Ceilometer includes an extensive set of automated unit tests which are run through tox.
Install tox
$ sudo pip install tox
Run the unit and code-style tests:
$ cd /opt/stack/ceilometer
$ tox -e py27,pep8
As tox is a wrapper around testr, it also accepts the same flags as testr. See the testr documentation for details about these additional flags.
Use a double hyphen to pass options to testr. For example, to run only tests under tests/unit/image:
$ tox -e py27 -- image
To debug tests (ie. break into pdb debugger), you can use ‘’debug’’ tox environment. Here’s an example, passing the name of a test since you’ll normally only want to run the test that hits your breakpoint:
$ tox -e debug ceilometer.tests.unit.test_bin
For reference, the debug
tox environment implements the instructions
here: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Testr#Debugging_.28pdb.29_Tests
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