Class TX3DNode
type TX3DNode = class(TX3DFileItem)
X3D node. Every X3D node class descends from this.
- TObject
- TPersistent
- TX3DFileItem
- TX3DNode
VRML1ChildrenAllowed: boolean; |
VRML1ChildrenParsingAllowed: boolean; |
function DeepCopyCore(CopyState: TX3DNodeDeepCopyState): TX3DNode; virtual; |
function DeepCopyCreate(CopyState: TX3DNodeDeepCopyState): TX3DNode; virtual; |
procedure AddFunctionality(const F: TNodeFunctionality); |
class function VRML1ChildrenSaveToStream: boolean; virtual; |
function DirectEnumerateActive( Func: TEnumerateChildrenFunction): Pointer; virtual; |
function DirectEnumerateActiveForTraverse( Func: TEnumerateChildrenFunction; StateStack: TX3DGraphTraverseStateStack): Pointer; virtual; |
function DirectEnumerateAll( Func: TEnumerateChildrenFunction): Pointer; |
function DirectEnumerate( Func: TEnumerateChildrenFunction; OnlyActive: boolean): Pointer; |
procedure BeforeTraverse(StateStack: TX3DGraphTraverseStateStack); virtual; |
procedure MiddleTraverse(StateStack: TX3DGraphTraverseStateStack); virtual; |
procedure AfterTraverse(StateStack: TX3DGraphTraverseStateStack); virtual; |
function ParseNodeBodyElement(Lexer: TX3DLexer; Reader: TX3DReaderNames; const APositionInParent: Integer): boolean; virtual; |
procedure ParseAfter(Reader: TX3DReaderNames); virtual; |
procedure CreateNode; virtual; |
procedure GroupBeforeTraverse(const State: TX3DGraphTraverseState; var WasPointingDeviceSensor: Boolean); virtual; |
function FieldsCount: Integer; |
procedure AddField(const Value: TX3DField); |
function IndexOfField(const AName: string): Integer; |
function EventsCount: Integer; |
procedure AddEvent(const Value: TX3DEvent); |
function IndexOfEvent(const AName: string): Integer; |
function Field(const AName: string; const RaiseOnError: Boolean = false): TX3DField; |
function FieldOrEvent(const AName: string; const RaiseOnError: Boolean = false): TX3DFieldOrEvent; |
function AnyEvent(const AName: string; const RaiseOnError: Boolean = false): TX3DEvent; |
function VRML1ChildrenCount: integer; |
procedure VRML1ChildAdd(const Index: Integer; const Child: TX3DNode); overload; |
procedure VRML1ChildAdd(const Child: TX3DNode); overload; |
procedure VRML1ChildRemove(const I: Integer); |
procedure VRML1ChildrenClear; |
function VRML1ChildExtract(const I: Integer): TX3DNode; |
function VRML1ParentsCount: integer; |
function ParentFieldsCount: Integer; |
procedure FreeRemovingFromAllParents; |
procedure FreeIfUnused; |
procedure KeepExistingBegin; |
procedure KeepExistingEnd; |
function PathFromBaseUrl(const RelativePath: string): string; |
procedure Parse(Lexer: TX3DLexer; Reader: TX3DReaderNames); virtual; |
procedure ParseXML(Element: TDOMElement; Reader: TX3DReaderNames); |
constructor Create(const AX3DName: string = ''; const ABaseUrl: string = ''); virtual; |
destructor Destroy; override; |
function X3DType: string; virtual; |
function NodeTypeName: string; deprecated 'use X3DType'; |
class function ClassX3DType: string; virtual; |
function Traverse( NodeClass: TX3DNodeClass; TraversingFunc: TTraversingFunc): Pointer; |
function TraverseInternal(StateStack: TX3DGraphTraverseStateStack; NodeClass: TX3DNodeClass; TraversingFunc: TTraversingFunc; ParentInfo: PTraversingInfo): Pointer; |
function TraverseIntoChildren(StateStack: TX3DGraphTraverseStateStack; NodeClass: TX3DNodeClass; TraversingFunc: TTraversingFunc; ParentInfo: PTraversingInfo): Pointer; |
procedure EnumerateNodes( proc: TX3DNodeProc; OnlyActive: boolean); overload; |
procedure EnumerateNodes(nodeClass: TX3DNodeClass; proc: TX3DNodeProc; OnlyActive: boolean); overload; |
procedure EnumerateNodes(nodeClass: TX3DNodeClass; const SeekNodeName: string; proc: TX3DNodeProc; OnlyActive: boolean); overload; |
function SearchNodes(const Proc: TX3DNodeSearchProc; const OnlyActive: boolean): Pointer; |
function TryFindNodeByName(FindClass: TX3DNodeClass; const FindName: string; OnlyActive: boolean): TX3DNode; deprecated 'use FindNode'; |
function FindNodeByName(FindClass: TX3DNodeClass; const FindName: string; OnlyActive: boolean): TX3DNode; deprecated 'use FindNode'; |
function TryFindNode(FindClass: TX3DNodeClass; OnlyActive: boolean): TX3DNode; deprecated 'use FindNode'; |
function FindNode(FindClass: TX3DNodeClass; OnlyActive: boolean): TX3DNode; overload; deprecated 'use FindNode'; |
function FindNode(const NodeClass: TX3DNodeClass; const FindName: string; const Options: TFindNodeOptions = []): TX3DNode; overload; |
function FindNode(const FindName: string): TX3DNode; overload; deprecated 'use FindNode(NodeClass, FindName)'; |
function TryFindNodeState( NodeClass: TX3DNodeClass; out Node: TX3DNode; out State: TX3DGraphTraverseState): boolean; deprecated 'use FindNode to look for nodes easier; or iterate over TCastleScene.Shapes.TraverseList if you really need to know nodes with their TX3DGraphTraverseState'; |
function TryFindNodeTransform( NodeClass: TX3DNodeClass; out Node: TX3DNode; out Transform: TMatrix4; out TransformScale: Single): boolean; deprecated 'use FindNode to look for nodes easier; or iterate over TCastleScene.Shapes.TraverseList if you really need to know nodes with their transformations'; |
function TryFindParentByName(const FindName: string): TX3DNode; |
function FindParentByName(const FindName: string): TX3DNode; |
function HasParentNode(Node: TX3DNode): boolean; |
function TryFindDirectParentByName(const FindName: string): TX3DNode; |
function IsNodePresent(Node: TX3DNode; OnlyActive: boolean): boolean; |
function NodesCount(NodeClass: TX3DNodeClass; CountOnlyActiveNodes: boolean): integer; |
procedure SaveToStream(Writer: TX3DWriter); override; |
class function VRML1StateNode(out StateNode: TVRML1StateNode): boolean; |
class function ForVRMLVersion(const Version: TX3DVersion): boolean; virtual; |
function EnumerateReplaceChildren( Func: TEnumerateReplaceNodesFunction): Cardinal; |
function RemoveChildrenWithMatchingName( const Wildcard: string; IgnoreCase: Boolean): Cardinal; |
function PrototypesCount: Integer; |
procedure AddPrototype(const Value: TX3DPrototypeBase); |
function RoutesCount: Integer; |
procedure AddRoute(const Value: TX3DRoute); overload; |
procedure AddRoute(const Source, Destination: TX3DFieldOrEvent); overload; |
function ImportsCount: Integer; |
procedure AddImport(const Value: TX3DImport); |
function ExportsCount: Integer; |
procedure AddExport(const Value: TX3DExport); |
function DeepCopy: TX3DNode; |
procedure AddDestructionNotification(const Event: TNodeDestructionNotification); |
procedure RemoveDestructionNotification(const Event: TNodeDestructionNotification); |
procedure PostAddInterfaceDeclaration(IDecl: TX3DInterfaceDeclaration); virtual; |
procedure AddCustomField(AField: TX3DField); |
procedure AddCustomFieldOrEvent(AFieldOrEvent: TX3DFieldOrEvent); |
function NiceName: string; |
procedure UnregisterScene; |
function FieldSetByEvent(const Event: TX3DEvent): TX3DField; virtual; |
function FieldSendingEvent(const Event: TX3DEvent): TX3DField; virtual; |
function Functionality( const FunctionalityClass: TNodeFunctionalityClass): TNodeFunctionality; |
property CDataField: TMFString read FCDataField write FCDataField; |
property Fields [constIndex:Integer]: TX3DField read GetFields; |
property Events [constIndex:Integer]: TX3DEvent read GetEvents; |
property VRML1Children [constI:Integer]: TX3DNode read GetVRML1Child write SetVRML1Child; |
property VRML1Parents [constI:Integer]: TX3DNode read GetVRML1Parent; |
property ParentFields[Index:Integer]: TX3DField read GetParentFieldsItem; |
property ParentFieldsNode[Index:Integer]: TX3DNode
read GetParentFieldsNodeItem; |
property KeepExisting: Cardinal read FKeepExisting write FKeepExisting; |
property X3DName: string read FX3DName write FX3DName; |
property NodeName: string read FX3DName write FX3DName; deprecated 'use X3DName'; |
property BaseUrl: string read FBaseUrl write FBaseUrl; |
property WWWBasePath: string read FBaseUrl write FBaseUrl; deprecated; |
property Prototypes [constIndex:Integer]: TX3DPrototypeBase read GetPrototypes; |
property Routes [constIndex:Integer]: TX3DRoute read GetRoutes; |
property ImportsList [constIndex:Integer]: TX3DImport read GetImports; |
property ExportsList [constIndex:Integer]: TX3DExport read GetExports; |
property PrototypeInstance: boolean read FPrototypeInstance; |
property PrototypeInstanceSourceNode: TX3DPrototypeNode
read FPrototypeInstanceSourceNode; |
property PrototypeInstanceHelpers: TX3DNode read FPrototypeInstanceHelpers; |
property DefaultContainerField: string
read FDefaultContainerField write FDefaultContainerField; |
property HasInterfaceDeclarations: TX3DAccessTypes
read FHasInterfaceDeclarations
write SetHasInterfaceDeclarations default []; |
property InterfaceDeclarations: TX3DInterfaceDeclarationList
read FInterfaceDeclarations; |
property Scene: TX3DEventsEngine read FScene write FScene; |
property TransformFunctionality: TTransformFunctionality read FTransformFunctionality; |
property TimeFunctionality: TTimeDependentFunctionality read FTimeFunctionality; |
property GenTexFunctionality: TGeneratedTextureFunctionality read FGenTexFunctionality; |
VRML1ChildrenAllowed: boolean; |
Are VRML 1.0 children allowed. This condition is checked in VRML1ChildAdd, so it's strictly impossible to add a node that is not allowed. Note that in some special cases Default |
VRML1ChildrenParsingAllowed: boolean; |
VRML 1.0 children allowed to be added during parsing. This is used only by *Inline nodes for now, that do not allow reading children during parsing but may get new children in memory. So their When VRML1ChildrenAllowed is Default |
function DeepCopyCore(CopyState: TX3DNodeDeepCopyState): TX3DNode; virtual; |
Does actual DeepCopy work. You can override this to copy some more properties for descendants. |
function DeepCopyCreate(CopyState: TX3DNodeDeepCopyState): TX3DNode; virtual; |
This should be a mere call to constructor of your own class. In TX3DNode, this simply calls default virtual constructor, which is Ok for all normal nodes. But we have some special nodes, like TX3DPrototypeNode or TX3DUnknownNode, that simply cannot be created by default constructor. They need to override this. |
procedure AddFunctionality(const F: TNodeFunctionality); |
Register new TNodeFunctionality instance to be returned by Functionality, and automatically freed when this node is freed. |
class function VRML1ChildrenSaveToStream: boolean; virtual; |
Should SaveToStream save our VRML1Children. In this class default implementation returns |
function DirectEnumerateActive( Func: TEnumerateChildrenFunction): Pointer; virtual; |
Enumerate all active child nodes of given node. "Active nodes" are the ones affecting current look or collisions, e.g. from Switch node only one child will be enumerated. See Traverse for more precise definition. "Direct" means that this enumerates only direct descendants, i.e. this is not recursive. See methods like Traverse or EnumerateNodes if you want recursive behavior. This can enumerate both VRML1Children nodes and nodes within TSFNode and TMFNode fields. Default implementation in this class enumerates all Children nodes of VRML 1.0. If you need to remove some children for VRML 1.0 (e.g. for Switch or LOD nodes) or add some children for VRML 2.0 you have to override this. You do not need to call inherited when overriding this — in fact, you should not, if you want to omit some nodes. Stops and returns immediately if Func returns non-nil for some child. |
function DirectEnumerateActiveForTraverse( Func: TEnumerateChildrenFunction; StateStack: TX3DGraphTraverseStateStack): Pointer; virtual; |
Enumerate all active child nodes of given node, and may additionally modify StateStack. It's used by Traverse. Default implementation in this class simply calls DirectEnumerateActive, ignoring StateStack, and this is suitable for 99% of nodes. However, for some special nodes (only Collision node for now), they have to modify state during traversing into various children, and then they can override this. Stops and returns immediately in Func returns non-nil for some child. |
function DirectEnumerateAll( Func: TEnumerateChildrenFunction): Pointer; |
Simply enumerate all direct descendant nodes. That is, all children in VRML 1.0 style and all nodes in SFNode and MFNode fields. This includes prototype stuff, if this node is expanded from prototype: PrototypeInstanceSourceNode and PrototypeInstanceHelpers. |
function DirectEnumerate( Func: TEnumerateChildrenFunction; OnlyActive: boolean): Pointer; |
This enumerates direct descendant nodes of this node. This is equivalent to DirectEnumerateActive or DirectEnumerateAll, depending on value of OnlyActive param. |
procedure BeforeTraverse(StateStack: TX3DGraphTraverseStateStack); virtual; |
Override these methods to determine what happens when given node is traversed during Traverse call. The main use of this is to operate on TX3DGraphTraverseStateStack. Remember to always call inherited when overriding. In Besides changing StateStack.Top fields, you can do push/pop on the stack. Remember that if you do StateStack.Push in |
procedure MiddleTraverse(StateStack: TX3DGraphTraverseStateStack); virtual; |
procedure AfterTraverse(StateStack: TX3DGraphTraverseStateStack); virtual; |
function ParseNodeBodyElement(Lexer: TX3DLexer; Reader: TX3DReaderNames; const APositionInParent: Integer): boolean; virtual; |
Parse VRML node body element. Usually, this is a field. May also be VRML 1.0 style child node. May also be VRML 2.0 Script node interface declaration, etc. — see VRML 2.0 grammar spec. This should be overriden to parse special features within particular nodes. While generally VRML is very clean and there's no need to override this, there's one use for this currently:
When overriding, always check inherited result first, and exit if inherited handled successfully. Otherwise either read your stuff and return |
procedure ParseAfter(Reader: TX3DReaderNames); virtual; |
Called at the end of parsing this node (including children) in any encoding. |
procedure CreateNode; virtual; |
procedure GroupBeforeTraverse(const State: TX3DGraphTraverseState; var WasPointingDeviceSensor: Boolean); virtual; |
React when this node is processed as an immediate child of a grouping node, within grouping node's BeforeTraverse. |
function FieldsCount: Integer; |
procedure AddField(const Value: TX3DField); |
function IndexOfField(const AName: string): Integer; |
function EventsCount: Integer; |
procedure AddEvent(const Value: TX3DEvent); |
function IndexOfEvent(const AName: string): Integer; |
function Field(const AName: string; const RaiseOnError: Boolean = false): TX3DField; |
Search by name for given field. When RaiseOnError=false (default) returns Exceptions raised |
function FieldOrEvent(const AName: string; const RaiseOnError: Boolean = false): TX3DFieldOrEvent; |
Search by name for given field or event (exposed by some field or not). When RaiseOnError=false (default) returns Exceptions raised |
function AnyEvent(const AName: string; const RaiseOnError: Boolean = false): TX3DEvent; |
Search by name for given event (exposed by some field or not). When RaiseOnError=false (default) returns Exceptions raised |
function VRML1ChildrenCount: integer; |
procedure VRML1ChildAdd(const Index: Integer; const Child: TX3DNode); overload; |
Add a VRML 1.0 child node at given position. Index (position) must be in [0..VRML1ChildrenCount]. Items at and above Index position are moved to the right, to insert new child at Index position. |
procedure VRML1ChildAdd(const Child: TX3DNode); overload; |
Add a VRML 1.0 child node at the end of VRML1Children list. |
procedure VRML1ChildRemove(const I: Integer); |
procedure VRML1ChildrenClear; |
function VRML1ChildExtract(const I: Integer): TX3DNode; |
Remove a VRML 1.0 children at index I and return it (do not free it). Compare this with VRML1Remove, that removes children I and frees it if it's no longer used by anything. This removes children I, appropriately adjusting all parent / children links, but even if a node is unused after removing, it is not freed. It's always returned. |
function VRML1ParentsCount: integer; |
function ParentFieldsCount: Integer; |
procedure FreeIfUnused; |
Free this node if it is not referenced by any parent fields or nodes. Takes into account that node may have VRML 1.0 parent nodes and VRML 2.0 / X3D parent fields (SFNode or MFNode). This is a safe way of removing a node that may, but doesn't have to, be part of some VRML/X3D graph. The idea is that if a node is a part of some graph, we don't need to do anything (since you should have a reference to the entine graph somewhere anyway), otherwise node is considered unused and freed. Analogous to standard TObject.Free, this also works when called on a For safety, it's advised to set reference to |
procedure KeepExistingBegin; |
procedure KeepExistingEnd; |
function PathFromBaseUrl(const RelativePath: string): string; |
Returns an absolute path, assuming that RelativePath is relative path from BaseUrl or that RelativePath is already absolute. |
procedure Parse(Lexer: TX3DLexer; Reader: TX3DReaderNames); virtual; |
Parse node. This should set values of your fields, VRML 1.0 Children list, BaseUrl. In special cases like TX3DUnknownNode this may actually initialize whole Fields list (by VRML 1.0 "fields" extensibility feature). |
procedure ParseXML(Element: TDOMElement; Reader: TX3DReaderNames); |
Parse node body, i.e. mainly node's fields. |
constructor Create(const AX3DName: string = ''; const ABaseUrl: string = ''); virtual; |
Constructor. Initializes various properties:
destructor Destroy; override; |
function X3DType: string; virtual; |
Type of the node in X3D, like Note that VRML/X3D is generally case-sensitive, so this property is too. In TX3DNode, this returns ClassX3DType, which is suitable for most nodes. See ClassX3DType. |
function NodeTypeName: string; deprecated 'use X3DType'; |
Warning: this symbol is deprecated: use X3DType |
class function ClassX3DType: string; virtual; |
Node type name in VRML/X3D, for this class. Normal VRML/X3D node classes should override this to return something non-empty, and then X3DType automatically will return the same value. Empty for classes that don't have a hardcoded VRML/X3D node name, like a special TX3DUnknownNode. Such special classes should override then X3DType to return actual non-empty name there. You usually should call X3DType. The only use of this method is that it works on classes (it's "class function"), without needing at actual instance. |
function Traverse( NodeClass: TX3DNodeClass; TraversingFunc: TTraversingFunc): Pointer; |
Traverse all the nodes of VRML graph that are active. An "active" part of the VRML graph are the nodes that actually change what the VRML file represents, in terms of geometry, collision detection etc. For example, the Switch node has only one child usually active. Nodes that merely influence the active graph by some events and routes do not have to be active (these nodes may change what the VRML file actually represents, but only by changing other nodes). For all nodes of NodeClass TraversingFunc will be called. If if returns non-nil for some node, the processing of following nodes (children and siblings) will be aborted and result will be returned. Traverse not only enumerates these nodes, it also collects all state (transformation, etc — see TX3DGraphTraverseState) that affects how given node should be presented. Also, TraversingInfo is passed to each TraversingFunc call. This allows you to investigate, during TraversingFunc call, the parents hierarchy (you can't use VRML1Parents / ParentFields of the current node, since a node may have many parents). Traverse calls are naturally recursive, and so the stack of TraversingInfo structures is naturally build and destroyed by recursive calls. For the root node (the one where you called Traverse without specifying initial TraversingInfo), ParentInfo is simply The scheme of how Traverse works: BeforeTraverse; TraverseIntoChildren := true; if Self is NodeClass then TraversingFunc (Self, State, TraverseIntoChildren); MiddleTraverse; if TraverseIntoChildren is still true then for all children returned by DirectEnumerateActive call their Traverse(State); AfterTraverse; Add Self to State.VRML1State (for VRML 1.0 state nodes);
Note: setting TraverseIntoChildren to false means that some part of the tree is explicitly omitted from traversing. Use this only if you know what you're doing, as for some nodes they actually affect their parents too (for example, chilren within VRML 1.0 Group affect other nodes too; global lights within VRML >= 2.0 affect all nodes; and so on...). Usually, you will use this only for separator-like nodes (for VRML >= 2.0, all Group, Transform, Switch etc. act like separators), and only when you will somehow traverse into these nodes anyway. We guarantee that AfterTraverse will be called if BeforeTraverse was called and finished (that is, AfterTraverse is called in the During traversing, you can only modify the children (direct or not) nodes of the current node. |
function TraverseInternal(StateStack: TX3DGraphTraverseStateStack; NodeClass: TX3DNodeClass; TraversingFunc: TTraversingFunc; ParentInfo: PTraversingInfo): Pointer; |
Like Traverse, but it takes explicit starting state stack and starting ParentInfo. Not generally useful, use only for special purposes. |
function TraverseIntoChildren(StateStack: TX3DGraphTraverseStateStack; NodeClass: TX3DNodeClass; TraversingFunc: TTraversingFunc; ParentInfo: PTraversingInfo): Pointer; |
Like Traverse, but only enters children. This does the job of Traverse normally omitted if your Traverse callback returns |
procedure EnumerateNodes( proc: TX3DNodeProc; OnlyActive: boolean); overload; |
Enumerate all our children of some class. Recursively. Enumerates also this instance (Self), if it satisfies the NodeClass and SeekNodeName conditions. This enumerates both VRML 1.0 children (VRML1Children) as well as VRML >= 2.0 (including X3D) children (nodes in TSFNode and TMFNode fields). If OnlyActive then it will enumerate only active parts of the graph ("active" as defined by Traverse), so it will work as a simpler version of Traverse (simpler, because it doesn't track any state). If not OnlyActive then it will simply enumerate all nodes. This will include then also prototype helpers, if this node was expanded from prototype: see PrototypeInstanceSourceNode and PrototypeInstanceHelpers. If you give SeekNodeName parameter, we'll only look for nodes with X3DName = SeekNodeName. When SeekNodeName = '' it, consistently, looks for unnamed nodes (where X3DName = ''). Enumerates children only after enumerating Self. So you can modify children before enumerating them in the Proc callback. You can only modify your children in the Proc callback. |
procedure EnumerateNodes(nodeClass: TX3DNodeClass; proc: TX3DNodeProc; OnlyActive: boolean); overload; |
procedure EnumerateNodes(nodeClass: TX3DNodeClass; const SeekNodeName: string; proc: TX3DNodeProc; OnlyActive: boolean); overload; |
function SearchNodes(const Proc: TX3DNodeSearchProc; const OnlyActive: boolean): Pointer; |
Search nodes, like enumerating nodes but allows early exit during the enumeration. We search for a node for which Proc(Node) returns something non-nil. For every node, the given Proc callback is run. If the Proc callback returns something non-nil, the enumeration of the following nodes stops, and we return the callback result. |
function TryFindNodeByName(FindClass: TX3DNodeClass; const FindName: string; OnlyActive: boolean): TX3DNode; deprecated 'use FindNode'; |
Warning: this symbol is deprecated: use FindNode
These functions are quite like EnumerateNodes, except they stop at the first occurrence and return it.
Exceptions raised
function FindNodeByName(FindClass: TX3DNodeClass; const FindName: string; OnlyActive: boolean): TX3DNode; deprecated 'use FindNode'; |
Warning: this symbol is deprecated: use FindNode |
function TryFindNode(FindClass: TX3DNodeClass; OnlyActive: boolean): TX3DNode; deprecated 'use FindNode'; |
Warning: this symbol is deprecated: use FindNode |
function FindNode(FindClass: TX3DNodeClass; OnlyActive: boolean): TX3DNode; overload; deprecated 'use FindNode'; |
Warning: this symbol is deprecated: use FindNode |
function FindNode(const NodeClass: TX3DNodeClass; const FindName: string; const Options: TFindNodeOptions = []): TX3DNode; overload; |
Find a node by name and class, in this node and children (recursively). By default it searches both active and inactive graph parts. Add fnOnlyActive to search only in active parts. Exceptions raised
function FindNode(const FindName: string): TX3DNode; overload; deprecated 'use FindNode(NodeClass, FindName)'; |
Warning: this symbol is deprecated: use FindNode(NodeClass, FindName) |
function TryFindNodeState( NodeClass: TX3DNodeClass; out Node: TX3DNode; out State: TX3DGraphTraverseState): boolean; deprecated 'use FindNode to look for nodes easier; or iterate over TCastleScene.Shapes.TraverseList if you really need to know nodes with their TX3DGraphTraverseState'; |
Warning: this symbol is deprecated: use FindNode to look for nodes easier; or iterate over TCastleScene.Shapes.TraverseList if you really need to know nodes with their TX3DGraphTraverseState Find the first node with given class (NodeClass), return it's state or just transformation. Similar to Traverse, but stops as soon as the given node is found. Returns |
function TryFindNodeTransform( NodeClass: TX3DNodeClass; out Node: TX3DNode; out Transform: TMatrix4; out TransformScale: Single): boolean; deprecated 'use FindNode to look for nodes easier; or iterate over TCastleScene.Shapes.TraverseList if you really need to know nodes with their transformations'; |
Warning: this symbol is deprecated: use FindNode to look for nodes easier; or iterate over TCastleScene.Shapes.TraverseList if you really need to know nodes with their transformations |
function TryFindParentByName(const FindName: string): TX3DNode; |
Seeks Self and parent nodes (from VRML1Parents and ParentFields, recursively) for given node name. In other words, this is similar to TryNodeByName or NodeByName, but it goes "upward" in graph hierarchy. Note that this never restricts itself only to "active" graph part ("active" as defined by Traverse) because you really can't detect what is the "active" part of the graph when going upward.
Exceptions raised
function FindParentByName(const FindName: string): TX3DNode; |
function HasParentNode(Node: TX3DNode): boolean; |
Looks for a given Node in parents (and self), recursively. Similar to TryFindParentByName. Returns |
function TryFindDirectParentByName(const FindName: string): TX3DNode; |
Search immediate parents of this node for a node with given FindName. Returns |
function IsNodePresent(Node: TX3DNode; OnlyActive: boolean): boolean; |
Looks for a given node in our children (direct and not, including self). If OnlyActive, then only active parts are searched ("active" as defined by Traverse). |
function NodesCount(NodeClass: TX3DNodeClass; CountOnlyActiveNodes: boolean): integer; |
Count the occurrences of given node class in our children. For example, you can pass NodeClass = TAbstractLightNode to count the light sources in the scene. If CountOnlyActiveNodes, then only active parts are searched ("active" as defined by Traverse). This traverses both VRML 1.0 children nodes and VRML 2.0 nodes inside SFNode and MFNode fields. |
procedure SaveToStream(Writer: TX3DWriter); override; |
Save node to a stream. Saves everything, including node name, node type, and node contents. |
class function VRML1StateNode(out StateNode: TVRML1StateNode): boolean; |
Do the nodes of (exactly) this class should be included in VRML 1.0 state (see TX3DGraphTraverseState.VRML1State). |
class function ForVRMLVersion(const Version: TX3DVersion): boolean; virtual; |
Some nodes are present only in specific VRML/X3D version. This functions decides it. For example some nodes can only work in VRML < 2.0, some others only in VRML >= 2.0. There are even some pairs of nodes: for example TConeNode_1 works with VRML < 2.0, TConeNode works with VRML >= 2.0. NodesManager will use this. Default implementation of this function returns always In practice I only use this function when various VRML/X3D versions specify the same node name but
function EnumerateReplaceChildren( Func: TEnumerateReplaceNodesFunction): Cardinal; |
Enumerates all children nodes (recursively), allowing you to decide for each node to replace or remove it. So this is something like EnumerateNodes, except that it allows you to remove the nodes. It always enumerates all nodes, not only active (e.g. it enumerates all Switch node children, not only the chosen one). Note that (unlike regular EnumerateNodes) this doesn't report Self to Func !. Which is natural, since this may remove nodes by normal VRML1ChildRemove calls, so it needs to know ParentNode of the removed node. For each node Func will be called, with ParentNode and Node set. If you change the Node to something else, then the old node will be removed and new Node inserted in the same place. If new Node is Nodes are traversed in depth-first search. Node is first reported to Func, and then (if it's not replaced) we descend into this Node. ReturnsThe number of removed (and possibly replaced) nodes. |
function PrototypesCount: Integer; |
procedure AddPrototype(const Value: TX3DPrototypeBase); |
function RoutesCount: Integer; |
procedure AddRoute(const Value: TX3DRoute); overload; |
procedure AddRoute(const Source, Destination: TX3DFieldOrEvent); overload; |
function ImportsCount: Integer; |
procedure AddImport(const Value: TX3DImport); |
function ExportsCount: Integer; |
procedure AddExport(const Value: TX3DExport); |
function DeepCopy: TX3DNode; |
Create a deep copy of this node and all it's children. New copy is completely independent from original, having all children nodes (in both VRML 1.0 sense (Children) and VRML >= 2.0 (inside SFNode and MFNode fields)) also duplicated. New copy has protypes, routes, interface declarations and generally everything established like in the original, using copied nodes. Doesn't copy things which are dependent on container hierarchy. (So copying them would be more dangerous than useful.) This means: DestructionNotifications, Scene, VRML1Parents, ParentFields. VRML1Parents and ParentFields will be set for children anyway (to appropriate copies). Caller owns this newly created copy — as returned by this method, it's not linked anywhere. |
procedure AddDestructionNotification(const Event: TNodeDestructionNotification); |
Callbacks registered here will be called when this node is destroyed. |
procedure RemoveDestructionNotification(const Event: TNodeDestructionNotification); |
procedure PostAddInterfaceDeclaration(IDecl: TX3DInterfaceDeclaration); virtual; |
This will be always called by VRML parsers after adding new item to our InterfaceDeclarations. In this class, this simply adds IDecl.FieldOrEvent to our normal fields/events by IDecl.AddFieldOrEvent. You may override this in subclasses to react in some special way to new fields/events, for example Script node may register here to receive notification when input event is received. |
procedure AddCustomField(AField: TX3DField); |
Add to node InterfaceDeclarations given field. This should only be used with nodes having HasInterfaceDeclarations = |
procedure AddCustomFieldOrEvent(AFieldOrEvent: TX3DFieldOrEvent); |
Add to node InterfaceDeclarations given field or event. This should only be used with nodes having HasInterfaceDeclarations = |
function NiceName: string; |
Nice and concise node description for user. Shows node type and name. |
procedure UnregisterScene; |
Detach this node from parent scene, recursively. Useful if you take a node and want to put it in another TCastleSceneCore. You almost never need to call this method from your application. This is done automatically for you when TCastleSceneCore is destroyed. And a node can only be part of one TCastleSceneCore instance at one time. Notable exceptions when you need to call this:
function FieldSetByEvent(const Event: TX3DEvent): TX3DField; virtual; |
Find field set by given event of this node. |
function FieldSendingEvent(const Event: TX3DEvent): TX3DField; virtual; |
Find field that sends given event of this node. |
function Functionality( const FunctionalityClass: TNodeFunctionalityClass): TNodeFunctionality; |
Return an instance performing given Descendants should register TNodeFunctionality classes using AddFunctionality. |
property CDataField: TMFString read FCDataField write FCDataField; |
The field where CDATA section from XML is added. Used when loading X3D in XML encoding: XML elements may contain CDATA sections, that are added to "url" field. See X3D XML encoding specification about "Encapsulating Script node code" []. We also allow this for shader nodes (sensible (follows the intention of the spec) and compatible with InstantReality). When not assigned, then CDATA section for this node is not allowed. This should be set in descendants constructor. |
property Fields [constIndex:Integer]: TX3DField read GetFields; |
Node fields. For normal nodes, all fields are created and added using AddField from the constructor. Fields default values are set, and current field values are set to these defaults. Later, we only modify these fields current values (e.g. when parsing). However, there are special node classes that set their fields differently. TX3DPrototypeNode has their fields set according to it's VRML 2.0 prototype. TX3DUnknownNode may have it's fields set by VRML 1.0 "fields" feature (so it's Fields are initialized by parsing it). Nodes with HasInterfaceDeclarations have some Fields and Events added when reading node. All fields on this list are owned by this instance. |
property Events [constIndex:Integer]: TX3DEvent read GetEvents; |
Explicit events (that is, not exposed by some field) of this node. For exposed events, see each field's property ExposedEvents. |
property VRML1Children [constI:Integer]: TX3DNode read GetVRML1Child write SetVRML1Child; |
VRML 1.0 children nodes. These are nodes directly specified inside a VRML 1.0 node, they don't belong to any node field. (In VRML 1.0, there was no SFNode / MFNode fields.) In VRML 2.0, this is always empty. VRML 1.0 nodes may have any number of children. The children nodes refer back to it's parent nodes in VRML1Parents list. When travelling over VRML/X3D graph, remember that cycles are possible, because of DEF/USE. Obviously, they possible when travelling along the VRML1Parents list. We currently assume that there are no cycles when we treat the graph as directed, but it may change one day (some VRML/X3D models create real cycles). Adding/removing stuff from the Note that given node instance may be a children of a single node multiple times, through DEF/USE mechanism. The order of children is important and preserved. (On the other hand, the order of VRML1Parents is not important, as that list is mostly for reference-counting.) You can replace one children with another like |
property VRML1Parents [constI:Integer]: TX3DNode read GetVRML1Parent; |
All VRML 1.0 parent nodes. |
property ParentFields[Index:Integer]: TX3DField read GetParentFieldsItem; |
All SFNode and MFNode fields where this node is referenced. This is somewhat analogous for VRML1Parents, but for VRML 2.0. ParentFieldsNode is just for your comfort, it returns always appropriate field's ParentNode property value (i.e. |
property ParentFieldsNode[Index:Integer]: TX3DNode
read GetParentFieldsNodeItem; |
property KeepExisting: Cardinal read FKeepExisting write FKeepExisting; |
Increase Simple methods KeepExistingBegin and KeepExistingEnd simply increase / decrease |
property X3DName: string read FX3DName write FX3DName; |
Name of this node. When saving/loading, this comes from VRML/X3D "DEF" construct. Empty value means that the name is not defined. Do not change this during loading / saving of the X3D graph, or searching for nodes e.g. by EnumerateNodes. Note that this property is deliberately not called |
property NodeName: string read FX3DName write FX3DName; deprecated 'use X3DName'; |
Warning: this symbol is deprecated: use X3DName |
property BaseUrl: string read FBaseUrl write FBaseUrl; |
Base URL for all URLs inside our fields. Used everywhere as a base for relative URLs, to handle fields that refer to external files like textures, other 3D models (ImageTexture, Inline nodes, many others). It must be an absolute URL. Currently, it doesn't have to contain a protocol, and is then interpreted as a path on local filesystem (just like it had file:// prefix). Still, it must be an absolute path. This is set in constructor, and eventually adjusted by various parsing routines. This way we could, if only we would like to, resolve nodes like Inline or ImageTexture immediately after parsing them. |
property WWWBasePath: string read FBaseUrl write FBaseUrl; deprecated; |
Warning: this symbol is deprecated. Old deprecated name for BaseUrl. |
property Prototypes [constIndex:Integer]: TX3DPrototypeBase read GetPrototypes; |
property Routes [constIndex:Integer]: TX3DRoute read GetRoutes; |
property ImportsList [constIndex:Integer]: TX3DImport read GetImports; |
property ExportsList [constIndex:Integer]: TX3DExport read GetExports; |
property PrototypeInstance: boolean read FPrototypeInstance; |
Then PrototypeInstanceSourceNode is non-nil and indicates parsed prototype node (and PrototypeInstanceSourceNode.Prototype gives you even a link to the actual prototype specification). PrototypeInstanceSourceNode is used for events: any ROUTEs specified outside of prototype and leading to/from instantiated prototype should actually lead to PrototypeInstanceSourceNode events (not to events of Self). Reason: prototype events may be different than actual expanded node events, and ROUTEs want to lead to prototype events. This is implemented when expanding prototype (TX3DPrototypeNode.Instantiate) and when linking ROUTE (TX3DRoute.SetSource, TX3DRoute.SetDestination). PrototypeInstanceHelpers may be Any other nodes and accompanying scene graphs are not part of the transformation hierarchy, but may be referenced by ROUTE statements or Script nodes in the prototype definition. Note that for TX3DPrototypeNode (within PrototypeInstanceSourceNode) these have a little different meaning: they describe the nested prototype, if any, that was used to create this node. This may happen if the node was expanded from one prototype within another. (Usually, you shouldn't be concerned about this; see TX3DPrototypeNode.Instantiate implementation comments for gory details about this.) |
property PrototypeInstanceSourceNode: TX3DPrototypeNode
read FPrototypeInstanceSourceNode; |
property PrototypeInstanceHelpers: TX3DNode read FPrototypeInstanceHelpers; |
property DefaultContainerField: string
read FDefaultContainerField write FDefaultContainerField; |
Default value of "containerField" attribute for this node in X3D XML encoding. |
property HasInterfaceDeclarations: TX3DAccessTypes
read FHasInterfaceDeclarations
write SetHasInterfaceDeclarations default []; |
For some special VRML / X3D nodes (like Script, ComposedShader) that allow the definition of additional fields/events within. In X3D specification this is marked like # And any number of: fieldType [in] fieldName fieldType [in,out] fieldName initialValue fieldType [out] fieldName fieldType [] fieldName initialValue
If |
property InterfaceDeclarations: TX3DInterfaceDeclarationList
read FInterfaceDeclarations; |
property Scene: TX3DEventsEngine read FScene write FScene; |
Scene that will be notified about changes to this node. This is necessary to allow the scene to properly process VRML/X3D events, and also to react properly to any other changes to the nodes (like when you change some field directly by ObjectPascal code, e.g. by TX3DField.Send). May be A given TX3DNode may be renderable only by a single renderer. This means it can be placed only within one TCastleScene. |
property TransformFunctionality: TTransformFunctionality read FTransformFunctionality; |
Fast shortcut to Functionality(TTransformFunctionality). |
property TimeFunctionality: TTimeDependentFunctionality read FTimeFunctionality; |
Fast shortcut to Functionality(TTimeDependentFunctionality). |
property GenTexFunctionality: TGeneratedTextureFunctionality read FGenTexFunctionality; |
Fast shortcut to Functionality(TGeneratedTextureFunctionality). |
Generated by PasDoc 0.16.0.