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Examples of data settings for radiative transfers

Activation of the module

The module can be activated in the usppmo routine in cs_user_parameters.f90. The corresponding keyword is iirayo in the cs_glob_rad_transfer_params structure.

This member can take the values:

  • iirayo = 0: module desactivated.
  • iirayo = 1: the module is activated and the Discrete Ordinates Method is used.
  • iirayo = 2: the module is activated and the P1 model is used.

Radiation module specific parameters.

When the module is activated, its specific input parameters should be set in the cs_user_radiative_transfer_parameters function of the cs_user_radiative_transfer.c file.

Calculation options for the radiative transfer module.

Radiative transfer parameters may be defined using the cs_user_radiative_transfer_parameters function.

/* indicate whether the radiation variables should be
initialized (=0) or read from a restart file (=1) */
/* period of the radiation module */
/* Quadrature Sn (n(n+2) directions)
1: S4 (24 directions)
2: S6 (48 directions)
3: S8 (80 directions)
Quadrature Tn (8n^2 directions)
4: T2 (32 directions)
5: T4 (128 directions)
6: Tn (8*ndirec^2 directions)
/* Number of directions, only for Tn quadrature */
/* Method used to calculate the radiative source term:
- 0: semi-analytic calculation (required with transparent media)
- 1: conservative calculation
- 2: semi-analytic calculation corrected
in order to be globally conservative
(If the medium is transparent, the choice has no effect) */
/* Verbosity level in the log concerning the calculation of
the wall temperatures (0, 1 or 2) */
/* Verbosity mode for the Luminance (0, 1 or 2) */
/* Compute the absorption coefficient through Modak (if 1 or 2),
or do not use Modak (if 0).
Useful ONLY when gas or coal combustion is activated
- imodak = 1: ADF model with 8 wave length intervals
- imodak = 2: ADF model with 50 wave length intervals */
/* Compute the absorption coefficient via ADF model
Useful ONLY when coal combustion is activated
imoadf = 0: switch off the ADF model
imoadf = 1: switch on the ADF model (with 8 bands ADF08)
imoadf = 2: switch on the ADF model (with 50 bands ADF50) */
/* Compute the absorption coefficient through FSCK model (if 1)
Useful ONLY when coal combustion is activated
imfsck = 1: activated
imfsck = 0: not activated */
/* Activate Infra Red absoption for atmospheric flows
atmo_ir_absorption = true: activated
atmo_ir_absorption = false: not activated */

Radiative transfer boundary conditions

Sketch of thermal flux in boundary walls

The radiative boundary condition is based on the calculation of a new wall temperature. This temperature is computed with a thermal flux balance:

\[{ Q_{conduction} = Q_{convection} + (Q_{rayt_{absorption}} - Q_{rayt_{emission}}}) \]

Therefore :

\[ \dfrac{xlamp}{epap} (T_{fluid} - T_{wall}) = h_{fluid} (T_{fluid} - T_{wall}) + epsp (Q_{incid} - \sigma * T_{wall}) \]

In Code_Saturne the flux is positive when it is oriented from inside to outside.
Body Emissivity
polished steel 0.06
oxidized steel 0.80
steel rough 0.94
polished aluminium 0.04
oxidiezd aluminium (inside) 0.09
oxidized aluminium (wet air) 0.90
brick 0.93
concrete 0.93
paper 0.8 to 0.9
water 0.96

Boundary faces identification

Boundary faces may be identified using the getfbr function, or preferrably, through boundary zones, defined using the GUI or the cs_user_zones function..

Initialization and finalization

The following declaration and initialization block needs to be added for the following examples:

Remaining initialisation

ivar: number of the thermal variable

const cs_lnum_t ivart
= cs_field_get_key_int(fth, cs_field_key_id("variable_id")) - 1;

Min and Max values for the wall temperatures (clipping otherwise)

$ T_{min} $ and $T_{max} $ are given in Kelvin.

*tmin = 0.0;
*tmax = cs_math_big_r + tkelvi;

Assign boundary conditions to boundary wall

Zone definitions

For each boundary face face_id, a specific output (logging and postprocessing) zone id may be assigned. This allows realizing balance sheets by treating them separately for each zone. By default, the output zone id is set to the general (input) zone id associated to a face.

To access output zone ids (both for reading and modifying), use the cs_rad_transfer_get_output_b_face_zone_ids function. The zone id values are arbitrarily chosen by the user, but must be positive integers; very high numbers may also lead to higher memory consumption.

Wall characteristics

The unit of the temperature is the Kelvin

Mandatory data

  • isothp(ifac) boundary face type
    • itpimp -> Gray wall with fixed inside temperature
    • ipgrno -> Gray wall with fixed outside temperature
    • iprefl -> Reflecting wall with fixed outside temperature
    • ifgrno -> Gray wall with fixed conduction flux
    • ifrefl -> Reflecting wall with fixed conduction flux
  • tintp(ifac) inside wall temperature (Kelvin) initialize thwall at the first time step. If isothp = itpimp, the value of thwall is fixed to tintp In the other case, tintp is only for initialization.

Other data (depending of the isothp)

  • rcodcl = conduction flux
  • epsp = emissivity
  • xlamp = conductivity ( $W.m^{-1}.K^{-1}$)
  • epap = thickness ( $m$)
  • textp = outside temperature ( $K$)

Examples of boundary conditions

Here is a list of examples:

Gray or black wall with profil of fixed inside temperature

For wall boundary faces, selection criteria: color 1

zone = cs_boundary_zone_by_name("wall_1");
for (cs_lnum_t ilelt = 0; ilelt < zone->n_elts; ilelt++) {
cs_lnum_t face_id = zone->elt_ids[ilelt];
if (bc_type[face_id] == CS_SMOOTHWALL) {
/* logging zone number */
izfrdp[face_id] = 51;
/* Type of condition: gray or black wall with fixed inside temperature */
isothp[face_id] = cs_glob_rad_transfer_params->itpimp;
/* Emissivity */
epsp[face_id] = 0.1;
/* Fixed inside temperature */
tintp[face_id] = 200 + tkelvi;

Gray or black wall with fixed outside temperature \f$ T_{ext} \f$

For wall boundary faces, selection criteria: color 2

zone = cs_boundary_zone_by_name("wall_2");
for (cs_lnum_t ilelt = 0; ilelt < zone->n_elts; ilelt++) {
cs_lnum_t face_id = zone->elt_ids[ilelt];
if (bc_type[face_id] == CS_ROUGHWALL) {
/* logging zone number */
izfrdp[face_id] = 52;
/* Type of condition: gray or black wall with fixed
outside temperature TEXTP */
isothp[face_id] = cs_glob_rad_transfer_params->ipgrno;
/* Emissivity */
epsp[face_id] = 0.9;
/* Conductivity (W/m/K)*/
xlamp[face_id] = 3.0;
/* Thickness (m)*/
epap[face_id] = 0.1;
/* Fixed outside temperature: 473.15 K */
textp[face_id] = 200. + tkelvi;
/* Initial inside temperature: 473.15 K */
tintp[face_id] = 200. + tkelvi;

Reflecting wall (\f$ epsp = 0 \f$) with fixed outside temperature \f$ T_{ext} \f$

For wall boundary faces, selection criteria: color 3

zone = cs_boundary_zone_by_name("wall_3");
for (cs_lnum_t ilelt = 0; ilelt < zone->n_elts; ilelt++) {
cs_lnum_t face_id = zone->elt_ids[ilelt];
if (bc_type[face_id] == CS_SMOOTHWALL) {
/* log zone number */
izfrdp[face_id] = 53;
/* Type of condition: reflecting wall with fixed outside temperature TEXTP */
isothp[face_id] = cs_glob_rad_transfer_params->iprefl;
/* Conductivity (W/m/K) */
xlamp[face_id] = 3.0;
/* Thickness (m)*/
epap[face_id] = 0.10;
/* Fixed outside temperature: 473.15 K */
textp[face_id] = 200.0 + tkelvi;
/* Initial inside temperature: 473.15 K */
tintp[face_id] = 200.0 + tkelvi;

Gray or black wall and fixed conduction flux through the wall

For wall boundary faces which have the color 4:

\[ \begin{array}{rcl} \frac{\texttt{xlamp}}{\texttt{epap}} \cdot (T_{wall} - T_{ext}) &=& \text{fixed conduction flux in } W.m^{-2} \\ &=& \texttt{rodcl(ifac,ivar,3)} \end{array} \]

If the conduction flux is zero then the wall is adiabatic. The array $ \texttt{rcodcl(ifac,ivar,3)}$ has the value of the flux.
Flux density (< 0 if gain for the fluid)

  • For temperature $T$, in $ W.m^{-2}$:

\[ rcodcl(ifac,ivar,3)=C_p (viscls+\frac{visct}{\sigma})\cdot \grad{T}\cdot \vect{n} \]

  • For enthalpy $h$, in $ W.m^{-2} $:

    \[ RCODC(IFAC,IVAR,3)=(viscls+\frac{visct}{\sigma})\cdot \grad{H} \cdot \vect{n}\]

zone = cs_boundary_zone_by_name("wall_4");
for (cs_lnum_t ilelt = 0; ilelt < zone->n_elts; ilelt++) {
cs_lnum_t face_id = zone->elt_ids[ilelt];
if (bc_type[face_id] == CS_SMOOTHWALL) {
/* log zone number */
izfrdp[face_id] = 54;
/* Type of condition: gray or black wall with fixed conduction
flux through the wall */
isothp[face_id] = cs_glob_rad_transfer_params->ifgrno;
/* Emissivity */
epsp[face_id] = 0.9;
/* Conduction flux (W/m2) */
rcodcl[face_id + ivart * n_b_faces + 2 * nvar * n_b_faces] = 0.0;
/* Initial inside temperature: 473.15 K */
tintp[face_id] = 200.0 + tkelvi;

Reflecting wall and fixed conduction flux through the wall

For wall boundary faces which have the color 5:

\[ \frac{xlamp}{epap} \cdot (T_{wall} - T_{ext}) = \text{fixed conduction flux} \]

and $ epsp = 0 $

If the conduction flux is zero then the wall is adiabatic. Flux density (< 0 if gain for the fluid)

  • For temperatures $T$, in $ W.m^{-2} $:

    \[ rcodcl(ifac,ivar,3) = C_p (viscls+\frac{visct}{\sigma}) \cdot \grad{T}\cdot \vect{n} \]

  • For enthalpies $h$, in $ W.m^{-2} $:

    \[ rcodcl(ifac,ivar,3) = (viscls+\frac{visct}{\sigma}) \cdot \grad{H} \cdot \vect{n} \]

zone = cs_boundary_zone_by_name("wall_5");
for (cs_lnum_t ilelt = 0; ilelt < zone->n_elts; ilelt++) {
cs_lnum_t face_id = zone->elt_ids[ilelt];
if (bc_type[face_id] == CS_SMOOTHWALL) {
/* log zone number */
izfrdp[face_id] = 55;
/* Type of condition: reflecting wall with fixed conduction
flux through the wall */
isothp[face_id] = cs_glob_rad_transfer_params->ifrefl;
/* Conduction flux (W/m2)*/
rcodcl[face_id + ivart * n_b_faces + 2 * nvar * n_b_faces ] = 0.0;
/* Initial inside temperature: 473.15 K */
tintp[face_id] = 200.0 + tkelvi;


For all boundary faces that are not wall it is MANDATORY to impose a number of zone in the array izfrdp. For each zone, informations will be displayed in the listing.

Verification that all boundary faces have been treated

End of the loop on the boundary faces


Absorption coefficient and net radiation flux

The absorption coefficient and the net radiation flux for the radiative module can be defined in cs_user_radiative_transfer.c through the cs_user_rad_transfer_absorption and Net radiation flux subroutines.

Absorption coefficient

The absorption coefficient is defined in cs_user_rad_transfer_absorption.

Arguments of cs_user_rad_transfer_absorption

Local variables to be added

Computation of the absorption coefficient

* Absorption coefficient of the medium (m-1)
* In the case of specific physics (gas/coal/fuel combustion, elec),
* Ck must not be defined here (it is determined automatically, possibly
* from the parametric file)
* In other cases, Ck must be defined (it is zero by default)
for (cs_lnum_t cell_id = 0; cell_id < cs_glob_mesh->n_cells; cell_id++)
ck[cell_id] = 0.;


Net radiation flux

The net radiation flux is computed in Net radiation flux.

Arguments of cs_user_rad_transfer_net_flux

Local variables to be added


At the end of the subroutine, if iok is different from zero, some faces have been forgotten and the calculation stops.

/* Initializations */

Computation of the net radiation flux

/* Net flux dendity for the boundary faces
* The provided examples are sufficient in most of cases.*/
/* If the boundary conditions given above have been modified
* it is necessary to change the way in which density is calculated from
* the net radiative flux consistently.*/
/* The rule is:
* the density of net flux is a balance between the emitting energy from a
* boundary face (and not the reflecting energy) and the absorbing radiative
* energy. Therefore if a wall heats the fluid by radiative transfer, the
* net flux is negative */
/* Wall faces */
if ( bc_type[ifac] == CS_SMOOTHWALL
|| bc_type[ifac] == CS_ROUGHWALL)
net_flux[ifac] = eps[ifac] * (qincid[ifac] - stephn * pow(twall[ifac], 4));
/* Symmetry */
else if (bc_type[ifac] == CS_SYMMETRY)
net_flux[ifac] = 0.0;
/* Inlet/Outlet */
else if ( bc_type[ifac] == CS_INLET
|| bc_type[ifac] == CS_CONVECTIVE_INLET
|| bc_type[ifac] == CS_OUTLET
|| bc_type[ifac] == CS_FREE_INLET) {
net_flux[ifac] = qincid[ifac] - cs_math_pi * coefap[ifac];
net_flux[ifac] = 0.0;
/* Stop if there are forgotten faces */
(__FILE__, __LINE__, 0,
"In %s:\n"
" non-handled boundary faces for net flux calculation\n\n"
" Last face: %10d; zone = %d; nature = %d\n",


cs_lnum_t n_cells
Definition: cs_mesh.h:73
int ipgrno
Definition: cs_rad_transfer.h:107
int itpimp
Definition: cs_rad_transfer.h:106
const cs_real_t cs_math_pi
const int * cs_boundary_zone_face_zone_id(void)
Return pointer to zone id associated with each boundary face.
Definition: cs_boundary_zone.c:808
int ndirec
Definition: cs_rad_transfer.h:97
int * cs_boundary_zone_face_class_id(void)
Get pointer to optional boundary face class ids.
Definition: cs_boundary_zone.c:938
int ifgrno
Definition: cs_rad_transfer.h:109
Definition: cs_zone.h:55
int imodak
Definition: cs_rad_transfer.h:90
int cs_restart_present(void)
Check if we have a restart directory.
Definition: cs_restart.c:1912
cs_rad_transfer_params_t * cs_glob_rad_transfer_params
int i_quadrature
Definition: cs_rad_transfer.h:96
Definition: cs_parameters.h:146
double cs_real_t
Floating-point value.
Definition: cs_defs.h:302
void const cs_lnum_t *const ifac
Definition: cs_wall_functions.h:1147
cs_lnum_t n_b_faces
Definition: cs_mesh.h:75
int iimlum
Definition: cs_rad_transfer.h:89
void const cs_int_t const cs_int_t * nvar
Definition: cs_prototypes.h:104
int cs_glob_physical_model_flag[CS_N_PHYSICAL_MODEL_TYPES]
Definition: cs_physical_model.c:109
cs_rad_transfer_model_t type
Definition: cs_rad_transfer.h:85
const cs_real_t cs_math_big_r
Definition: cs_parameters.h:134
void bft_error(const char *const file_name, const int line_num, const int sys_error_code, const char *const format,...)
Calls the error handler (set by bft_error_handler_set() or default).
Definition: bft_error.c:193
double precision tkelvi
Temperature in Kelvin correponding to 0 degrees Celsius (= +273,15)
Definition: cstphy.f90:44
cs_mesh_t * cs_glob_mesh
Definition: cs_parameters.h:135
int imoadf
Definition: cs_rad_transfer.h:91
Definition: cs_parameters.h:148
double precision stephn
Stephan constant for the radiative module in .
Definition: cstphy.f90:53
void const cs_int_t *const const cs_int_t *const const cs_int_t *const const cs_int_t *const const cs_int_t *const const cs_int_t *const const cs_int_t *const const cs_int_t *const const cs_int_t *const const cs_real_t *const const cs_real_t *const const cs_real_t *const cs_real_3_t cs_real_t const cs_real_t coefap[]
Definition: cs_convection_diffusion.h:5386
Definition: cs_field_pointer.h:71
cs_field_t * cs_thermal_model_field(void)
Definition: cs_thermal_model.c:205
Definition: cs_rad_transfer.h:53
int cs_field_get_key_int(const cs_field_t *f, int key_id)
Return a integer value for a given key associated with a field.
Definition: cs_field.c:2976
Definition: cs_parameters.h:137
int ifrefl
Definition: cs_rad_transfer.h:110
int imfsck
Definition: cs_rad_transfer.h:93
int iimpar
Definition: cs_rad_transfer.h:88
int cs_lnum_t
local mesh entity id
Definition: cs_defs.h:298
int restart
Definition: cs_rad_transfer.h:101
const double cs_physical_constants_celsius_to_kelvin
Definition: cs_physical_constants.c:336
const cs_zone_t * cs_boundary_zone_by_name(const char *name)
Return a pointer to a boundary zone based on its name if present.
Definition: cs_boundary_zone.c:706
const cs_lnum_t * elt_ids
Definition: cs_zone.h:65
int cs_field_key_id(const char *name)
Return an id associated with a given key name.
Definition: cs_field.c:2490
cs_lnum_t n_elts
Definition: cs_zone.h:64
int iprefl
Definition: cs_rad_transfer.h:108
Definition: cs_parameters.h:136
int nfreqr
Definition: cs_rad_transfer.h:102
const double cs_physical_constants_stephan
Definition: cs_physical_constants.c:341
Definition: cs_physical_model.h:60
Field descriptor.
Definition: cs_field.h:124
bool atmo_ir_absorption
Definition: cs_rad_transfer.h:114
Definition: cs_rad_transfer.h:54
void const int const int const int const int int int int int int int int int int int int int int int double double double double double double double double double double int double * rcodcl
Definition: cs_gui_boundary_conditions.h:64
int idiver
Definition: cs_rad_transfer.h:95
Definition: cs_parameters.h:138