Name: ExePath Status: Windows(Y), Linux(Y) Level: Beginner Maintainer: Ingo Ruhnke Summary: How to get the executable path of the binary This example demonstrates how to get the executable path of the binary, this is important since programs have to locate their data files somehow and the current directory is not sufficient for doing at all times. GNU/Linux programs when installed are mostly started from the PATH, thus the executable doesn't get a clue on where the data files might be located (/usr, /usr/local, ...) since the current working directory can be anything. With CL_System::get_exe_path() however one can get the location of the binary, for example if the binary is in /usr/bin/your_binary, the function would return /usr/bin/. By appending ../share/games/your_game/ you could now find the location of your data without resorting to ugly workarounds like hard-compiled path names in your binary or wrapper scripts.