,
integer, intent(in)  inc,
integer, intent(in)  recompute_cocg,
integer, intent(in)  nswrgp,
integer, intent(in)  imligp,
integer, intent(in)  hyd_p_flag,
integer, intent(in)  iwarnp,
double precision, intent(in)  epsrgp,
double precision, intent(in)  climgp,
double precision, intent(in)  extrap,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(:,:), intent(in), pointer  f_ext,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(ncelet), intent(inout)  pvar,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(:), intent(in)  c_weight,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(nfabor), intent(in)  coefap,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(nfabor), intent(in)  coefbp,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(3, ncelet), intent(out)  grad 

Compute cell gradient of a scalar with weighting.

[in]f_idfield id, or -1
[in]imrgragradient computation mode
[in]inc0: increment; 1: do not increment
[in]recompute_cocg1 or 0: recompute COCG or not
[in]nswrgpnumber of sweeps for reconstruction
[in]imligpgradient limitation method: < 0 no limitation = 0 based on neighboring gradients = 1 based on mean gradient
[in]hyd_p_flagflag for hydrostatic pressure
[in]epsrgprelative precision for reconstruction
[in]climgplimiter coefficient for imligp
[in]extrapgradient extrapolation coefficient
[in]f_extexterior force generating the hydrostatic pressure
[in,out]pvarcell values whose gradient is computed
[in,out]c_weightcell weighting coefficient
[in]coefapboundary coefap coefficients
[in]coefbpboundary coefap coefficients
[out]gradresulting gradient

◆ locator_destroy()

subroutine cs_c_bindings::locator_destroy ( type(c_ptr)  this_locator)

Destruction of a locator structure.


◆ log_iteration_add_array()

subroutine cs_c_bindings::log_iteration_add_array ( character(len=*), intent(in)  name,
character(len=*), intent(in)  category,
integer, intent(in)  location,
logical, intent(in)  is_intensive,
integer, intent(in)  dim,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*)  val 

Add array not saved as permanent field to logging of fields.

[in]namearray name
[in]categorycategory name
[in]locationassociated mesh location
[in]is_intensiveassociated mesh location
[in]dimassociated dimension (interleaved)
[in]valassociated values

◆ log_iteration_clipping()

subroutine cs_c_bindings::log_iteration_clipping ( character(len=*), intent(in)  name,
integer, intent(in)  dim,
integer, intent(in)  n_clip_min,
integer, intent(in)  n_clip_max,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*)  min_pre_clip,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*)  max_pre_clip 

Add array not saved as permanent field to logging of fields.

[in]namearray name
[in]dimassociated dimension (interleaved)
[in]n_clip_minlocal number of clipped to min values
[in]n_clip_maxlocal number of clipped to max values
[in]min_pre_clipmin local value prior to clip
[in]max_pre_clipmax local value prior to clip

◆ log_iteration_clipping_field()

subroutine cs_c_bindings::log_iteration_clipping_field ( integer, intent(in)  f_id,
integer, intent(in)  n_clip_min,
integer, intent(in)  n_clip_max,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*)  min_pre_clip,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*)  max_pre_clip,
integer(c_int), dimension(*), intent(in)  n_clip_min_comp,
integer(c_int), dimension(*), intent(in)  n_clip_max_comp 

Add array not saved as permanent field to logging of fields.

[in]f_idassociated dimension (interleaved)
[in]n_clip_minlocal number of clipped to min values
[in]n_clip_maxlocal number of clipped to max values
[in]min_pre_clipmin local value prior to clip
[in]max_pre_clipmax local value prior to clip
[in]n_clip_min_compnumber of clip min by component
[in]n_clip_max_compnumber of clip max by component

◆ notebook_parameter_value_by_name()

double precision function cs_c_bindings::notebook_parameter_value_by_name ( character(len=*), intent(in)  name)

Return notebook parameter value.

[in]namename of the notebook parameter

◆ pressure_drop_by_zone()

subroutine cs_c_bindings::pressure_drop_by_zone ( character(len=*), intent(in)  sel_crit)

Compute pressure drop for a given zone.

param[in] sel_crit selection criteria of a volume zone

◆ promav()

subroutine cs_c_bindings::promav ( integer, value  isym,
integer, value  ibsize,
integer, value  iesize,
integer, value  f_id,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  dam,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  xam,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  vx,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(out)  vy 

◆ restart_create()

subroutine cs_c_bindings::restart_create ( character(len=*), intent(in)  name,
character(len=*), intent(in)  path,
integer, intent(in)  mode,
type(c_ptr), intent(out)  r 

Initialize a restart file.

[in]namefile name
[in]pathoptional directory name for output (automatically created if necessary)
[in]moderead (0) or write (1)
[out]rpointer to restart structure

◆ restart_read_field_vals()

subroutine cs_c_bindings::restart_read_field_vals ( type(c_ptr), intent(in)  r,
integer, intent(in)  f_id,
integer, intent(in)  t_id,
integer, intent(out)  ierror 

Read field values from checkpoint.

If the values are not found using the default rules based on the field's name, its name itself, or a "restart_rename" keyed string value, an old name may be used for compatibility with older files. For cell-based fields, the old name base is appended automatically with "_ce_phase01", except for scalars, where the name uses a different scheme, based on "scalaire_ce_%04" % s_num;

[in]rpointer to restart structure
[in]f_idfield id
[in]t_idtime id (0 for current, 1 for previous, ...)
[out]ierrorreturn code

◆ restart_read_int_t_compat()

subroutine cs_c_bindings::restart_read_int_t_compat ( type(c_ptr), intent(in)  r,
character(len=*), intent(in)  sec_name,
character(len=*), intent(in)  old_name,
integer, intent(in)  location_id,
integer, intent(in)  n_loc_vals,
integer, dimension(*), target  val,
integer, intent(out)  ierror 

Read a section of integers from a restart file, when that section may have used a different name in a previous version.

[in]rpointer to restart structure
[in]sec_namename of section
[in]old_nameold name of section
[in]location_idid of associated mesh location
[in]n_loc_valsnumber of values per location
[out]valvalues array
[out]ierror0: success, < 0: error code

◆ restart_read_linked_fields()

subroutine cs_c_bindings::restart_read_linked_fields ( type(c_ptr), intent(in)  r,
type(c_ptr), intent(in)  old_field_map,
character(len=*), intent(in)  key,
integer, intent(out)  n_w 

Read fields depending on others from checkpoint.

[in]rpointer to restart structure
[in]old_field_mappointer to old field map
[in]keykey for field association
[out]n_wnumber of fields read

◆ restart_read_real_3_t_compat()

subroutine cs_c_bindings::restart_read_real_3_t_compat ( type(c_ptr), intent(in)  r,
character(len=*), intent(in)  sec_name,
character(len=*), intent(in)  old_name_x,
character(len=*), intent(in)  old_name_y,
character(len=*), intent(in)  old_name_z,
integer, intent(in)  location_id,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*)  val,
integer, intent(out)  ierror 

Read a vector of double precision reals of dimension (3,*) from a restart file, when that section may have used a different name and been non-interleaved in a previous version.

[in]rpointer to restart structure
[in]sec_namename of section
[in]old_name_xold name of component x of section
[in]old_name_yold name of component y of section
[in]old_name_zold name of component z of section
[in]location_idid of associated mesh location
[out]valvalues array
[out]ierror0: success, < 0: error code

◆ restart_read_real_t_compat()

subroutine cs_c_bindings::restart_read_real_t_compat ( type(c_ptr), intent(in)  r,
character(len=*), intent(in)  sec_name,
character(len=*), intent(in)  old_name,
integer, intent(in)  location_id,
integer, intent(in)  n_loc_vals,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), target  val,
integer, intent(out)  ierror 

Read a section of double precision reals from a restart file, when that section may have used a different name in a previous version.

[in]rpointer to restart structure
[in]sec_namename of section
[in]old_nameold name of section
[in]location_idid of associated mesh location
[in]n_loc_valsnumber of values per location
[out]valvalues array
[out]ierror0: success, < 0: error code

◆ restart_read_section_int_t()

subroutine cs_c_bindings::restart_read_section_int_t ( type(c_ptr), intent(in)  r,
character(len=*), intent(in)  sec_name,
integer, intent(in)  location_id,
integer, intent(in)  n_loc_vals,
integer, dimension(*), target  val,
integer, intent(out)  ierror 

Read a section of integers from a restart file.

[in]rpointer to restart structure
[in]sec_namename of section
[in]location_idid of associated mesh location
[in]n_loc_valsnumber of values per location
[out]valvalues array
[out]ierror0: success, < 0: error code

◆ restart_read_section_real_t()

subroutine cs_c_bindings::restart_read_section_real_t ( type(c_ptr), intent(in)  r,
character(len=*), intent(in)  sec_name,
integer, intent(in)  location_id,
integer, intent(in)  n_loc_vals,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), target  val,
integer, intent(out)  ierror 

Read a section of doubles from a restart file.

[in]rpointer to restart structure
[in]sec_namename of section
[in]location_idid of associated mesh location
[in]n_loc_valsnumber of values per location
[out]valvalues array
[out]ierror0: success, < 0: error code

◆ restart_read_variables()

subroutine cs_c_bindings::restart_read_variables ( type(c_ptr), intent(in)  r,
type(c_ptr), intent(in)  old_field_map,
integer, intent(in)  t_id_flag 

Read variables from checkpoint.

[in]rpointer to restart structure
[in]old_field_mapold field map pointer
[in]t_id_flag-1: all time values; 0: current values; > 0: previous values

◆ restart_write_field_vals()

subroutine cs_c_bindings::restart_write_field_vals ( type(c_ptr), intent(in)  r,
integer, intent(in)  f_id,
integer, intent(in)  t_id 

Write field values to checkpoint.

[in]rpointer to restart structure
[in]f_idfield id
[in]t_idtime id (0 for current, 1 for previous, ...)

◆ restart_write_linked_fields()

subroutine cs_c_bindings::restart_write_linked_fields ( type(c_ptr), intent(in)  r,
character(len=*), intent(in)  key,
integer, intent(out)  n_w 

Write fields depending on others to checkpoint.

[in]rpointer to restart structure
[in]keykey for field association
[out]n_wnumber of fields written

◆ restart_write_section_int_t()

subroutine cs_c_bindings::restart_write_section_int_t ( type(c_ptr), intent(in)  r,
character(len=*), intent(in)  sec_name,
integer, intent(in)  location_id,
integer, intent(in)  n_loc_vals,
integer, dimension(*), intent(in), target  val 

Write a section of integers to a checkpoint file.

[in]rpointer to restart structure
[in]sec_namename of section
[in]location_idid of associated mesh location
[in]n_loc_valsnumber of values per location
[in]valvalues array

◆ restart_write_section_real_t()

subroutine cs_c_bindings::restart_write_section_real_t ( type(c_ptr), intent(in)  r,
character(len=*), intent(in)  sec_name,
integer, intent(in)  location_id,
integer, intent(in)  n_loc_vals,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in), target  val 

write a section of doubles to a checkpoint file.

[in]rpointer to restart structure
[in]sec_namename of section
[in]location_idid of associated mesh location
[in]n_loc_valsnumber of values per location
[in]valvalues array

◆ restart_write_variables()

subroutine cs_c_bindings::restart_write_variables ( type(c_ptr), intent(in)  r,
integer, intent(in)  t_id_flag 

Write variables to checkpoint.

[in]rpointer to restart structure
[in]t_id_flag-1: all time values; 0: current values; > 0: previous values

◆ sles_free_native()

subroutine cs_c_bindings::sles_free_native ( integer, intent(in)  f_id,
character(len=*), intent(in)  name 

Free sparse linear equation solver setup using native matrix arrays.

param[in] f_id associated field id, or < 0 param[in] name associated name if f_id < 0, or ignored

◆ sles_pop()

subroutine cs_c_bindings::sles_pop ( integer, intent(in)  f_id)

Revert to normal behavior of field id for matching calls to sles_solve_native.

param[in] f_id associated field id, or < 0

◆ sles_push()

subroutine cs_c_bindings::sles_push ( integer, intent(in)  f_id,
character(len=*), intent(in)  name 

Temporarily replace field id with name for matching calls to sles_solve_native.

param[in] f_id associated field id, or < 0 param[in] name associated name if f_id < 0, or ignored

◆ sles_solve_native()

subroutine cs_c_bindings::sles_solve_native ( integer, intent(in)  f_id,
character(len=*), intent(in)  name,
integer, intent(in)  isym,
integer, intent(in)  ibsize,
integer, intent(in)  iesize,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  dam,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  xam,
double precision, intent(in)  epsilp,
double precision, intent(in)  rnorm,
integer, intent(out)  niter,
double precision, intent(out)  residue,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(in)  rhs,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*), intent(inout)  vx 

Call sparse linear equation solver using native matrix arrays.

param[in] f_id associated field id, or < 0 param[in] name associated name if f_id < 0, or ignored param[in] isym symmetry indicator: 1 symmetric, 2: not symmetric param[in] ibsize block sizes for diagonal param[in] iesize block sizes for extra diagonal param[in] dam matrix diagonal param[in] xam matrix extra-diagonal terms param[in] epsilp precision for iterative resolution param[in] rnorm residue normalization param[out] niter number of "equivalent" iterations param[out] residue residue param[in] rhs right hand side param[in, out] vx system solution

◆ surface_balance()

subroutine cs_c_bindings::surface_balance ( character(len=*), intent(in)  sel_crit,
character(len=*), intent(in)  name,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(3), intent(in)  normal 

Compute surface scalar balance for a given surface area.

param[in] sel_crit selection criteria of a volume zone

◆ timer_stats_create()

integer function cs_c_bindings::timer_stats_create ( character(len=*), intent(in)  parent_name,
character(len=*), intent(in)  name,
character(len=*), intent(in)  label 

Create a timer statistics structure.

If no timer with the given name exists, -1 is returned.

[in]parent_namename of parent statistic (may be empty)
[in]nameassociated canonical name
[in]labelassociated label (may be empty)

◆ timer_stats_id_by_name()

integer function cs_c_bindings::timer_stats_id_by_name ( character(len=*), intent(in)  name)

Return the id of a defined statistic based on its name.

If no timer with the given name exists, -1 is returned.

[in]namestatistic name

◆ variable_cdo_field_create()

subroutine cs_c_bindings::variable_cdo_field_create ( character(len=*), intent(in)  name,
character(len=*), intent(in)  label,
integer, intent(in)  location_id,
integer, intent(in)  dim,
integer, intent(in)  has_previous,
integer, intent(out)  id 

Add a CDO field defining a general solved variable, with default options.

[in]namefield name
[in]labelfield default label, or empty
[in]location_idfield location type: 0: none 1: cells 2: interior faces 3: interior faces 4: vertices
[in]dimfield dimension
[in]has_previousif greater than 1 then store previous state
[out]idid of defined field

◆ variable_field_create()

subroutine cs_c_bindings::variable_field_create ( character(len=*), intent(in)  name,
character(len=*), intent(in)  label,
integer, intent(in)  location_id,
integer, intent(in)  dim,
integer, intent(out)  id 

Add field defining a general solved variable, with default options.

[in]namefield name
[in]labelfield default label, or empty
[in]location_idfield location type: 0: none 1: cells 2: interior faces 3: interior faces 4: vertices
[in]dimfield dimension
[out]idid of defined field

◆ volume_zone_n_type_cells()

integer function cs_c_bindings::volume_zone_n_type_cells ( integer  type_flag)

Return the number of volume zone cells associated with a given type flag.

[in]type_flagtype flag queried

◆ volume_zone_n_type_zones()

integer function cs_c_bindings::volume_zone_n_type_zones ( integer  type_flag)

Return the number of volume zones associated with a given type flag.

[in]type_flagtype flag queried

◆ volume_zone_select_type_cells()

subroutine cs_c_bindings::volume_zone_select_type_cells ( integer  type_flag,
integer, dimension(*), intent(out), target  cell_list 

Return the list of volume zone cells associated with a given type flag.

[in]type_flagtype flag queried
[out]cell_listlist of cells

Variable Documentation

◆ mesh_location_boundary_faces

integer mesh_location_boundary_faces

◆ mesh_location_cells

integer mesh_location_cells

◆ mesh_location_interior_faces

integer mesh_location_interior_faces

◆ mesh_location_none

integer mesh_location_none

◆ mesh_location_other

integer mesh_location_other

◆ mesh_location_particles

integer mesh_location_particles

◆ mesh_location_vertices

integer mesh_location_vertices

◆ restart_1d_wall_thermal

integer restart_1d_wall_thermal

◆ restart_auxiliary

integer restart_auxiliary

◆ restart_disabled

integer restart_disabled

◆ restart_lagr

integer restart_lagr

◆ restart_lagr_stat

integer restart_lagr_stat

◆ restart_les_inflow

integer restart_les_inflow

◆ restart_main

integer restart_main

◆ restart_rad_transfer

integer restart_rad_transfer

◆ restart_val_type_int_t

integer restart_val_type_int_t

◆ restart_val_type_real_t

integer restart_val_type_real_t

◆ volume_zone_head_loss

integer volume_zone_head_loss

◆ volume_zone_initialization

integer volume_zone_initialization

◆ volume_zone_mass_source_term

integer volume_zone_mass_source_term

◆ volume_zone_porosity

integer volume_zone_porosity

◆ volume_zone_source_term

integer volume_zone_source_term