integer, save | irom |
| Density at the current time step (equal to icrom, kept for compatibility) More...
integer, save | iviscl |
| dynamic molecular viscosity (in kg/(m.s)) More...
integer, save | ivisct |
| dynamic turbulent viscosity More...
integer, dimension(nestmx), save | iestim |
| error estimator for Navier-Stokes More...
integer, save | kimasf |
| interior and boundary convective mass flux key ids of the variables More...
integer, save | kbmasf |
integer, save | kvisl0 |
| constant diffusivity field id key for scalars More...
integer, save | kivisl |
| variable diffusivity field id key for scalars More...
integer, save | kromsl |
| variable density field id key for scalars More...
integer, save | kstprv |
| source terms at previous time step for 2nd order More...
integer, save | kst |
| source terms at the current time step (used for limiters) More...
integer, save | ksigmas |
| turbulent schmidt key for scalars More...
integer, dimension(nvarmx), save | ifluaa |
| convective mass flux of the variables at the previous time-step More...
integer, save | icrom |
| cell density field ids of the variables More...
integer, save | ibrom |
| boundary density field ids of the variables More...
integer, save | ipori |
| field ids of the cell porosity More...
integer, save | iporf |
integer, save | ismago |
| dynamic constant of Smagorinsky More...
integer, save | ivsten |
| field ids of the anisotropic viscosity More...
integer, save | ivstes |
integer, save | icour |
| Courant number. More...
integer, save | ifour |
| Fourier number. More...
integer, save | iprtot |
| Total pressure at cell centers . More...
integer, save | ivisma |
| Mesh velocity viscosity for the ALE module. More...
integer, dimension(nscamx), save | iustdy |
| pointer for dilatation source terms More...
integer, save | itsrho |
| pointer for global dilatation source terms More...
integer, save | ibeta |
| pointer for thermal expansion coefficient More...
integer, save | iddgas |
| pointer for deduced mass fraction in case of gas mix More...
integer, save | igmxml |
| pointer for gas mix molar mass More...
integer, save | iforbr |
| field id of the stresses at boundary (if post-processed) More...
integer, save | iyplbr |
| field id of at boundary (if post-processed) More...
integer, save | itempb |
| field id of temperature at boundary More...
integer, save | is2kw |
| field id of the square of the norm of the deviatoric part of the deformation rate tensor ( ). Field defined only with the (SST) turbulence model More...
integer, save | idivukw |
| field id of the divergence of the velocity. More precisely, it is the trace of the velocity gradient (and not a finite volume divergence term). In the cell iel , is given by divukw(iel1) . This array is defined only with the SST turbulence model (because in this case it may be calculated at the same time as ) More...
integer, save | istraio |
| field id of the strain rate tensor at the previous time step More...