Class TNurbsSwungSurfaceNode



type TNurbsSwungSurfaceNode = class(TAbstractParametricGeometryNode)


Path in 2D space (that can be constructed from NURBS curves, or straight segments) extruded along a 2D NURBS curve. Rendering of this node is not implemented yet.




Protected function DirectEnumerateActive(Func: TEnumerateChildrenFunction): Pointer; override;
Public function SolidField: TSFBool; override;
Public function LocalBoundingBox(State: TX3DGraphTraverseState; ProxyGeometry: TAbstractGeometryNode; ProxyState: TX3DGraphTraverseState): TBox3D; override;
Public function VerticesCount(State: TX3DGraphTraverseState; ProxyGeometry: TAbstractGeometryNode; ProxyState: TX3DGraphTraverseState): Cardinal; override;
Public function TrianglesCount(State: TX3DGraphTraverseState; ProxyGeometry: TAbstractGeometryNode; ProxyState: TX3DGraphTraverseState): Cardinal; override;
Public procedure CreateNode; override;
Public class function ClassX3DType: string; override;


Public property FdProfileCurve: TSFNode read FFdProfileCurve;
Public property ProfileCurve: TAbstractNurbsControlCurveNode read GetProfileCurve write SetProfileCurve;
Public property FdTrajectoryCurve: TSFNode read FFdTrajectoryCurve;
Public property TrajectoryCurve: TAbstractNurbsControlCurveNode read GetTrajectoryCurve write SetTrajectoryCurve;
Public property FdCcw: TSFBool read FFdCcw;
Public property Ccw: Boolean read GetCcw write SetCcw;
Public property FdSolid: TSFBool read FFdSolid;



Protected function DirectEnumerateActive(Func: TEnumerateChildrenFunction): Pointer; override;
Public function SolidField: TSFBool; override;
Public function LocalBoundingBox(State: TX3DGraphTraverseState; ProxyGeometry: TAbstractGeometryNode; ProxyState: TX3DGraphTraverseState): TBox3D; override;
Public function VerticesCount(State: TX3DGraphTraverseState; ProxyGeometry: TAbstractGeometryNode; ProxyState: TX3DGraphTraverseState): Cardinal; override;
Public function TrianglesCount(State: TX3DGraphTraverseState; ProxyGeometry: TAbstractGeometryNode; ProxyState: TX3DGraphTraverseState): Cardinal; override;
Public procedure CreateNode; override;
Public class function ClassX3DType: string; override;


Public property FdProfileCurve: TSFNode read FFdProfileCurve;

Internal wrapper for property ProfileCurve. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler ProfileCurve instead.

Public property ProfileCurve: TAbstractNurbsControlCurveNode read GetProfileCurve write SetProfileCurve;
Public property FdTrajectoryCurve: TSFNode read FFdTrajectoryCurve;

Internal wrapper for property TrajectoryCurve. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler TrajectoryCurve instead.

Public property TrajectoryCurve: TAbstractNurbsControlCurveNode read GetTrajectoryCurve write SetTrajectoryCurve;
Public property FdCcw: TSFBool read FFdCcw;

Internal wrapper for property Ccw. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler Ccw instead.

Public property Ccw: Boolean read GetCcw write SetCcw;
Public property FdSolid: TSFBool read FFdSolid;

Internal wrapper for property Solid. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler Solid instead.

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