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cs_fuel_scast.f90 File Reference

Specific physic routine: fuel oil flame. We indicate the source terms for a scalar PP on a step time. More...


subroutine cs_fuel_scast (iscal, smbrs, rovsdt)

Detailed Description

Specific physic routine: fuel oil flame. We indicate the source terms for a scalar PP on a step time.

The treatment of source terms is different from the treatment in ustssc.f

we solve $ rovsdt D(var) = smbrs $

$ rovsdt $ and $ smbrs $ already contain eventual user source term. So they have to be incremented and be erased

For stability reasons, we only add in rovsdt positive terms. There is no stress for smbrs.

In the case of a source term in $ cexp + cimp \varia $ we must write:

\[ smbrs = smbrs + cexp + cimp\cdot \varia\]

\[ rovsdt = rovsdt + Max(-cimp,0)\]

We provide here rovsdt and smbrs (they contain rho*volume) smbrs in $kg\cdot [variable] \cdot s^{-1}$: ex : for velocity $kg\cdot m \cdot s^{-2}$ for temperatures $kg \cdot [degres] \cdot s^{-1}$ for enthalpies $J \cdot s^{-1} $ rovsdt in $kg \cdot s^{-1}$

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ cs_fuel_scast()

subroutine cs_fuel_scast ( integer  iscal,
double precision, dimension(ncelet)  smbrs,
double precision, dimension(ncelet)  rovsdt 
[in]iscalscalar number
[in,out]smbrssecond explicit member
[in,out]rovsdtimplicit diagonal part