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cs_fuel_bcond.f90 File Reference

Automatic boundary conditions Fuel combustion. More...


subroutine cs_fuel_bcond (itypfb, izfppp, icodcl, rcodcl)

Detailed Description

Automatic boundary conditions Fuel combustion.

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ cs_fuel_bcond()

subroutine cs_fuel_bcond ( integer, dimension(nfabor)  itypfb,
integer, dimension(nfabor)  izfppp,
integer, dimension(nfabor,nvar icodcl,
double precision, dimension(nfabor,nvar,3)  rcodcl 
[in]itypfbboundary face types
[in]izfpppzone number for the boundary face for the specific physic module
[in,out]icodclface boundary condition code:
  • 1 Dirichlet
  • 2 Radiative outlet
  • 3 Neumann
  • 4 sliding and $ \vect{u} \cdot \vect{n} = 0 $
  • 5 smooth wall and $ \vect{u} \cdot \vect{n} = 0 $
  • 6 rough wall and $ \vect{u} \cdot \vect{n} = 0 $
  • 9 free inlet/outlet (input mass flux blocked to 0)
  • 13 Dirichlet for the advection operator and Neumann for the diffusion operator
[in,out]rcodclboundary conditions value on edge faces rcodcl(1) = value of the Dirichlet rcodcl(2) = value of the extern exchange coef. (infinit if no exchange) rcodcl(3) = value of the flux density (negative if gain) $w \cdot m^{-2}$ or the rugosity high $m$ if icodcl=6 for velocity $(vistl+visct)\cdot\grad{u}$ for pressure $dt \cdot \grad{p}$ for scalar $C_p(viscls+visct/turb_schmidt) \grad{t}$