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programmer's documentation
Flags specifying the type of boundary conditions

associated to an element More...


#define CS_CDO_BC_NEUMANN   (1 << 0)
#define CS_CDO_BC_HMG_NEUMANN   (1 << 1)
#define CS_CDO_BC_DIRICHLET   (1 << 2)
#define CS_CDO_BC_HMG_DIRICHLET   (1 << 3)
#define CS_CDO_BC_ROBIN   (1 << 4)
#define CS_CDO_BC_SLIDING   (1 << 5)

Detailed Description

associated to an element

Homogeneous conditions are defined separately since a flag CS_CDO_BC_HOMOGENEOUS would not enable to identify if it is associated to a Dirichlet or a Neumann boundary condition

Macro Definition Documentation


#define CS_CDO_BC_DIRICHLET   (1 << 2)

4: Dirichlet boundary conditions


#define CS_CDO_BC_HMG_DIRICHLET   (1 << 3)

8: Homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions


#define CS_CDO_BC_HMG_NEUMANN   (1 << 1)

2: Homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions


#define CS_CDO_BC_NEUMANN   (1 << 0)

1: Neumann boundary conditions


#define CS_CDO_BC_ROBIN   (1 << 4)

16: Robin boundary conditions


#define CS_CDO_BC_SLIDING   (1 << 5)

32: Apply a sliding condition (for vector-valued equations)