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Data Structures | Functions
cs_cdofb_navsto.h File Reference
#include "cs_defs.h"
#include "cs_base.h"
#include "cs_cdo_connect.h"
#include "cs_cdo_quantities.h"
#include "cs_field.h"
#include "cs_math.h"
#include "cs_matrix.h"
#include "cs_mesh.h"
#include "cs_navsto_param.h"
#include "cs_time_step.h"
#include "cs_sdm.h"
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Data Structures

struct  cs_cdofb_navsto_builder_t


static cs_cdofb_navsto_builder_t cs_cdofb_navsto_create_builder (const cs_cdo_connect_t *connect)
 Create and allocate a local NavSto builder when Fb schemes are used. More...
static void cs_cdofb_navsto_free_builder (cs_cdofb_navsto_builder_t *nsb)
 Destroy the given cs_cdofb_navsto_builder_t structure. More...
static void cs_cdofb_navsto_divergence_vect (const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, cs_real_t div[])
 Compute the divergence vector associated to the current cell. WARNING: mind that, differently form the original definition, the result here is not divided by the cell volume. More...
void cs_cdofb_navsto_define_builder (cs_real_t t_eval, const cs_navsto_param_t *nsp, const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, const cs_cell_sys_t *csys, const cs_cdo_bc_face_t *pr_bc, const cs_boundary_type_t *bf_type, cs_cdofb_navsto_builder_t *nsb)
 Set the members of the cs_cdofb_navsto_builder_t structure. More...
cs_real_t cs_cdofb_navsto_cell_divergence (const cs_lnum_t c_id, const cs_cdo_quantities_t *quant, const cs_adjacency_t *c2f, const cs_real_t *f_vals)
 Compute the divergence of a cell using the cs_cdo_quantities_t structure. More...
void cs_cdofb_navsto_add_grad_div (short int n_fc, const cs_real_t zeta, const cs_real_t div[], cs_sdm_t *mat)
 Add the grad-div part to the local matrix (i.e. for the current cell) More...
void cs_cdofb_navsto_init_pressure (const cs_navsto_param_t *nsp, const cs_cdo_quantities_t *quant, const cs_time_step_t *ts, cs_field_t *pr)
 Initialize the pressure values. More...
void cs_cdofb_navsto_init_face_pressure (const cs_navsto_param_t *nsp, const cs_cdo_quantities_t *quant, const cs_time_step_t *ts, cs_real_t *pr_f)
 Initialize the pressure values when the pressure is defined at faces. More...
void cs_cdofb_navsto_set_zero_mean_pressure (const cs_cdo_quantities_t *quant, cs_real_t values[])
 Update the pressure field in order to get a field with a zero-mean average. More...
void cs_cdofb_navsto_extra_op (const cs_navsto_param_t *nsp, const cs_cdo_quantities_t *quant, const cs_cdo_connect_t *connect, const cs_adv_field_t *adv_field)
 Perform extra-operation related to Fb schemes when solving Navier-Stokes. More...
void cs_cdofb_block_dirichlet_alge (short int f, const cs_equation_param_t *eqp, const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, cs_cell_builder_t *cb, cs_cell_sys_t *csys)
 Take into account a Dirichlet BCs on the three velocity components. For instance for a velocity inlet boundary or a wall Handle the velocity-block in the global algebraic system in case of an algebraic technique. One assumes that static condensation has been performed and that the velocity-block has size 3*n_fc. More...
void cs_cdofb_block_dirichlet_pena (short int f, const cs_equation_param_t *eqp, const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, cs_cell_builder_t *cb, cs_cell_sys_t *csys)
 Take into account a Dirichlet BCs on the three velocity components. For instance for a velocity inlet boundary or a wall Handle the velocity-block in the global algebraic system in case of a penalization technique (with a large coefficient). One assumes that static condensation has been performed and that the velocity-block has size 3*n_fc. More...
void cs_cdofb_block_dirichlet_weak (short int f, const cs_equation_param_t *eqp, const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, cs_cell_builder_t *cb, cs_cell_sys_t *csys)
 Take into account a Dirichlet BCs on the three velocity components. For instance for a velocity inlet boundary or a wall Handle the velocity-block in the global algebraic system in case of a weak penalization technique (Nitsche). One assumes that static condensation has not been performed yet and that the velocity-block has size 3*(n_fc + 1) More...
void cs_cdofb_block_dirichlet_wsym (short int f, const cs_equation_param_t *eqp, const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, cs_cell_builder_t *cb, cs_cell_sys_t *csys)
 Take into account a Dirichlet BCs on the three velocity components. For instance for a velocity inlet boundary or a wall Handle the velocity-block in the global algebraic system in case of a weak penalization technique (symmetrized Nitsche). One assumes that static condensation has not been performed yet and that the velocity-block has size 3*(n_fc + 1) More...
void cs_cdofb_symmetry (short int f, const cs_equation_param_t *eqp, const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, cs_cell_builder_t *cb, cs_cell_sys_t *csys)
 Take into account a symmetric boundary (treated as a sliding BCs on the three velocity components. A weak penalization technique (symmetrized Nitsche) is used. One assumes that static condensation has not been performed yet and that the velocity-block has (n_fc + 1) blocks of size 3x3. More...
void cs_cdofb_fixed_wall (short int f, const cs_equation_param_t *eqp, const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, cs_cell_builder_t *cb, cs_cell_sys_t *csys)
 Take into account a wall BCs by a weak enforcement using Nitsche technique plus a symmetric treatment. Case of vector-valued CDO Face-based schemes. More...

Function Documentation

◆ cs_cdofb_block_dirichlet_alge()

void cs_cdofb_block_dirichlet_alge ( short int  f,
const cs_equation_param_t eqp,
const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
cs_cell_builder_t cb,
cs_cell_sys_t csys 

Take into account a Dirichlet BCs on the three velocity components. For instance for a velocity inlet boundary or a wall Handle the velocity-block in the global algebraic system in case of an algebraic technique. One assumes that static condensation has been performed and that the velocity-block has size 3*n_fc.

[in]fface id in the cell mesh numbering
[in]eqppointer to a cs_equation_param_t struct.
[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in,out]cbpointer to a cs_cell_builder_t structure
[in,out]csysstructure storing the cellwise system

Take into account a Dirichlet BCs on the three velocity components. For instance for a velocity inlet boundary or a wall Handle the velocity-block in the global algebraic system in case of an algebraic technique. One assumes that static condensation has been performed and that the velocity-block has size 3*n_fc.

[in]fface id in the cell mesh numbering
[in]eqppointer to a cs_equation_param_t struct.
[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in,out]cbpointer to a cs_cell_builder_t structure
[in,out]csysstructure storing the cellwise system

◆ cs_cdofb_block_dirichlet_pena()

void cs_cdofb_block_dirichlet_pena ( short int  f,
const cs_equation_param_t eqp,
const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
cs_cell_builder_t cb,
cs_cell_sys_t csys 

Take into account a Dirichlet BCs on the three velocity components. For instance for a velocity inlet boundary or a wall Handle the velocity-block in the global algebraic system in case of a penalization technique (with a large coefficient). One assumes that static condensation has been performed and that the velocity-block has size 3*n_fc.

[in]fface id in the cell mesh numbering
[in]eqppointer to a cs_equation_param_t struct.
[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in,out]cbpointer to a cs_cell_builder_t structure
[in,out]csysstructure storing the cellwise system

◆ cs_cdofb_block_dirichlet_weak()

void cs_cdofb_block_dirichlet_weak ( short int  f,
const cs_equation_param_t eqp,
const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
cs_cell_builder_t cb,
cs_cell_sys_t csys 

Take into account a Dirichlet BCs on the three velocity components. For instance for a velocity inlet boundary or a wall Handle the velocity-block in the global algebraic system in case of a weak penalization technique (Nitsche). One assumes that static condensation has not been performed yet and that the velocity-block has size 3*(n_fc + 1)

[in]fface id in the cell mesh numbering
[in]eqppointer to a cs_equation_param_t struct.
[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in,out]cbpointer to a cs_cell_builder_t structure
[in,out]csysstructure storing the cellwise system

◆ cs_cdofb_block_dirichlet_wsym()

void cs_cdofb_block_dirichlet_wsym ( short int  f,
const cs_equation_param_t eqp,
const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
cs_cell_builder_t cb,
cs_cell_sys_t csys 

Take into account a Dirichlet BCs on the three velocity components. For instance for a velocity inlet boundary or a wall Handle the velocity-block in the global algebraic system in case of a weak penalization technique (symmetrized Nitsche). One assumes that static condensation has not been performed yet and that the velocity-block has size 3*(n_fc + 1)

[in]fface id in the cell mesh numbering
[in]eqppointer to a cs_equation_param_t struct.
[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in,out]cbpointer to a cs_cell_builder_t structure
[in,out]csysstructure storing the cellwise system

◆ cs_cdofb_fixed_wall()

void cs_cdofb_fixed_wall ( short int  f,
const cs_equation_param_t eqp,
const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
cs_cell_builder_t cb,
cs_cell_sys_t csys 

Take into account a wall BCs by a weak enforcement using Nitsche technique plus a symmetric treatment. Case of vector-valued CDO Face-based schemes.

[in]fface id in the cell mesh numbering
[in]eqppointer to a cs_equation_param_t struct.
[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in,out]cbpointer to a cs_cell_builder_t structure
[in,out]csysstructure storing the cellwise system

◆ cs_cdofb_navsto_add_grad_div()

void cs_cdofb_navsto_add_grad_div ( short int  n_fc,
const cs_real_t  zeta,
const cs_real_t  div[],
cs_sdm_t *  mat 

Add the grad-div part to the local matrix (i.e. for the current cell)

[in]n_fclocal number of faces for the current cell
[in]zetascalar coefficient for the grad-div operator
[in,out]matlocal system matrix to update

◆ cs_cdofb_navsto_cell_divergence()

cs_real_t cs_cdofb_navsto_cell_divergence ( const cs_lnum_t  c_id,
const cs_cdo_quantities_t quant,
const cs_adjacency_t c2f,
const cs_real_t f_vals 

Compute the divergence of a cell using the cs_cdo_quantities_t structure.

[in]c_idcell id
[in]quantpointer to a cs_cdo_quantities_t
[in]c2fpointer to cell-to-face cs_adjacency_t
[in]f_valsvalues of the face DoFs
the divergence for the corresponding cell

◆ cs_cdofb_navsto_create_builder()

static cs_cdofb_navsto_builder_t cs_cdofb_navsto_create_builder ( const cs_cdo_connect_t connect)

Create and allocate a local NavSto builder when Fb schemes are used.

[in]connectpointer to a cs_cdo_connect_t structure
a cs_cdofb_navsto_builder_t structure

◆ cs_cdofb_navsto_define_builder()

void cs_cdofb_navsto_define_builder ( cs_real_t  t_eval,
const cs_navsto_param_t nsp,
const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
const cs_cell_sys_t csys,
const cs_cdo_bc_face_t pr_bc,
const cs_boundary_type_t bf_type,
cs_cdofb_navsto_builder_t nsb 

Set the members of the cs_cdofb_navsto_builder_t structure.

[in]t_evaltime at which one evaluates the pressure BC
[in]nspset of parameters to define the NavSto system
[in]cmcellwise view of the mesh
[in]csyscellwise view of the algebraic system
[in]pr_bcset of definitions for the presuure BCs
[in]bf_typetype of boundaries for all boundary faces
[in,out]nsbbuilder to update

◆ cs_cdofb_navsto_divergence_vect()

static void cs_cdofb_navsto_divergence_vect ( const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
cs_real_t  div[] 

Compute the divergence vector associated to the current cell. WARNING: mind that, differently form the original definition, the result here is not divided by the cell volume.

[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in,out]divarray related to the divergence operator

◆ cs_cdofb_navsto_extra_op()

void cs_cdofb_navsto_extra_op ( const cs_navsto_param_t nsp,
const cs_cdo_quantities_t quant,
const cs_cdo_connect_t connect,
const cs_adv_field_t adv_field 

Perform extra-operation related to Fb schemes when solving Navier-Stokes.

  • Compute the mass flux accross the boundaries.
[in]nsppointer to a cs_navsto_param_t struct.
[in]quantpointer to a cs_cdo_quantities_t struct.
[in]connectpointer to a cs_cdo_connect_t struct.
[in]adv_fieldpointer to a cs_adv_field_t struct.

◆ cs_cdofb_navsto_free_builder()

static void cs_cdofb_navsto_free_builder ( cs_cdofb_navsto_builder_t nsb)

Destroy the given cs_cdofb_navsto_builder_t structure.

[in,out]nsbpointer to the cs_cdofb_navsto_builder_t to free

◆ cs_cdofb_navsto_init_face_pressure()

void cs_cdofb_navsto_init_face_pressure ( const cs_navsto_param_t nsp,
const cs_cdo_quantities_t quant,
const cs_time_step_t ts,
cs_real_t pr_f 

Initialize the pressure values when the pressure is defined at faces.

[in]nsppointer to a cs_navsto_param_t structure
[in]quantpointer to a cs_cdo_quantities_t structure
[in]tspointer to a cs_time_step_t structure
[in,out]pr_fpointer to the pressure values at faces

◆ cs_cdofb_navsto_init_pressure()

void cs_cdofb_navsto_init_pressure ( const cs_navsto_param_t nsp,
const cs_cdo_quantities_t quant,
const cs_time_step_t ts,
cs_field_t pr 

Initialize the pressure values.

[in]nsppointer to a cs_navsto_param_t structure
[in]quantpointer to a cs_cdo_quantities_t structure
[in]tspointer to a cs_time_step_t structure
[in,out]prpointer to the pressure cs_field_t structure

◆ cs_cdofb_navsto_set_zero_mean_pressure()

void cs_cdofb_navsto_set_zero_mean_pressure ( const cs_cdo_quantities_t quant,
cs_real_t  values[] 

Update the pressure field in order to get a field with a zero-mean average.

[in]quantpointer to a cs_cdo_quantities_t structure
[in,out]valuespressure field values

◆ cs_cdofb_symmetry()

void cs_cdofb_symmetry ( short int  f,
const cs_equation_param_t eqp,
const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
cs_cell_builder_t cb,
cs_cell_sys_t csys 

Take into account a symmetric boundary (treated as a sliding BCs on the three velocity components. A weak penalization technique (symmetrized Nitsche) is used. One assumes that static condensation has not been performed yet and that the velocity-block has (n_fc + 1) blocks of size 3x3.

[in]fface id in the cell mesh numbering
[in]eqppointer to a cs_equation_param_t struct.
[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in,out]cbpointer to a cs_cell_builder_t structure
[in,out]csysstructure storing the cellwise system