Unit CastleWindow
Window with rendering context suitable for rendering of "Castle Game Engine". Provides a window that can render hierarchy of TCastleUserInterface, which includes a hierarchy of 3D and 2D scenes inside TCastleViewport. Use the TCastleWindow as your window class.
Application object (instance of class TCastleApplication) is a central manager of all open TCastleWindow windows.
Using this unit:
Declare and create TCastleWindow instance. (Or a descendant like TCastleWindow.)
Assign Window properties and callbacks like OnRender, OnResize, Width, Height, Caption.
To initialize your game, you usually want to use Application.OnInitialize.
If you only care about standalone programs (for normal OSes like Linux, Windows, MacOSX, but not Android) you may also just initialize your game in the main program block, although using Application.OnInitialize is still often comfortable.
Call Window.Open, this will actually show the window and it's associated OpenGL context.
The first window open calls Application.OnInitialize. It also calls OnOpen and OnResize callbacks.
Call Application.Run. This will enter message loop that will call appropriate windows' callbacks at appropriate times (OnRender, OnPress, OnRelease, OnResize, OnUpdate and many more). There are also some Application callbacks, like Application.OnUpdate.
For more advanced needs you can use something like
while Application.ProcessMessage do <something>;
instead of Application.Run.
You can also call Window.OpenAndRun, this is just a shortcut for Window.Open + Application.Run.
Application.Run ends when you call Application.Quit or when you close last visible window using Close(true).
User is also allowed to close a window using WindowManager facilities (clicking on "X" button in the frame corner, pressing Alt+F4 or something like that). By default, such user action will make window close (but you can freely customize what your program does when user tries to close the window using callback OnCloseQuery).
So the simplest example of using this unit can look like this:
uses CastleWindow; var Window: TCastleWindow; procedure Render(Sender: TCastleContainer); begin // ... e.g. DrawRectangle or TDrawableImage.Draw calls inside end; begin Window := TCastleWindow.Create(Application); Window.OnResize := @Resize; Window.Caption := 'Simplest CastleWindow example'; Window.OpenAndRun; end.
More component-like approach: For larger programs, it makes more sense to divide functionality into controls, which are classes descending from TCastleUserInterface. You can override TCastleUserInterface methods to render, capture input and so on (see e.g. TCastleUserInterface.Render, TCastleUserInterface.Press, TCastleUserInterface.Update.) You can then add your control to the TCastleWindow.Controls list.
Some features list:
TCastleApplication.ProcessMessage method. This allows you to reimplement event loop handling, which is crucial for implementing things like MessageInputQuery function that does modal GUI dialog box.
TCastleWindow.Pressed to easily and reliably check which keys are pressed.
Application speed, see TCastleWindow.Fps,
A menu bar under WinAPI and GTK backends.
You can attach a menu to a window. Menu structure is constructed using various descendants of TMenuEntry class. Then you have to assign such menu structure to TCastleWindow.MainMenu property. When
is implemented on top of GTK_2 or WINAPI or LCL we will show this menu and call TCastleWindow.OnMenuClick when user clicks some menu item. Other backends (XLIB for now) ignore MainMenu.See
for an example how to use the menu.Changing screen resolution and bit depth, see TCastleApplication.VideoChange.
You can request OpenGL context properties:
color buffer
with alpha channel (AlphaBits),
stencil buffer (StencilBits),
double buffer (DoubleBuffer),
multisampling (full-screen antialiasing) buffers (by MultiSampling or higher-level AntiAliasing)
You can use native modal dialogs for things such as file selection. GTK backend will use GTK dialogs, WinAPI backend will use Windows dialog boxes, XLib backend will fall back on CastleMessages text input.
See TCastleWindow.FileDialog (for opening and saving files) and TCastleWindow.ColorDialog (for choosing RGB colors).
TCastleWindow.ParseParameters method allows you to easily initialize TCastleWindow properties like initial size and position using command-line parameters like
--geometry WIDTHxHEIGHT
- Glx
- Glib2
- Gdk2
- Gtk2
- CastleDynLib
- Gdk2X
- X
- Xlib
- XUtil
- SysUtils
- Classes
- Generics.Collections
- CustApp
- GL
- GLExt
- CastleVectors
- CastleRectangles
- CastleColors
- CastleUtils
- CastleClassUtils
- CastleGLUtils
- CastleImages
- CastleGLImages
- CastleKeysMouse
- CastleStringUtils
- CastleFilesUtils
- CastleTimeUtils
- CastleFileFilters
- CastleUIControls
- CastleInternalPk3DConnexion
- CastleParameters
- CastleSoundEngine
- CastleApplicationProperties
Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records
Name | Description |
Class TMenuEntry |
A basic class representing basic menu building block. |
Class TMenuEntryWithCaption |
Class TMenu |
TMenuEntry that contains a list of menu entries. |
Class TMenuItem |
TMenuEntry that is a simple, clickable menu item. |
Class TMenuSeparator |
TMenuEntry that acts as a visual separator (horizontal line or something like that) between menu items. |
Class TMenuItemChecked |
TMenuItem that should visualize Checked state somehow to the user. |
Class TMenuItemRadio |
Menu radio item. |
Class TMenuItemRadioGroup |
A group of radio buttons. |
Class TMenuItemToggleFullScreen |
Menu item that toggles TCastleWindow.FullScreen. |
Class EGLContextNotPossible |
Class TWindowContainer |
Non-abstract implementation of TCastleContainer that cooperates with TCastleWindow. |
Class TCastleWindow |
Window to render everything (3D or 2D) with Castle Game Engine. |
Class TWindowList |
Class TCastleApplication |
Application, managing all open TCastleWindow (OpenGL windows). |
Functions and Procedures
function Application: TCastleApplication; |
procedure Resize2D(Container: TCastleContainer); |
function KeyToString(const KeyString: String; const Key: TKey; const Modifiers: TModifierKeys; out S: string): boolean; |
function KeyString(const AKeyString: String; const Key: TKey; const Modifiers: TModifierKeys; out S: string): boolean; deprecated 'use KeyToString'; |
function MenuItemFromSmallId(SearchSmallId: Integer): TMenuItem; |
function SRemoveMnemonics(const S: string): string; |
function SQuoteMenuEntryCaption(const S: string): string; |
TWindowParseOption = (...); |
TWindowParseOptions = set of TWindowParseOption; |
PWindowParseOptions = ˆTWindowParseOptions; |
TAntiAliasing = (...); |
TUIContainer = CastleUIControls.TCastleContainer deprecated 'use TCastleContainer'; |
TCastleContainer = CastleUIControls.TCastleContainer; |
TMenuEntryList = specialize TObjectList<TMenuEntry>; |
TWindowMessageType = (...); |
TUpdateFunc = procedure; |
TMenuClickFunc = procedure (Container: TCastleContainer; Item: TMenuItem); |
TDropFilesFunc = procedure (Container: TCastleContainer; const FileNames: array of string); |
TGLContextRetryOpenFunc = function (Window: TCastleWindow): boolean; |
TResizeAllowed = (...); |
TCaptionPart = (...); |
PGtkGLArea = PGtkWidget; |
TCastleWindowCustom = TCastleWindow deprecated 'use TCastleWindow'; |
TCastleWindowBase = TCastleWindow deprecated 'use TCastleWindow'; |
TCastleWindowClass = class of TCastleWindow; |
TGLApplication = TCastleApplication deprecated; |
WindowPositionCenter = -1000000; |
WindowDefaultSize = -1000000; |
StandardParseOptions = [poGeometry, poScreenGeometry, poDisplay,
poMacOsXProcessSerialNumber, poLimitFps]; |
DefaultDepthBits = 24; |
DepthBitsFallback = 16; |
DefaultFpsCaptionUpdateDelay = 1.0; |
DefaultLimitFPS = TCastleApplicationProperties.DefaultLimitFPS
deprecated 'use TCastleApplicationProperties.DefaultLimitFPS'; |
DefaultAntiAliasing = aaNone; |
AntiAliasingNames: array [TAntiAliasing] of string =
( 'None',
'2 samples (faster)',
'2 samples (nicer)',
'4 samples (faster)',
'4 samples (nicer)',
'8 samples (faster) (only latest GPUs)',
'8 samples (nicer) (only latest GPUs)',
'16 samples (faster) (only latest GPUs)',
'16 samples (nicer) (only latest GPUs)'
); |
Functions and Procedures
function Application: TCastleApplication; |
Single global instance of TCastleApplication. Automatically created / destroyed by CastleWindow unit. |
procedure Resize2D(Container: TCastleContainer); |
A simple TCastleWindow.OnResize callback implementation, that sets 2D projection. You can use it like It does RenderContext.Viewport := Window.Rect; OrthoProjection(0, Window.Width, 0, Window.Height); |
function KeyToString(const KeyString: String; const Key: TKey; const Modifiers: TModifierKeys; out S: string): boolean; |
Describe given key. Key is given as combination of character (UTF-8 character as String, may be '') and Key code (may be keyNone), and additional required Only when Key = keyNone and KeyString = '' then this combination doesn't describe any key, and we return |
function KeyString(const AKeyString: String; const Key: TKey; const Modifiers: TModifierKeys; out S: string): boolean; deprecated 'use KeyToString'; |
Warning: this symbol is deprecated: use KeyToString |
function MenuItemFromSmallId(SearchSmallId: Integer): TMenuItem; |
Search for menu item with given SmallId. SearchSmallId must be a SmallId of some existing (i.e. created and not destroyed yet) TMenuItem. This function returns this TMenuItem. |
function SRemoveMnemonics(const S: string): string; |
Returns S with each '__' replaced with single '_', any other '_' removed. In other words: with mnemonics (as defined by TMenuEntryWithCaption.Caption removed. |
function SQuoteMenuEntryCaption(const S: string): string; |
Returns S with each underscore '_' replaced by two underscores, '__'. In other words: S will not contain any mnemonics. If you will assign S to TMenuEntryWithCaption.Caption, then this menu entry caption will display exactly S, without any mnemonics. Single '_' in S will be displayed exactly as single '_'. |
TWindowParseOption = (...); |
TWindowParseOptions = set of TWindowParseOption; |
PWindowParseOptions = ˆTWindowParseOptions; |
TAntiAliasing = (...); |
Anti-aliasing values for TCastleWindow.AntiAliasing. Values
TUIContainer = CastleUIControls.TCastleContainer deprecated 'use TCastleContainer'; |
Warning: this symbol is deprecated: use TCastleContainer |
TCastleContainer = CastleUIControls.TCastleContainer; |
TMenuEntryList = specialize TObjectList<TMenuEntry>; |
TWindowMessageType = (...); |
Type of message box, for TCastleWindow.MessageOK and TCastleWindow.MessageYesNo. Values
TUpdateFunc = procedure; |
TMenuClickFunc = procedure (Container: TCastleContainer; Item: TMenuItem); |
TDropFilesFunc = procedure (Container: TCastleContainer; const FileNames: array of string); |
TGLContextRetryOpenFunc = function (Window: TCastleWindow): boolean; |
TResizeAllowed = (...); |
TCaptionPart = (...); |
PGtkGLArea = PGtkWidget; |
For now I use GtkDrawingArea when CASTLE_WINDOW_GTK_2. But, really, GLAreaGtk could be any gtk widget with CASTLE_WINDOW_GTK_2. |
TCastleWindowCustom = TCastleWindow deprecated 'use TCastleWindow'; |
Warning: this symbol is deprecated: use TCastleWindow |
TCastleWindowBase = TCastleWindow deprecated 'use TCastleWindow'; |
Warning: this symbol is deprecated: use TCastleWindow |
TCastleWindowClass = class of TCastleWindow; |
TGLApplication = TCastleApplication deprecated; |
Warning: this symbol is deprecated. Deprecated name for TCastleApplication. |
WindowPositionCenter = -1000000; |
WindowDefaultSize = -1000000; |
StandardParseOptions = [poGeometry, poScreenGeometry, poDisplay,
poMacOsXProcessSerialNumber, poLimitFps]; |
All "normal" command-line options, that most programs using CastleWindow should be able to handle without any problems. In other words, most programs calling TCastleWindow.ParseParameters method can safely pass as the 1st parameter this constant, |
DefaultDepthBits = 24; |
DepthBitsFallback = 16; |
DefaultFpsCaptionUpdateDelay = 1.0; |
DefaultLimitFPS = TCastleApplicationProperties.DefaultLimitFPS
deprecated 'use TCastleApplicationProperties.DefaultLimitFPS'; |
Warning: this symbol is deprecated: use TCastleApplicationProperties.DefaultLimitFPS |
DefaultAntiAliasing = aaNone; |
AntiAliasingNames: array [TAntiAliasing] of string =
( 'None',
'2 samples (faster)',
'2 samples (nicer)',
'4 samples (faster)',
'4 samples (nicer)',
'8 samples (faster) (only latest GPUs)',
'8 samples (nicer) (only latest GPUs)',
'16 samples (faster) (only latest GPUs)',
'16 samples (nicer) (only latest GPUs)'
); |
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