SYSTEM TESTING PROPOSAL This document is intended as a discussion of possible automated tests. It does not describe any existing tests. --- First we should create a client that leverages expect (or something similar) to perform automated testing of the client interface. Tests can be written as expect scripts. Each system being tested will need to create an aide level user for the test client to connect as. The test client will create another user to carry out the tests. This allows the aide level user to vary the level of the test user and check the access level code. ---- For a first step each test site should create a test user that can send internet mail. This test user needs some sieve rules to forward mail around (eventually this will be created automatically by the test client). These rules will forward mail to other test users at other sites participating in the test system and to a networked room. Each system participating in the test should share some rooms. The idea is: 1. A test site posts a message to its test user using citmail or some other email prog. 2. The sieve rules forward the message to each of the other test users at the other sites. 3. The sieve rules for the other test users detect that the message was forwarded to them and they file it into a networked room 4. By virtue of the networked room the message returns to the originating system where the administrator can see it. Once I (davew) have written my module to alter the message body we can have it add text to the message to indicate the full path of the message.