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Data Types | Modules | Functions/Subroutines | Variables
cs_c_bindings.f90 File Reference

Data Types

type  var_cal_opt
type  solving_info
type  gwf_soilwater_partition
type  gas_mix_species_prop
interface  max_limiter_building
interface  boundary_conditions_mapped_set
 Set mapped boundary conditions for a given field and mapping locator. More...
interface  cs_fan_n_fans
 Return the number of fans. More...
interface  log_iteration
interface  log_l2residual
interface  les_filter
 Compute filters for dynamic models. More...
interface  cs_map_name_to_id_destroy
 Destroy name to id map structure. More...
interface  parameters_read_restart_info
 Read restart metadata. More...
interface  restart_destroy
 Destroy structure associated with a restart file (and close the file). More...
interface  restart_check_base_location
 Check the locations associated with a restart file. More...
interface  restart_read_field_info
 Read field metadata from checkpoint. More...
interface  restart_write_field_info
 Write field metadata to checkpoint. More...
interface  restart_read_bc_coeffs
 Read boundary condition coefficients for all fields from checkpoint. More...
interface  restart_write_bc_coeffs
 Write boundary condition coefficients for all fields to checkpoint. More...
interface  restart_write_fields
 Loop over all fields and save them in the restart file which id is passed in argument if it matches their "restart_file" key value. More...
interface  restart_read_fields
 Loop over all fields and read them in the restart file which id is passed in argument if it matches their "restart_file" key value. More...
interface  cs_time_moment_n_moments
 Return the number of temporal moments. More...
interface  cs_time_moment_is_active
 Return if moment is active (1) or not (0). More...
interface  time_moment_update_all
 Update temporal moments. More...
interface  time_moment_log_iteration
 Log temporal moments initialization. More...
interface  time_moment_field_id
 Get field id associated with a given moment. More...
interface  time_moment_restart_read
 Read temporal moments checkpoint information. More...
interface  time_moment_restart_write
 Checkpoint temporal moments. More...
interface  timer_stats_increment_time_step
 Increment time step for timer statistics. More...
interface  timer_stats_set_plot
 Enable or disable plotting for a timer statistic. More...
interface  timer_stats_start
 Start a timer for a given statistic. More...
interface  timer_stats_stop
 Stop a timer for a given statistic. More...
interface  timer_stats_switch
 Start a timer for a given statistic, stopping previous timers of the same type which are not a parent, and starting inactive parent timers if necessary. More...
interface  turbulence_bc_ke_hyd_diam
 Calculation of $ u^\star $, $ k $ and $\varepsilon $ from a diameter $ D_H $ and the reference velocity $ U_{ref} $ for a circular duct flow with smooth wall (use for inlet boundary conditions). More...
interface  turbulence_bc_ke_turb_intensity
 Calculation of $ k $ and $\varepsilon$ from a diameter $ D_H $, a turbulent intensity $ I $ and the reference velocity $ U_{ref} $ for a circular duct flow with smooth wall (for inlet boundary conditions). More...
interface  turbulence_bc_rij_transform
 Compute matrix $ \tens{alpha} $ used in the computation of the Reynolds stress tensor boundary conditions. More...
interface  turbulence_bc_inlet_hyd_diam
 Set inlet boundary condition values for turbulence variables based on a diameter $ D_H $ and the reference velocity $ U_{ref} $ for a circular duct flow with smooth wall. More...
interface  turbulence_bc_inlet_turb_intensity
 Set inlet boundary condition values for turbulence variables based on a diameter $ D_H $, a turbulent intensity $ I $ and the reference velocity $ U_{ref} $ for a circular duct flow with smooth wall. More...
interface  turbulence_bc_inlet_k_eps
 Set inlet boundary condition values for turbulence variables based on given k and epsilon values. More...
interface  turbulence_bc_set_uninit_inlet_k_eps
 Set inlet boundary condition values for turbulence variables based on given k and epsilon values only if not initialized already. More...
interface  user_parameters
 General user parameters. More...
interface  user_porosity
 General user parameters. More...


module  cs_c_bindings


subroutine balance_by_zone (sel_crit, name)
 Compute balance on a given zone for a given scalar. More...
subroutine pressure_drop_by_zone (sel_crit)
 Compute pressure drop for a given zone. More...
subroutine promav (isym, ibsize, iesize, f_id, dam, xam, vx, vy)
subroutine surface_balance (sel_crit, name, normal)
 Compute surface scalar balance for a given surface area. More...
subroutine boundary_conditions_error (bc_type)
 Handle boundary condition definition errors and associated output. More...
type(c_ptr) function boundary_conditions_map (location_type, n_location_elts, n_faces, location_elts, faces, coord_shift, coord_stride, tolerance)
 Locate shifted boundary face coordinates on possibly filtered cells or boundary faces for later interpolation. More...
subroutine field_set_key_struct_var_cal_opt (f_id, k_value)
 Assign a var_cal_opt for a cs_var_cal_opt_t key to a field. More...
subroutine field_set_key_struct_solving_info (f_id, k_value)
 Assign a solving_info for a cs_solving_info_t key to a field. More...
subroutine field_set_key_struct_gwf_soilwater_partition (f_id, k_value)
 Assign a gwf_soilwater_partition for a cs_gwf_soilwater_partition_t key to a field. More...
subroutine field_set_key_struct_gas_mix_species_prop (f_id, k_value)
 Assign a gas_mix_species_prop for a cs_gas_mix_species_prop_t key to a field. More...
subroutine field_get_key_struct_var_cal_opt (f_id, k_value)
 Return a pointer to the var_cal_opt structure for cs_var_cal_opt key associated with a field. More...
subroutine field_get_key_struct_solving_info (f_id, k_value)
 Return a pointer to the solving_info structure for cs_solving_info_t key associated with a field. More...
subroutine field_get_key_struct_gwf_soilwater_partition (f_id, k_value)
 Return a pointer to the gwf_soilwater_partition structure for cs_gwf_soilwater_partition_t key associated with a field. More...
subroutine field_get_key_struct_gas_mix_species_prop (f_id, k_value)
 Return a pointer to the gas_mix_species_prop structure for cs_gas_mix_species_prop_t key associated with a field. More...
subroutine gradient_s (f_id, imrgra, inc, recompute_cocg, nswrgp, imligp, iwarnp, epsrgp, climgp, extrap, pvar, coefap, coefbp, grad)
 Compute cell gradient. More...
subroutine gradient_potential_s (f_id, imrgra, inc, recompute_cocg, nswrgp, imligp, hyd_p_flag, iwarnp, epsrgp, climgp, extrap, f_ext, pvar, coefap, coefbp, grad)
 Compute cell gradient of potential-type values. More...
subroutine gradient_weighted_s (f_id, imrgra, inc, recompute_cocg, nswrgp, imligp, hyd_p_flag, iwarnp, epsrgp, climgp, extrap, f_ext, pvar, c_weight, coefap, coefbp, grad)
 Compute cell gradient of a scalar with weighting. More...
subroutine locator_destroy (this_locator)
 Destruction of a locator structure. More...
subroutine log_iteration_add_array (name, category, location, is_intensive, dim, val)
 Add array not saved as permanent field to logging of fields. More...
subroutine log_iteration_clipping (name, dim, n_clip_min, n_clip_max, min_pre_clip, max_pre_clip)
 Add array not saved as permanent field to logging of fields. More...
subroutine log_iteration_clipping_field (f_id, n_clip_min, n_clip_max, min_pre_clip, max_pre_clip, n_clip_min_comp, n_clip_max_comp)
 Add array not saved as permanent field to logging of fields. More...
subroutine restart_create (name, path, mode, r)
 Initialize a restart file. More...
subroutine restart_read_variables (r, old_field_map, t_id_flag)
 Read variables from checkpoint. More...
subroutine restart_write_variables (r, t_id_flag)
 Write variables to checkpoint. More...
subroutine restart_read_section_int_t (r, sec_name, location_id, n_loc_vals, val, ierror)
 Read a section of integers from a restart file. More...
subroutine restart_read_int_t_compat (r, sec_name, old_name, location_id, n_loc_vals, val, ierror)
 Read a section of integers from a restart file, when that section may have used a different name in a previous version. More...
subroutine restart_write_section_int_t (r, sec_name, location_id, n_loc_vals, val)
 Write a section of integers to a checkpoint file. More...
subroutine restart_read_section_real_t (r, sec_name, location_id, n_loc_vals, val, ierror)
 Read a section of doubles from a restart file. More...
subroutine restart_read_real_t_compat (r, sec_name, old_name, location_id, n_loc_vals, val, ierror)
 Read a section of double precision reals from a restart file, when that section may have used a different name in a previous version. More...
subroutine restart_read_real_3_t_compat (r, sec_name, old_name_x, old_name_y, old_name_z, location_id, val, ierror)
 Read a vector of double precision reals of dimension (3,*) from a restart file, when that section may have used a different name and been non-interleaved in a previous version. More...
subroutine restart_write_section_real_t (r, sec_name, location_id, n_loc_vals, val)
 write a section of doubles to a checkpoint file. More...
subroutine restart_read_field_vals (r, f_id, t_id, ierror)
 Read field values from checkpoint. More...
subroutine restart_write_field_vals (r, f_id, t_id)
 Write field values to checkpoint. More...
subroutine restart_read_linked_fields (r, old_field_map, key, n_w)
 Read fields depending on others from checkpoint. More...
subroutine restart_write_linked_fields (r, key, n_w)
 Write fields depending on others to checkpoint. More...
subroutine sles_solve_native (f_id, name, isym, ibsize, iesize, dam, xam, epsilp, rnorm, niter, residue, rhs, vx)
 Call sparse linear equation solver using native matrix arrays. More...
subroutine sles_free_native (f_id, name)
 Free sparse linear equation solver setup using native matrix arrays. More...
subroutine sles_push (f_id, name)
 Temporarily replace field id with name for matching calls to sles_solve_native. More...
subroutine sles_pop (f_id)
 Revert to normal behavior of field id for matching calls to sles_solve_native. More...
integer function timer_stats_create (parent_name, name, label)
 Create a timer statistics structure. More...
integer function timer_stats_id_by_name (name)
 Return the id of a defined statistic based on its name. More...
subroutine variable_field_create (name, label, location_id, dim, id)
 Add field defining a general solved variable, with default options. More...
subroutine variable_cdo_field_create (name, label, location_id, dim, has_previous, id)
 Add a CDO field defining a general solved variable, with default options. More...
integer function volume_zone_n_type_zones (type_flag)
 Return the number of volume zones associated with a given type flag. More...
integer function volume_zone_n_type_cells (type_flag)
 Return the number of volume zone cells associated with a given type flag. More...
subroutine volume_zone_select_type_cells (type_flag, cell_list)
 Return the list of volume zone cells associated with a given type flag. More...
subroutine codits (idtvar, iterns, f_id, iconvp, idiffp, ndircp, imrgra, nswrsp, nswrgp, imligp, ircflp, ischcp, isstpp, iescap, imucpp, idftnp, iswdyp, iwarnp, normp, blencp, epsilp, epsrsp, epsrgp, climgp, extrap, relaxp, thetap, pvara, pvark, coefap, coefbp, cofafp, cofbfp, i_massflux, b_massflux, i_viscm, b_viscm, i_visc, b_visc, viscel, weighf, weighb, icvflb, icvfli, rovsdt, smbrp, pvar, dpvar, xcpp, eswork)
 This function solves an advection diffusion equation with source terms for one time step for the variable $ a $. More...
subroutine coditv (idtvar, iterns, f_id, iconvp, idiffp, ndircp, imrgra, nswrsp, nswrgp, imligp, ircflp, ivisep, ischcp, isstpp, iescap, idftnp, iswdyp, iwarnp, blencp, epsilp, epsrsp, epsrgp, climgp, relaxp, thetap, pvara, pvark, coefav, coefbv, cofafv, cofbfv, i_massflux, b_massflux, i_viscm, b_viscm, i_visc, b_visc, secvif, secvib, viscce, weighf, weighb, icvflb, icvfli, fimp, smbrp, pvar, eswork)
 This function solves an advection diffusion equation with source terms for one time step for the vector variable $ \vect{a} $. More...
subroutine coditts (idtvar, f_id, iconvp, idiffp, ndircp, imrgra, nswrsp, nswrgp, imligp, ircflp, ischcp, isstpp, idftnp, iswdyp, iwarnp, blencp, epsilp, epsrsp, epsrgp, climgp, relaxp, thetap, pvara, pvark, coefats, coefbts, cofafts, cofbfts, i_massflux, b_massflux, i_viscm, b_viscm, i_visc, b_visc, viscce, weighf, weighb, icvflb, icvfli, fimp, smbrp, pvar)
 This function solves an advection diffusion equation with source terms for one time step for the symmetric tensor variable $ \tens{\variat} $. More...
subroutine bilsca (idtvar, f_id, iconvp, idiffp, nswrgp, imligp, ircflp, ischcp, isstpp, inc, imrgra, iccocg, iwarnp, imucpp, idftnp, imasac, blencp, epsrgp, climgp, extrap, relaxp, thetap, pvar, pvara, coefap, coefbp, cofafp, cofbfp, flumas, flumab, viscf, viscb, viscce, xcpp, weighf, weighb, icvflb, icvfli, smbrp)
 Wrapper to the function which adds the explicit part of the convection/diffusion terms of a transport equation of a scalar field $ \varia $. More...
subroutine bilscv (idtvar, f_id, iconvp, idiffp, nswrgp, imligp, ircflp, ischcp, isstpp, inc, imrgra, ivisep, iwarnp, idftnp, imasac, blencp, epsrgp, climgp, relaxp, thetap, pvar, pvara, coefav, coefbv, cofafv, cofbfv, flumas, flumab, viscf, viscb, secvif, secvib, viscce, weighf, weighb, icvflb, icvfli, smbrp)
 Wrapper to the function which adds the explicit part of the convection/diffusion terms of a transport equation of a vector field $ \vect{\varia} $. More...
subroutine field_get_coupled_faces (f_id, cpl_faces)
 Return pointer to coupling face indicator for a field. More...
double precision function notebook_parameter_value_by_name (name)
 Return notebook parameter value. More...


integer mesh_location_none
integer mesh_location_cells
integer mesh_location_interior_faces
integer mesh_location_boundary_faces
integer mesh_location_vertices
integer mesh_location_particles
integer mesh_location_other
integer restart_val_type_int_t
integer restart_val_type_real_t
integer restart_disabled
integer restart_main
integer restart_auxiliary
integer restart_rad_transfer
integer restart_lagr
integer restart_lagr_stat
integer restart_1d_wall_thermal
integer restart_les_inflow
integer volume_zone_initialization
integer volume_zone_porosity
integer volume_zone_head_loss
integer volume_zone_source_term
integer volume_zone_mass_source_term

Detailed Description

Definition of C function and subroutine bindings.