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Settings of condensation mass source terms


Source terms modelling condensation inside the fluid domain on internal metal structures and at the boundaries can be set respectively through the subroutines cs_user_metal_structures_source_terms and cs_user_boundary_mass_source_terms.

Source terms for condensation on internal metal structures

This model can be enabled in the subroutine usppmo in the file cs_user_parameters.f90 as follows:

if ( ippmod(igmix).ge.0 ) then
! Specific condensation modelling
! if = -1 module not activated
! if = 0 condensation source terms with metal
! structures activate
icondv = -1

The setting of the condensation source terms is then done in the subroutine cs_user_metal_structures_source_terms as follows below.

The following variables need to be declared:

integer icmst
integer ifac, iel, iscal
integer ivarh
integer izone
integer f_id
double precision hvap, tk
type(gas_mix_species_prop) s_h2o_g
double precision, dimension(:), pointer :: cpro_cp
double precision, dimension(:), pointer :: cvar_h

Necessary species physical properties can be retrieved as follows:

call field_get_id_try("y_h2o_g", f_id)
if ( &
call field_get_key_struct_gas_mix_species_prop(f_id, s_h2o_g)

The zones on which the condensation mass source term will be imposed can be defined as follows:

! Select the cells which are associated to the metal structures volume
! with the subroutine getcel
izone = 0
met_znb = 1
do izmet = 1 , met_znb
if (izmet.eq.1) then
! Cells associated to the geometric zone
call getcel('z > -7.0d0 and z < 53.d0', ncmast, ltmast)
izone = izone + 1
do icmst = 1, ncmast
iel = ltmast(icmst)
izmast(iel) = izone

Modelling of the metal side (wall thermal model and metal properties can then be specified as follows:

! Parameters padding of the wall thermal model and condensation model
! ------------------------------------------------------------------
! The condensation model can be used alone with a constant temperature
! specified by the user at the cold wall (tmet=tmet0 in this case)
! or together with a 0-D thermal model. In the latter case, the two models are
! coupled.
if (icondv.eq.0) then
! Choice the way to impose the wall temperature (tmet)
! at the solid/fluid interface:
! with the parameter itagms defined below:
! ----------------------------------------
! 0 : A constant wall temperature imposed is given by the user
! ( tmet = tmet0 used as the wall temperature of the metal structures
! by the condensation model )
! 1 : A variable wall temperature is imposed with a 0-D thermal model
! ( tmet = tmet(iel,1) computed by cs_metal_structures_tag.f90
! and used as the wall temperature of the metal structures
! by the condensation model )
itagms = 1
! Wall temperature computed by a 0-D thermal model
! with an explicit scheme and variable over time.
! ------------------------------------------------
! Remark : the wall temperature unit is [°C].
if(itagms.eq.1) then
! (xem) thickness of the metal structures
xem = 0.024d0
! Initial condition of the 0-D thermal model
tmet0 = 92.d0
! Physical properties of the metal structures
! (xro) density (kg.m-3)
xro_m = 8000.d0
! (xcond) thermal conductivity (W.m-1.C-1)
xcond_m = 12.8d0
! (xcp) Specific heat (
xcp_m = 500.0d0
! Wall temperature imposed as constant
! with a value specified by the user
tmet = 92.d0

Finally the source term type and values have to be set as follows:

! The user can specify here the values of the following arrays used by the
! modelling of the metal structures condensation:
! - itypst(:,ivar) to specify the condensation source term type,
! - svcond(:,ivar) the scalar value to multiply by the sink term array
! of the metal structures condensation model.
! These two arrays can be filled for each transported scalar.
!-- pointer to the specific heat
if ( call field_get_val_s(icp, cpro_cp)
!-- pointer to the enthalpy value
ivarh = isca(iscalt)
call field_get_val_s(ivarfl(ivarh), cvar_h)
! loop over the cells associated to the metal structure
! source terms zone
do icmst = 1, ncmast
iel = ltmast(icmst)
! Compute the enthalpy value of vapor gas
if (ntcabs.le.1) then
tk = t0
tk = cvar_h(iel)/cpro_cp(iel)
hvap = s_h2o_g%cp*tk
! Condensation source terms associated
! to the metal structures imposed
! for each scalar.
if ( then
do iscal = 1, nscal
if (iscal.eq.iscalt) then
! enthalpy value used for
! the explicit condensation term
itypst(iel,isca(iscalt)) = 1
svcond(iel,isca(iscalt)) = hvap
! scalar values used for
! the explicit condensation term
itypst(iel,isca(iscal)) = 1
svcond(iel,isca(iscal)) = 0.d0

Boundary source terms for condensation

The following variables need to be declared:

integer ieltcd, ii, iz
integer ifac, iel, iesp, iscal
integer ivarh
integer ilelt, nlelt
integer izone
integer f_id
double precision hvap, tk
type(gas_mix_species_prop) s_h2o_g
integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: lstelt
double precision, dimension(:), pointer :: cpro_cp
double precision, dimension(:), pointer :: cvar_h

Necessary species physical properties can be retrieved as follows:

! Allocate a temporary array for cells selection
call field_get_id_try("y_h2o_g", f_id)
if ( &
call field_get_key_struct_gas_mix_species_prop(f_id, s_h2o_g)

The subroutine cs_user_boundary_mass_source_terms is called three times.

At the first call the number of boundary faces and number of zones on which a boundary mass source term is imposed is computed according to the selection criteria prescribed by the user.

if (iappel.eq.1.or.iappel.eq.2) then
! 1. One or two calls
! -------------------
! - iappel = 1: nfbpcd: calculation of the number of faces with
! condensation source term
! - iappel = 2: ifbpcd: index number of faces with condensation source terms
! Remarks
! =======
! - Do not use spcond in this section (it is set on the third call, iappel=3)
! - Do not use ifbpcd in this section on the first call (iappel=1)
! - This section (iappel=1 or 2) is only accessed at the beginning of a
! calculation. Should the localization of the condensation source terms evolve
! in time, the user must identify at the beginning all cells that can
! potentially become condensation source term.
!--To Select the cells with condensation source term
izone = 0
ieltcd = 0
! Cells with a boundary face of color 60
call getfbr('60 and box[-0.03,0.0,0.5,0.03,0.6,1.22]',nlelt,lstelt)
izone = izone + 1
do ilelt = 1, nlelt
ifac = lstelt(ilelt)
iel = ifabor(ifac)
ieltcd = ieltcd + 1
if (iappel.eq.2) then
ifbpcd(ieltcd) = ifac
izzftcd(ieltcd) = izone
if ( then
write(*,*) "izzftcd(",izone,")= ", izzftcd(ieltcd)
! Faces selection associated to the Concrete wall surface
call getfbr('60 and box[-0.03,0.0,1.22,0.03,0.6,2.55]', nlelt, lstelt)
izone = izone + 1
do ilelt = 1, nlelt
ifac = lstelt(ilelt)
iel = ifabor(ifac)
ieltcd = ieltcd + 1
if (iappel.eq.2) then
ifbpcd(ieltcd) = ifac
izzftcd(ieltcd) = izone
if ( then
write(*,*) "izzftcd(",izone,")= ", izzftcd(ieltcd)
! For iappel = 1,
! Specification of nfbpcd.
if (iappel.eq.1) then
nfbpcd = ieltcd
nzones = izone

The above part of the subroutine is also executed at the second call. In addition, at the second call, condensation models are chosen.

! Parameters padding of the wall thermal model and condensation model
! ------------------------------------------------------------------
! The condensation model can be used alone with a constant temperature
! specified by the user at the cold wall (at iappel=3 tpar=tpar0 in this case)
! or together with a 0-D thermal model. In the latter case, the two models are
! coupled.
if (iappel.eq.2) then
do ii = 1, nfbpcd
iz = izzftcd(ii)
if (iz.eq.1.and.icondb.eq.0) then
! Turbulent law and empiric correlations used to
! define the exchange coefficients of the sink
! source term and heat transfer to the cooling
! wall associated to the condensation phenomenon
! given by the COPAIN model.
! Choice the way to compute the exchange coefficient (hcond)
! associated to the condensation sink source term.
! With the parameter icophc defined below:
! ----------------------------------------
! 1 : this one provided by the turbulent flow
! at the cooling wall (hcond = hcdt)
! 2 : this one is given by the copain
! correlation (hcond = hcdcop)
! 3 : this one is obtained by the estimation of
! the maximal value between those two previous
! coefficient as below : hcond= max(hcdt, hcdcop)
izcophc(iz) = 3
! Choice the way to compute the thermal exchange coefficient
! associated to the heat transfer at the cooling wall,
! due to the energy loss by condensation phenomenon.
! With the parameter icophg defined below:
! ----------------------------------------
! 2 : this one is given by the copain
! correlation (hpcond = hw_cop)
! 3 : this one is obtained by the estimation of
! the maximal value between the current
! and previous value of hcdcop given by
! the copain correlation as below:
! hpcond= max(hw_cop^n, hw_cop^n+1)
izcophg(iz) = 3
! Choice the way to impose the wall temperature (tpar)
! at the solid/fluid interface:
! with the parameter itag1d defined below:
! ----------------------------------------
! 0 : A constant wall temperature imposed is given by the user
! ( tpar = tpar0 used as the wall temperature by the condensation model )
! 1 : A variable wall temperature is imposed with a 1-D thermal model
! ( tpar = tmur(ii,1) computed by tagmro.f90 and used as the
! wall temperature by the condensation model )
iztag1d(iz) = 1
! Wall temperature computed by a 1-D thermal model
! with a implicit scheme and variable over time.
! ------------------------------------------------
! Remark : the wall temperature is in unit [°C].
if (iztag1d(iz).eq.1) then
! Numerical parameters used by the 1-D thermal model
! (theta) parameter of the implicit scheme
ztheta(iz) = 1.d0
! (dxmin) First cell size of the 1D mesh
! -> with (dxmin.eq.0) the Dx is constant
! -> with ( the Dx is variable
zdxmin(iz) = 0.d0
! (nmur) space steps number of the 1D mesh
znmur(iz) = 10
! (epais) thickness of the 1D wall
zepais(iz) = 0.024d0
!Initial condition of the 1-D thermal model
ztpar0(iz) = 26.57d0
if ( then
call parimx(nzones, izcophc)
call parimx(nzones, izcophg)
call parimx(nzones, iztag1d)
call parrmx(nzones, ztheta)
call parrmx(nzones, zdxmin)
call parimx(nzones, znmur )
call parrmx(nzones, zepais)
call parrmx(nzones, ztpar0)

Finally at the third call, the source term types and values have to be set.

elseif (iappel.eq.3) then
! 2. For nfbpcd > 0 , third call
! iappel = 3 : itypcd: type of condensation source term
! spcond: condensation source term
! Remark
! ======
! If itypcd(ieltcd,ivar) is set to 1, spcond(ieltcd,ivar) must be set.
!-- pointer to the specific heat
if ( call field_get_val_s(icp, cpro_cp)
!-- pointer to the enthalpy value
ivarh = isca(iscalt)
call field_get_val_s(ivarfl(ivarh), cvar_h)
do ii = 1, nfbpcd
ifac = ifbpcd(ii)
iel = ifabor(ifac)
iz = izzftcd(ii)
if (icondb.eq.0) then
if (iztag1d(iz).eq.1) then
!Boundary conditions of the 1-D thermal model
zhext(iz) = 1.d+8 ; ztext(iz) = 26.57d0
! --------------------------------------------
! Physical properties of the concrete material
! --------------------------------------------
! (rob) density (kg.m-3)
zrob(iz) = 8000.d0
! (condb) thermal conductivity (W.m-1.C-1)
zcondb(iz) = 12.8d0
! (cpb) Specific heat (
zcpb(iz) = 500.0d0
! Wall temperature imposed as constant
! with a value specified by the user
ztpar(iz) = 26.57d0
elseif (iz.eq.2.and.icondb.eq.0) then
if (iztag1d(iz).eq.1) then
!Boundary conditions of the 1-D thermal model
zhext(iz) = 1.d+8 ; ztext(iz) = 26.57d0
! --------------------------------------------
! Physical properties of the concrete material
! --------------------------------------------
! (rob) density (kg.m-3)
zrob(iz) = 8000.d0
! (condb) thermal conductivity (W.m-1.C-1)
zcondb(iz) = 12.8d0
! (cpb) Specific heat (
zcpb(iz) = 500.0d0
! Wall temperature imposed as constant
! with a value specified by the user
ztpar(iz) = 26.57d0
! To fill the spcond(nfbpcd,ivar) array
! if we want to specify a variable value
! Compute the enthalpy value of vapor gas
if (ntcabs.le.1) then
tk = t0
tk = cvar_h(iel)/cpro_cp(iel)
hvap = s_h2o_g%cp*tk
! any condensation source term
! associated to each velocity component
! momentum equation in this case.
itypcd(ii,iu) = 0
spcond(ii,iu) = 0.d0
itypcd(ii,iv) = 0
spcond(ii,iv) = 0.d0
itypcd(ii,iw) = 0
spcond(ii,iw) = 0.d0
! any condensation source term
! associated to each turbulent variables
! for (k -eps) standrad turbulence model
if (itytur.eq.2) then
itypcd(ii,ik ) = 0
spcond(ii,ik ) = 0.d0
itypcd(ii,iep) = 0
spcond(ii,iep) = 0.d0
if ( then
do iscal = 1, nscal
if (iscal.eq.iscalt) then
! enthalpy value used for
! the explicit condensation term
itypcd(ii,isca(iscalt)) = 1
spcond(ii,isca(iscalt)) = hvap
! scalar values used for
! the explicit condensation term
itypcd(ii,isca(iscal)) = 1
spcond(ii,isca(iscal)) = 0.d0
if ( then
call parrmx(nzones, zhext)
call parrmx(nzones, ztext)
call parrmx(nzones, zrob )
call parrmx(nzones, zcondb)
call parrmx(nzones, zcpb )
call parrmx(nzones, ztpar)
subroutine getfbr(fstr, facnb, faces)
Build the list of boundary faces matching a criteria string.
Definition: cs_selector_f2c.f90:111
subroutine getcel(fstr, cellnb, cells)
Build the list of cells matching a criteria string.
Definition: cs_selector_f2c.f90:179