My Project
programmer's documentation
Deprecated List
Class cs_boundary_zone_t
use cs_zone_t instead.
Global cs_create_thinwall (cs_mesh_t *mesh, cs_lnum_t *face_list, cs_lnum_t face_list_size)
This function is replaced by cs_mesh_boundary_insert.
Global cs_int_t
Currently, this integer type is necessarily of the same type as cs_lnum_t, but it should only be used in Fortran wrapper function definitions. Moving to ISO_C_BINDINGS, and converting more code to C, this type should eventually disappear.
Global cs_matrix_get_extra_diagonal (const cs_matrix_t *matrix)
Global cs_mesh_boundary_insert_with_shared_vertices (cs_mesh_t *mesh, cs_lnum_t n_faces, cs_lnum_t face_id[])

Use of this function is not recommended, as sharing vertices may cause issues with vertex-based values, gradient extended neighborhoods, and some visualization operations.

Use of this function is not recommended, as sharing vertices may cause issues with vertex-based values, gradient extended neighborhoods, and some visualization operations.

Global cs_mesh_location_get_elt_list (int id)
Use cs_mesh_location_get_elt_ids_try or cs_mesh_location_get_elt_ids instead.
Global cs_sles_pop (int f_id)

This function matches cs_sles_push, which is deprecated.

This function matches cs_sles_push, which is deprecated.

Global cs_sles_push (int f_id, const char *name)

This function is provided to allow some peculiar calling sequences, in which cs_c_bindings::codits (codits) is called with a nonzero ivar value, but specific solver options must still be set. In the future, a more consistent mechanism (using a zero ivar value or designing a cleaner method to handle those exceptional cases) is preferred. As such, only a stack depth of 1 is allowed.

This function is provided to allow some peculiar calling sequences, in which codits is called with a nonzero ivar value, but specific solver options must still be set. In the future, a more consistent mechanism (using a zero ivar value or designing a cleaner method to handle those exceptional cases) is preferred. As such, only a stack depth of 1 is allowed.

Global cs_turbomachinery_relative_velocity (int rotor_num, const cs_real_t coords[3], cs_real_t velocity[3])
Use cs_rotation_velocity for more consistent naming of this reference frame velocity.
Global cs_user_internal_coupling_add_volumes (cs_mesh_t *mesh)
move contents tocs_user_internal_coupling instead.
Global cs_user_internal_coupling_from_disjoint_meshes (cs_mesh_t *mesh)
move contents tocs_user_internal_coupling instead.
Global cs_user_turbulence_source_terms (nvar, nscal, ncepdp, ncesmp, f_id, icepdc, icetsm, itypsm, ckupdc, smacel, crvexp, crvimp)
Use cs_user_source_terms instead.
Global cs_user_turbulence_source_terms2 (nvar, nscal, ncepdp, ncesmp, f_id, icepdc, icetsm, itypsm, ckupdc, smacel, crvexp, crvimp)
Use cs_user_source_terms instead.
Class cs_volume_zone_t
use cs_zone_t instead.
Global ustsnv (nvar, nscal, ncepdp, ncesmp, ivar, icepdc, icetsm, itypsm, dt, ckupdc, smacel, crvexp, crvimp)
Use cs_user_source_terms instead.
Global ustssc (nvar, nscal, ncepdp, ncesmp, iscal, icepdc, icetsm, itypsm, dt, ckupdc, smacel, crvexp, crvimp)
Use cs_user_source_terms instead.
Global ustsvv (nvar, nscal, ncepdp, ncesmp, iscal, icepdc, icetsm, itypsm, dt, ckupdc, smacel, crvexp, crvimp)
Use cs_user_source_terms instead.