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programmer's documentation
cs_geom.c File Reference
#include "cs_defs.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <float.h>
#include "bft_mem.h"
#include "bft_printf.h"
#include "cs_math.h"
#include "cs_parall.h"
#include "cs_geom.h"
Include dependency graph for cs_geom.c:


void cs_geom_closest_point (cs_lnum_t n_points, const cs_real_t point_coords[][3], const cs_real_t query_coords[3], cs_lnum_t *point_id, int *rank_id)
 find the closest point of a set to a given point in space. More...
double cs_geom_segment_intersect_face (int orient, cs_lnum_t n_vertices, const cs_lnum_t vertex_ids[], const cs_real_t vtx_coord[][3], const cs_real_t face_cog[3], const cs_real_t sx0[3], const cs_real_t sx1[3], int n_crossings[2], cs_real_t *face_norm)
 Test if a line segment intersects a face. More...

Detailed Description

Geometry utility functions.

Function Documentation

◆ cs_geom_closest_point()

void cs_geom_closest_point ( cs_lnum_t  n_points,
const cs_real_t  point_coords[][3],
const cs_real_t  query_coords[3],
cs_lnum_t point_id,
int *  rank_id 

find the closest point of a set to a given point in space.

If the orient parameter is set to -1 or 1, intersection is only considered when (sx1-sx0).normal.orient > 0. If set to 0, intersection is considered in both cases.

[in]n_pointsnumber of points
[in]point_coordspoint coordinates
[in]query_coordscoordinates searched for
[out]point_idid of closest point if on the same rank, -1 otherwise
[out]rank_idid of rank containing closest point

◆ cs_geom_segment_intersect_face()

double cs_geom_segment_intersect_face ( int  orient,
cs_lnum_t  n_vertices,
const cs_lnum_t  vertex_ids[],
const cs_real_t  vtx_coord[][3],
const cs_real_t  face_cog[3],
const cs_real_t  sx0[3],
const cs_real_t  sx1[3],
int  n_crossings[2],
cs_real_t face_norm 

Test if a line segment intersects a face.

 x------------------------|--------x D: end coordinates

O: start coordiantes | x G: Face (Center of Gravity) x current | cell center | | Face number

If the orient parameter is set to -1 or 1, intersection is only considered when (sx1-sx0).normal.orient > 0. If set to 0, intersection is considered in both cases.

[in]orientif -1 or 1, multiplies face_normal to check for segment
[in]n_verticesnumber of face vertices
[in]vertex_idsids of face vertices
[in]vtx_coordvertex coordinates
[in]face_cogcoordinates of face center
[in]sx0segment start coordinates
[in]sx1segment end coordinates
[out]n_crossingsnumber sub_face crossings [0: in; 1: out]
[in,out]face_normlocal face unit normal of the crossed sub triangle (if entering with something different from NULL)
2 if the segment does not go through the face's plane, or minimum relative distance (in terms of segment length) of intersection point to face.