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programmer's documentation
cs_domain_op.c File Reference
#include "cs_defs.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <bft_mem.h>
#include "cs_advection_field.h"
#include "cs_array_reduce.h"
#include "cs_cdo_quantities.h"
#include "cs_equation.h"
#include "cs_equation_param.h"
#include "cs_gwf.h"
#include "cs_log.h"
#include "cs_log_iteration.h"
#include "cs_navsto_system.h"
#include "cs_parall.h"
#include "cs_post.h"
#include "cs_property.h"
#include "cs_prototypes.h"
#include "cs_restart.h"
#include "cs_restart_default.h"
#include "cs_walldistance.h"
#include "cs_domain_op.h"
Include dependency graph for cs_domain_op.c:


void cs_f_cdo_post_domain (void)
 Solve only steady-state equations. More...
static bool _needs_adimensional_numbers (void)
 Check if one needs to compute at least one adimensional number. More...
static void _analyze_cell_array (const cs_cdo_quantities_t *cdoq, const char basename[], const cs_real_t array[])
 Compute very simple statistic for an array with values located at cells (scalar-valued) More...
static void _post_courant_number (const cs_adv_field_t *adv, const cs_cdo_quantities_t *cdoq, const cs_time_step_t *time_step)
 Predefined Courant number post-processing for advection fields. More...
static void _post_peclet_number (const cs_equation_t *eq, const cs_cdo_quantities_t *cdoq, const cs_time_step_t *time_step)
 Predefined Peclet number post-processing for an equation. More...
static void _post_fourier_number (const cs_property_t *pty, const cs_cdo_quantities_t *cdoq, const cs_time_step_t *time_step)
 Predefined Fourier number post-processing for a property. More...
static void _domain_post (void *input, int mesh_id, int cat_id, int ent_flag[5], cs_lnum_t n_cells, cs_lnum_t n_i_faces, cs_lnum_t n_b_faces, const cs_lnum_t cell_ids[], const cs_lnum_t i_face_ids[], const cs_lnum_t b_face_ids[], const cs_time_step_t *time_step)
 Predefined post-processing output for the computational domain The prototype of this function is fixed since it is a function pointer defined in cs_post.h (cs_post_time_mesh_dep_output_t) More...
void cs_domain_post_init (cs_domain_t *domain)
 Initialize the generic post-processing related to a domain. More...
void cs_domain_post (cs_domain_t *domain)
 Post-processing of the computational domain after a resolution. More...
void cs_domain_read_restart (cs_domain_t *domain)
 Read a restart file for the CDO/HHO module. More...
void cs_domain_write_restart (const cs_domain_t *domain)
 Write a restart file for the CDO/HHO module. More...

Function Documentation

◆ _analyze_cell_array()

static void _analyze_cell_array ( const cs_cdo_quantities_t cdoq,
const char  basename[],
const cs_real_t  array[] 

Compute very simple statistic for an array with values located at cells (scalar-valued)

[in]cdoqpointer to a cs_cdo_quantities_t struct.
[in]basenamelabel for output in the log
[in]arraypointer to the array to analyze

◆ _domain_post()

static void _domain_post ( void *  input,
int  mesh_id,
int  cat_id,
int  ent_flag[5],
cs_lnum_t  n_cells,
cs_lnum_t  n_i_faces,
cs_lnum_t  n_b_faces,
const cs_lnum_t  cell_ids[],
const cs_lnum_t  i_face_ids[],
const cs_lnum_t  b_face_ids[],
const cs_time_step_t time_step 

Predefined post-processing output for the computational domain The prototype of this function is fixed since it is a function pointer defined in cs_post.h (cs_post_time_mesh_dep_output_t)

[in,out]inputpointer to a optional structure (here a cs_gwf_t structure)
[in]mesh_idid of the output mesh for the current call
[in]cat_idcategory id of the output mesh for this call
[in]ent_flagindicate global presence of cells (ent_flag[0]), interior faces (ent_flag[1]), boundary faces (ent_flag[2]), particles (ent_flag[3]) or probes (ent_flag[4])
[in]n_cellslocal number of cells of post_mesh
[in]n_i_faceslocal number of interior faces of post_mesh
[in]n_b_faceslocal number of boundary faces of post_mesh
[in]cell_idslist of cells (0 to n-1)
[in]i_face_idslist of interior faces (0 to n-1)
[in]b_face_idslist of boundary faces (0 to n-1)
[in]time_steppointer to a cs_time_step_t struct.

◆ _needs_adimensional_numbers()

static bool _needs_adimensional_numbers ( void  )

Check if one needs to compute at least one adimensional number.

◆ _post_courant_number()

static void _post_courant_number ( const cs_adv_field_t adv,
const cs_cdo_quantities_t cdoq,
const cs_time_step_t time_step 

Predefined Courant number post-processing for advection fields.

[in]advpointer to a cs_adv_field_t structure
[in]cdoqpointer to a cs_cdo_quantities_t struct.
[in]time_steppointer to a cs_time_step_t struct.

◆ _post_fourier_number()

static void _post_fourier_number ( const cs_property_t pty,
const cs_cdo_quantities_t cdoq,
const cs_time_step_t time_step 

Predefined Fourier number post-processing for a property.

[in]ptypointer to a cs_property_t structure
[in]cdoqpointer to a cs_cdo_quantities_t struct.
[in]time_steppointer to a cs_time_step_t struct.

◆ _post_peclet_number()

static void _post_peclet_number ( const cs_equation_t eq,
const cs_cdo_quantities_t cdoq,
const cs_time_step_t time_step 

Predefined Peclet number post-processing for an equation.

[in]eqpointer to a cs_equation_t structure
[in]cdoqpointer to a cs_cdo_quantities_t struct.
[in]time_steppointer to a cs_time_step_t struct.

◆ cs_domain_post()

void cs_domain_post ( cs_domain_t domain)

Post-processing of the computational domain after a resolution.

[in]domainpointer to a cs_domain_t structure

◆ cs_domain_post_init()

void cs_domain_post_init ( cs_domain_t domain)

Initialize the generic post-processing related to a domain.

[in]domainpointer to a cs_domain_t structure

◆ cs_domain_read_restart()

void cs_domain_read_restart ( cs_domain_t domain)

Read a restart file for the CDO/HHO module.

[in,out]domainpointer to a cs_domain_t structure

◆ cs_domain_write_restart()

void cs_domain_write_restart ( const cs_domain_t domain)

Write a restart file for the CDO/HHO module.

[in]domainpointer to a cs_domain_t structure

◆ cs_f_cdo_post_domain()

void cs_f_cdo_post_domain ( void  )

Solve only steady-state equations.