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programmer's documentation
cs_cdo_bc.c File Reference
#include "cs_defs.h"
#include <errno.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "bft_mem.h"
#include "cs_boundary_zone.h"
#include "cs_mesh_location.h"
#include "cs_cdo_bc.h"
Include dependency graph for cs_cdo_bc.c:


static cs_cdo_bc_face_t_cdo_bc_face_create (bool is_steady, cs_lnum_t n_b_faces)
 Create a cs_cdo_bc_face_t structure. More...
cs_cdo_bc_face_tcs_cdo_bc_face_define (cs_param_bc_type_t default_bc, bool is_steady, int dim, int n_defs, cs_xdef_t **defs, cs_lnum_t n_b_faces)
 Define the structure which translates the BC definitions from the user viewpoint into a ready-to-use structure for setting the arrays keeping the values of the boundary condition to set. More...
cs_cdo_bc_face_tcs_cdo_bc_free (cs_cdo_bc_face_t *face_bc)
 Free a cs_cdo_bc_face_t structure. More...

Function Documentation

◆ _cdo_bc_face_create()

static cs_cdo_bc_face_t* _cdo_bc_face_create ( bool  is_steady,
cs_lnum_t  n_b_faces 

Create a cs_cdo_bc_face_t structure.

[in]is_steadytrue o false
[in]n_b_facesnumber of boundary faces
a new allocated pointer to a cs_cdo_bc_face_t structure

◆ cs_cdo_bc_face_define()

cs_cdo_bc_face_t* cs_cdo_bc_face_define ( cs_param_bc_type_t  default_bc,
bool  is_steady,
int  dim,
int  n_defs,
cs_xdef_t **  defs,
cs_lnum_t  n_b_faces 

Define the structure which translates the BC definitions from the user viewpoint into a ready-to-use structure for setting the arrays keeping the values of the boundary condition to set.

[in]default_bctype of boundary condition to set by default
[in]is_steadymodification or not of the BC selection in time
[in]dimdimension of the related equation
[in]n_defsnumber of boundary definitions
[in]defslist of boundary condition definition
[in]n_b_facesnumber of border faces
a pointer to a new allocated cs_cdo_bc_face_t structure

◆ cs_cdo_bc_free()

cs_cdo_bc_face_t* cs_cdo_bc_free ( cs_cdo_bc_face_t face_bc)

Free a cs_cdo_bc_face_t structure.

[in,out]face_bcpointer to a cs_cdo_bc_face_t structure
a NULL pointer