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programmer's documentation
clpalp.f90 File Reference

Clipping of alpha in the framwork of the Rij-EBRSM model. Also called for alpha of scalars for EB-DFM. More...


subroutine clpalp (f_id, ncelet, ncel, alpha_min)

Detailed Description

Clipping of alpha in the framwork of the Rij-EBRSM model. Also called for alpha of scalars for EB-DFM.

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ clpalp()

subroutine clpalp ( integer  f_id,
integer  ncelet,
integer  ncel,
double precision, dimension(ncelet)  alpha_min 
[in]f_idfield id of alpha variable
[in]nceletnumber of extended (real + ghost) cells
[in]ncelnumber of cells
[in]alpha_minminimum acceptable value for alpha