
Provides an extension to back up mbox email files.

Backing up email

Email folders (often stored as mbox flatfiles) are not well-suited being backed up with an incremental backup like the one offered by Cedar Backup. This is because mbox files often change on a daily basis, forcing the incremental backup process to back them up every day in order to avoid losing data. This can result in quite a bit of wasted space when backing up large folders. (Note that the alternative maildir format does not share this problem, since it typically uses one file per message.)

One solution to this problem is to design a smarter incremental backup process, which backs up baseline content on the first day of the week, and then backs up only new messages added to that folder on every other day of the week. This way, the backup for any single day is only as large as the messages placed into the folder on that day. The backup isn’t as “perfect” as the incremental backup process, because it doesn’t preserve information about messages deleted from the backed-up folder. However, it should be much more space-efficient, and in a recovery situation, it seems better to restore too much data rather than too little.

What is this extension?

This is a Cedar Backup extension used to back up mbox email files via the Cedar Backup command line. Individual mbox files or directories containing mbox files can be backed up using the same collect modes allowed for filesystems in the standard Cedar Backup collect action: weekly, daily, incremental. It implements the “smart” incremental backup process discussed above, using functionality provided by the grepmail utility.

This extension requires a new configuration section <mbox> and is intended to be run either immediately before or immediately after the standard collect action. Aside from its own configuration, it requires the options and collect configuration sections in the standard Cedar Backup configuration file.

The mbox action is conceptually similar to the standard collect action, except that mbox directories are not collected recursively. This implies some configuration changes (i.e. there’s no need for global exclusions or an ignore file). If you back up a directory, all of the mbox files in that directory are backed up into a single tar file using the indicated compression method.


Kenneth J. Pronovici <pronovic@ieee.org>

Module Contents

CedarBackup3.extend.mbox.GREPMAIL_COMMAND = ['grepmail']
CedarBackup3.extend.mbox.REVISION_PATH_EXTENSION = mboxlast
class CedarBackup3.extend.mbox.MboxFile(absolutePath=None, collectMode=None, compressMode=None)

Bases: object

Class representing mbox file configuration..

The following restrictions exist on data in this class:


Official string representation for class instance.


Informal string representation for class instance.


Equals operator, iplemented in terms of original Python 2 compare operator.


Less-than operator, iplemented in terms of original Python 2 compare operator.


Greater-than operator, iplemented in terms of original Python 2 compare operator.


Original Python 2 comparison operator. :param other: Other object to compare to


-1/0/1 depending on whether self is <, = or > other

class CedarBackup3.extend.mbox.MboxDir(absolutePath=None, collectMode=None, compressMode=None, relativeExcludePaths=None, excludePatterns=None)

Bases: object

Class representing mbox directory configuration..

The following restrictions exist on data in this class:

Unlike collect directory configuration, this is the only place exclusions are allowed (no global exclusions at the <mbox> configuration level). Also, we only allow relative exclusions and there is no configured ignore file. This is because mbox directory backups are not recursive.


Official string representation for class instance.


Informal string representation for class instance.


Equals operator, iplemented in terms of original Python 2 compare operator.


Less-than operator, iplemented in terms of original Python 2 compare operator.


Greater-than operator, iplemented in terms of original Python 2 compare operator.


Original Python 2 comparison operator. :param other: Other object to compare to


-1/0/1 depending on whether self is <, = or > other

class CedarBackup3.extend.mbox.MboxConfig(collectMode=None, compressMode=None, mboxFiles=None, mboxDirs=None)

Bases: object

Class representing mbox configuration.

Mbox configuration is used for backing up mbox email files.

The following restrictions exist on data in this class:

  • The collect mode must be one of the values in VALID_COLLECT_MODES.

  • The compress mode must be one of the values in VALID_COMPRESS_MODES.

  • The mboxFiles list must be a list of MboxFile objects

  • The mboxDirs list must be a list of MboxDir objects

For the mboxFiles and mboxDirs lists, validation is accomplished through the util.ObjectTypeList list implementation that overrides common list methods and transparently ensures that each element is of the proper type.

Unlike collect configuration, no global exclusions are allowed on this level. We only allow relative exclusions at the mbox directory level. Also, there is no configured ignore file. This is because mbox directory backups are not recursive.

Note: Lists within this class are “unordered” for equality comparisons.


Official string representation for class instance.


Informal string representation for class instance.


Equals operator, iplemented in terms of original Python 2 compare operator.


Less-than operator, iplemented in terms of original Python 2 compare operator.


Greater-than operator, iplemented in terms of original Python 2 compare operator.


Original Python 2 comparison operator. Lists within this class are “unordered” for equality comparisons. :param other: Other object to compare to


-1/0/1 depending on whether self is <, = or > other

class CedarBackup3.extend.mbox.LocalConfig(xmlData=None, xmlPath=None, validate=True)

Bases: object

Class representing this extension’s configuration document.

This is not a general-purpose configuration object like the main Cedar Backup configuration object. Instead, it just knows how to parse and emit Mbox-specific configuration values. Third parties who need to read and write configuration related to this extension should access it through the constructor, validate and addConfig methods.

Note: Lists within this class are “unordered” for equality comparisons.


Official string representation for class instance.


Informal string representation for class instance.


Equals operator, iplemented in terms of original Python 2 compare operator.


Less-than operator, iplemented in terms of original Python 2 compare operator.


Greater-than operator, iplemented in terms of original Python 2 compare operator.


Original Python 2 comparison operator. Lists within this class are “unordered” for equality comparisons. :param other: Other object to compare to


-1/0/1 depending on whether self is <, = or > other


Validates configuration represented by the object.

Mbox configuration must be filled in. Within that, the collect mode and compress mode are both optional, but the list of repositories must contain at least one entry.

Each configured file or directory must contain an absolute path, and then must be either able to take collect mode and compress mode configuration from the parent MboxConfig object, or must set each value on its own.


ValueError – If one of the validations fails

addConfig(xmlDom, parentNode)

Adds an <mbox> configuration section as the next child of a parent.

Third parties should use this function to write configuration related to this extension.

We add the following fields to the document:

collectMode    //cb_config/mbox/collectMode
compressMode   //cb_config/mbox/compressMode

We also add groups of the following items, one list element per item:

mboxFiles      //cb_config/mbox/file
mboxDirs       //cb_config/mbox/dir

The mbox files and mbox directories are added by _addMboxFile and _addMboxDir.

  • xmlDom – DOM tree as from impl.createDocument()

  • parentNode – Parent that the section should be appended to

CedarBackup3.extend.mbox.executeAction(configPath, options, config)

Executes the mbox backup action.

  • configPath (String representing a path on disk) – Path to configuration file on disk

  • options (Options object) – Program command-line options

  • config (Config object) – Program configuration

  • ValueError – Under many generic error conditions

  • IOError – If a backup could not be written for some reason