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VOF model for free surface flow or dispersed flow
Collaboration diagram for VOF model for free surface flow or dispersed flow:


 Mixture properties
 Cavitation model
 Masks used to specify Volume of Fluid models


subroutine vof_model_init
 Initialize Fortran VOF model API. This maps Fortran pointers to global C structure members and indicator. More...


integer(c_int), pointer, save ivofmt
 VoF model (sum of masks defining VoF model and submodels). See defined masks in Masks used to specify Volume of Fluid models. More...

Detailed Description

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ vof_model_init()

subroutine vof::vof_model_init ( )

Initialize Fortran VOF model API. This maps Fortran pointers to global C structure members and indicator.

Variable Documentation

◆ ivofmt

integer(c_int), pointer, save ivofmt

VoF model (sum of masks defining VoF model and submodels). See defined masks in Masks used to specify Volume of Fluid models.