Class TreeWalkerAuditEvent

  • public class TreeWalkerAuditEvent
    extends java.lang.Object
    Raw TreeWalker event for audit.
    • Constructor Detail

      • TreeWalkerAuditEvent

        public TreeWalkerAuditEvent​(FileContents fileContents,
                                    java.lang.String fileName,
                                    LocalizedMessage localizedMessage,
                                    DetailAST rootAst)
        Creates a new TreeWalkerAuditEvent instance.
        fileContents - contents of the file associated with the event
        fileName - file associated with the event
        localizedMessage - the actual message
        rootAst - root AST element DetailAST of the file
    • Method Detail

      • getFileName

        public java.lang.String getFileName()
        Returns name of file being audited.
        the file name currently being audited or null if there is no relation to a file.
      • getFileContents

        public FileContents getFileContents()
        Returns contents of the file.
        contents of the file.
      • getLocalizedMessage

        public LocalizedMessage getLocalizedMessage()
        Gets the localized message.
        the localized message
      • getLine

        public int getLine()
        Return the line number on the source file where the event occurred. This may be 0 if there is no relation to a file content.
        an integer representing the line number in the file source code.
      • getMessage

        public java.lang.String getMessage()
        Return the message associated to the event.
        the event message
      • getColumn

        public int getColumn()
        Gets the column associated with the message.
        the column associated with the message
      • getColumnCharIndex

        public int getColumnCharIndex()
        Gets the column char index associated with the message.
        the column char index associated with the message
      • getModuleId

        public java.lang.String getModuleId()
        Returns id of module.
        the identifier of the module that generated the event. Can return null.
      • getSourceName

        public java.lang.String getSourceName()
        Gets the name of the source for the message.
        the name of the source for the message
      • getTokenType

        public int getTokenType()
        Gets the token type of the message.
        the token type of the message
      • getRootAst

        public DetailAST getRootAst()
        Gets the root element of the AST tree.
        the root element of the AST tree