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Data Structures | Enumerations | Functions
cs_at_opt_interp.h File Reference
#include "cs_defs.h"
#include "cs_field.h"
#include "cs_measures_util.h"
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Data Structures

struct  cs_at_opt_interp_t


enum  cs_at_opt_interp_type_t { CS_AT_OPT_INTERP_P0, CS_AT_OPT_INTERP_P1 }


cs_at_opt_interp_tcs_at_opt_interp_create (const char *name)
 Create an optimal interpolation descriptor. More...
cs_at_opt_interp_tcs_at_opt_interp_by_id (int id)
 Return a pointer to an optimal interpolation based on its id. More...
cs_at_opt_interp_tcs_at_opt_interp_by_name (const char *name)
 Return a pointer to an optimal interpolation based on its name. More...
void cs_at_opt_interps_destroy (void)
 Destroy all defined optimal interpolations. More...
void cs_at_opt_interp_read_file (char const filename[50], cs_measures_set_t *ms, cs_at_opt_interp_t *oi, const int f_dim)
 Read an optimal interpolation file for a given variable and fill in the matching measures set and optimal interpolation structures. More...
int cs_at_opt_interp_is_p1_proj_needed (void)
 Return 1 if a p1 projection has been enabled for at least one optimal interpolation. This function is used to determine if extended neighborhood is needed. More...
void cs_at_opt_interp_map_values (cs_at_opt_interp_t *oi, cs_measures_set_t *ms)
 (re)Allocate and fill in an optimal interpolation structure from an optimal interpolation file. More...
void cs_at_opt_interp_obs_operator (cs_measures_set_t *ms, cs_at_opt_interp_t *oi, cs_interpol_grid_t *ig)
 Compute observation operator (H). More...
void cs_at_opt_interp_project_model_covariance (cs_measures_set_t *ms, cs_at_opt_interp_t *oi)
 Compute $\tens{H}\tens{B}\transpose{\tens{H}}$. More...
int * cs_at_opt_interp_get_active_obs (cs_measures_set_t *ms, cs_at_opt_interp_t *oi, cs_field_t *f_oia, bool **inverse, int ***ao_idx)
 Count active observations and compute time weights in case of unsteady. More...
void cs_at_opt_interp_compute_analysis (cs_field_t *f, cs_at_opt_interp_t *oi, cs_field_t *f_oia, int n_active_obs, int *ao_idx, bool inverse, int mc_id)
 Compute analysis for a given variable. More...

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ cs_at_opt_interp_type_t


Function Documentation

◆ cs_at_opt_interp_by_id()

cs_at_opt_interp_t* cs_at_opt_interp_by_id ( int  id)

Return a pointer to an optimal interpolation based on its id.

This function requires that an optimal interpolation of the given id is defined.

[in]idoptimal interpolation id
pointer to the optimal interpolation structure.

◆ cs_at_opt_interp_by_name()

cs_at_opt_interp_t* cs_at_opt_interp_by_name ( const char *  name)

Return a pointer to an optimal interpolation based on its name.

This function requires that an optimal interpolation of the given name is defined.

[in]nameoptimal interpolation name
pointer to the optimal interpolation structure.

◆ cs_at_opt_interp_compute_analysis()

void cs_at_opt_interp_compute_analysis ( cs_field_t f,
cs_at_opt_interp_t oi,
cs_field_t f_oia,
int  n_active_obs,
int *  ao_idx,
bool  inverse,
int  mc_id 

Compute analysis for a given variable.

[in]ffield variable of which analysis will be computed
[in]oioptimal interpolation for field variable
[in]f_oiaanalysis field of field variable
[in]n_active_obsnumber of active observations.
[in]ao_idxindex of active observations
[in]inverseboolean, true if it necessary to recompute the inverse of HB(H)

◆ cs_at_opt_interp_create()

cs_at_opt_interp_t* cs_at_opt_interp_create ( const char *  name)

Create an optimal interpolation descriptor.

[in]nameoptimal interpolation name

◆ cs_at_opt_interp_get_active_obs()

int* cs_at_opt_interp_get_active_obs ( cs_measures_set_t ms,
cs_at_opt_interp_t oi,
cs_field_t f_oia,
bool **  inverse,
int ***  ao_idx 

Count active observations and compute time weights in case of unsteady.

[in]mspointer to measures set
[in]oioptimal interpolation for field variable
[in]f_oiaanalysis field of field variable
[in]inverseboolean, true if it necessary to recompute the inverse of HB(H)
[in]ao_idxindex of active observations
number of active observations.
[in]mspointer to measures set
[in]oioptimal interpolation for field variable
[in]f_oiaanalysis field of field variable
[in]inverseboolean, true if it necessary to recompute the inverse of HB(H)
[in]ao_idxindex of active observations
number of active observations for each measures component.

◆ cs_at_opt_interp_is_p1_proj_needed()

int cs_at_opt_interp_is_p1_proj_needed ( void  )

Return 1 if a p1 projection has been enabled for at least one optimal interpolation. This function is used to determine if extended neighborhood is needed.

1 if a p1 proj. is needed, 0 otherwise.

◆ cs_at_opt_interp_map_values()

void cs_at_opt_interp_map_values ( cs_at_opt_interp_t oi,
cs_measures_set_t ms 

(re)Allocate and fill in an optimal interpolation structure from an optimal interpolation file.

[in]oipointer to the optimal interpolation
[in]mspointer to the associated measures set

◆ cs_at_opt_interp_obs_operator()

void cs_at_opt_interp_obs_operator ( cs_measures_set_t ms,
cs_at_opt_interp_t oi,
cs_interpol_grid_t ig 

Compute observation operator (H).

[in]mspointer to measures set
[in]oipointer to an optimal interpolation
[in]igpointer to interpol grid

◆ cs_at_opt_interp_project_model_covariance()

void cs_at_opt_interp_project_model_covariance ( cs_measures_set_t ms,
cs_at_opt_interp_t oi 

Compute $\tens{H}\tens{B}\transpose{\tens{H}}$.

[in]mspointer to measures set
[in]oipointer to an optimal interpolation

◆ cs_at_opt_interp_read_file()

void cs_at_opt_interp_read_file ( char const  filename[50],
cs_measures_set_t ms,
cs_at_opt_interp_t oi,
const int  f_dim 

Read an optimal interpolation file for a given variable and fill in the matching measures set and optimal interpolation structures.

[in]filenamename of interpolation file
[in]msmeasures set structure
[in]oioptimal interpolation structure
[in]f_dimdimension of field

◆ cs_at_opt_interps_destroy()

void cs_at_opt_interps_destroy ( void  )

Destroy all defined optimal interpolations.