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Adds images separated with pure alpha (within trans_limit).

	void add_alphaclipped_frames_free(
		CL_PixelBuffer provider, int xpos = 0, int ypos = 0, float trans_limit = 0.05f);


Image source.
xpos, ypos
Upper left position where alpha cutting should begin.
Amount of non-transparent alpha allowed before a pixel is not considered transparent.
If true, deletes provider when sprite description is destroyed.

Detailed description:

The alpha clipper will cut out frames from an image based on the transparency in the picture. It scans the lines horizontally from top to bottom. As soon as a non-transarent pixel is discovered, the clipper finds the bounding box for that region and then moves on.

See also:

CL_PixelBuffer | CL_SpriteDescription

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