Sprites are one of the best features of Clanlib.  They are relatively straightforward and make the animating of characters much easier.


First let us create a resources file that includes the sprite information.


ship_flame =


                                type = sprite,

                                image1 = ship_flame_0001.tga,

                                image2 = ship_flame_0002.tga,

                                image3 = ship_flame_0003.tga,

                                image4 = ship_flame_0004.tga,

                                image5 = ship_flame_0005.tga




Ok so let’s go over some of the basics


      ship_flame =


This is the name of the sprite


      type = sprite,


Tells us this resource is a sprite (note the “,” after)


                image1 = ship_flame_0001.tga,

                image2 = ship_flame_0002.tga,


imageX is the order in which you want the images displayed.

Let’s go back to our basic app and add a sprite.

//main.h – has the definition for our main clanapp class


#include <ClanLib/core.h>

#include <ClanLib/application.h>

#include <ClanLib/display.h>

#include <ClanLib/gl.h>


class SimpleApp : public CL_ClanApplication



                virtual int main(int, char**);





In main.h we will add a line a line that creates a CL_Sprite called Flaming_Ship.



#include “main.h


int SimpleApp::main(int argc, char **argv)



                //we need to set up all the different pieces






                //We need to create a window so people can see what we’re doing

               CL_DisplayWindow window("A Simple ClanLib App", 640, 480, false, true);


                //Tell Clanlib that we will be drawing in 2D



                CL_ResourceManager *myResourceManager = new CL_ResourceManager(“resources.scr”, false);


                //Setup our Flaming_Ship sprite to use the resource file sprite.


                CL_Sprite * Flaming_Ship = new CL_Sprite("ship_flame", myResourceManager);


                 //let’s start our while loop and draw on the screen


               //If escape was hit, we should quit




                                //clear the screen to black





                                Flaming_Ship->draw(315, 235)

                                //flip our screen so it draws it to the front buffer


                                //call keep_alive, the most important call in any loop





                 //Tell Clanlib that we are done drawing in 2D

                delete Flaming_Ship;

                delete MyResourceManager;







                return 0;




SimpleApp app;


                CL_Sprite *Flaming_Ship = new CL_Sprite("ship_flame", myResourceManager);


This sets up our sprite using the ship_flame resource we defined earlier in our new resource file




This updates our sprite to the current frame based on a 20 frames per second default.


                                Flaming_Ship->draw(315, 235);


Draws our sprite on the screen.


So as you can see, ClanLib offers you a lot of functionality with very little code.