
Spans staged data among multiple discs

This is the Cedar Backup span tool. It is intended for use by people who stage more data than can fit on a single disc. It allows a user to split staged data among more than one disc. It can’t be an extension because it requires user input when switching media.

Most configuration is taken from the Cedar Backup configuration file, specifically the store section. A few pieces of configuration are taken directly from the user.


Kenneth J. Pronovici <pronovic@ieee.org>

Module Contents

class CedarBackup3.tools.span.SpanOptions(argumentList=None, argumentString=None, validate=True)

Bases: CedarBackup3.cli.Options

Tool-specific command-line options.

Most of the cback3 command-line options are exactly what we need here – logfile path, permissions, verbosity, etc. However, we need to make a few tweaks since we don’t accept any actions.

Also, a few extra command line options that we accept are really ignored underneath. I just don’t care about that for a tool like this.


Validates command-line options represented by the object. There are no validations here, because we don’t use any actions. :raises ValueError: If one of the validations fails


Implements the command-line interface for the cback3-span script.

Essentially, this is the “main routine” for the cback3-span script. It does all of the argument processing for the script, and then also implements the tool functionality.

This function looks pretty similiar to CedarBackup3.cli.cli(). It’s not easy to refactor this code to make it reusable and also readable, so I’ve decided to just live with the duplication.

A different error code is returned for each type of failure:

  • 1: The Python interpreter version is not supported

  • 2: Error processing command-line arguments

  • 3: Error configuring logging

  • 4: Error parsing indicated configuration file

  • 5: Backup was interrupted with a CTRL-C or similar

  • 6: Error executing other parts of the script

Note: This script uses print rather than logging to the INFO level, because it is interactive. Underlying Cedar Backup functionality uses the logging mechanism exclusively.


Error code as described above