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cs_static_condensation.c File Reference
#include "cs_defs.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <bft_mem.h>
#include "cs_static_condensation.h"
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void cs_static_condensation_scalar_eq (const cs_adjacency_t *c2x, cs_real_t *rc_tilda, cs_real_t *acx_tilda, cs_cell_builder_t *cb, cs_cell_sys_t *csys)
 Proceed to a static condensation of the local system and store information inside the rc_tilda and acx_tilda to be able to compute the values at cell centers rc_tilda = Acc^-1 * cell_rhs Case of scalar-valued CDO equations. More...
void cs_static_condensation_recover_scalar (const cs_adjacency_t *c2x, const cs_real_t *rc_tilda, const cs_real_t *acx_tilda, const cs_real_t *px, cs_real_t *pc)
 Opposite process of the static condensation. Define the field at cells given the field at x locations and arrays storing the static condensation. Case of scalar-valued CDO equations. More...
void cs_static_condensation_vector_eq (const cs_adjacency_t *c2x, cs_real_t *rc_tilda, cs_real_t *acx_tilda, cs_cell_builder_t *cb, cs_cell_sys_t *csys)
 Proceed to a static condensation of the local system and store information inside the rc_tilda and acx_tilda to be able to compute the values at cell centers rc_tilda = Acc^-1 * cell_rhs Case of vector-valued CDO equations. More...
void cs_static_condensation_recover_vector (const cs_adjacency_t *c2x, const cs_real_t *rc_tilda, const cs_real_t *acx_tilda, const cs_real_t *px, cs_real_t *pc)
 Opposite process of the static condensation. Define the field at cells given the field at x locations and arrays storing the static condensation. Case of vector-valued CDO equations. More...

Macro Definition Documentation



Function Documentation

◆ cs_static_condensation_recover_scalar()

void cs_static_condensation_recover_scalar ( const cs_adjacency_t c2x,
const cs_real_t rc_tilda,
const cs_real_t acx_tilda,
const cs_real_t px,
cs_real_t pc 

Opposite process of the static condensation. Define the field at cells given the field at x locations and arrays storing the static condensation. Case of scalar-valued CDO equations.

[in]c2xpointer to a cs_adjacency_t structure
[in]rc_tildapointer to the rhs related to cell DoFs (Acc-1
[in]acx_tildapointer to an unrolled matrix Acc^-1 * Acx
[in]pxvalues of the fields at x locations
[in,out]pcvalues of the field at cells

◆ cs_static_condensation_recover_vector()

void cs_static_condensation_recover_vector ( const cs_adjacency_t c2x,
const cs_real_t rc_tilda,
const cs_real_t acx_tilda,
const cs_real_t px,
cs_real_t pc 

Opposite process of the static condensation. Define the field at cells given the field at x locations and arrays storing the static condensation. Case of vector-valued CDO equations.

[in]c2xpointer to a cs_adjacency_t structure
[in]rc_tildapointer to the rhs related to cell DoFs (Acc-1
[in]acx_tildapointer to an unrolled matrix Acc^-1 * Acx
[in]pxvalues of the fields at x locations
[in,out]pcvalues of the field at cells

◆ cs_static_condensation_scalar_eq()

void cs_static_condensation_scalar_eq ( const cs_adjacency_t c2x,
cs_real_t rc_tilda,
cs_real_t acx_tilda,
cs_cell_builder_t cb,
cs_cell_sys_t csys 

Proceed to a static condensation of the local system and store information inside the rc_tilda and acx_tilda to be able to compute the values at cell centers rc_tilda = Acc^-1 * cell_rhs Case of scalar-valued CDO equations.

[in]c2xpointer to a cs_adjacency_t structure
[in,out]rc_tildapointer to the rhs related to cell DoFs (Acc-1
[in,out]acx_tildapointer to an unrolled matrix Acc^-1 * Acx
[in,out]cbpointer to a cs_cell_builder_t structure
[in,out]csyspointer to a cs_cell_sys_t structure to update

◆ cs_static_condensation_vector_eq()

void cs_static_condensation_vector_eq ( const cs_adjacency_t c2x,
cs_real_t rc_tilda,
cs_real_t acx_tilda,
cs_cell_builder_t cb,
cs_cell_sys_t csys 

Proceed to a static condensation of the local system and store information inside the rc_tilda and acx_tilda to be able to compute the values at cell centers rc_tilda = Acc^-1 * cell_rhs Case of vector-valued CDO equations.

[in]c2xpointer to a cs_adjacency_t structure
[in,out]rc_tildapointer to the rhs related to cell DoFs (Acc-1
[in,out]acx_tildapointer to an unrolled matrix Acc^-1 * Acx
[in,out]cbpointer to a cs_cell_builder_t structure
[in,out]csyspointer to a cs_cell_sys_t structure to update