Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //# Slicer.h: specify which elements to extract from an n-dimensional array
2 //# Copyright (C) 1994,1995,1997,1999
3 //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
4 //#
5 //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
7 //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
8 //# option) any later version.
9 //#
10 //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
11 //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
12 //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public
13 //# License for more details.
14 //#
15 //# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
16 //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
17 //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
18 //#
19 //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
20 //# Internet email:
21 //# Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
22 //# National Radio Astronomy Observatory
23 //# 520 Edgemont Road
24 //# Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
25 //#
26 //# $Id$
28 #ifndef CASA_SLICER_2_H
29 #define CASA_SLICER_2_H
32 //# Includes
33 #include "IPosition.h"
35 namespace casacore { //# NAMESPACE CASACORE - BEGIN
37 //# Forward Declarations
38 class Slice;
41 // <summary>
42 // Specify which elements to extract from an n-dimensional array
43 // </summary>
45 // <reviewed reviewer="Paul Shannon" date="1994/07/07" tests="tSlicer">
46 // The review and modification of this class were undertaken, in part,
47 // with the aim of making this class header an example -- this is what
48 // the Casacore project thinks a class header should look like.
49 // </reviewed>
51 // <prerequisite>
52 // You should have at least a preliminary understanding of these classes:
53 // <li> <linkto class=IPosition>IPosition</linkto>
54 // <li> <linkto class=Array>Array</linkto>
55 // <li> <linkto class=Slice>Slice</linkto>
56 // </prerequisite>
58 // <etymology>
59 // The class name "Slicer" may be thought of as a short form
60 // of "n-Dimensional Slice Specifier." Some confusion is possible
61 // between class "Slice" and this class.
62 // </etymology>
63 //
64 // <synopsis>
65 // If you need to extract or operate upon a portion of an array,
66 // the Slicer class is the best way to specify the subarray you are
67 // interested in.
68 //
69 // Slicer has many constructors. Of these, some require that the
70 // programmer supply a full specification of the array elements he
71 // wants to extract; other constructors make do with partial information.
72 // In the latter case, the constructor will assume sensible default values or,
73 // when directed, infer missing information from the array that's getting
74 // sliced (hereafter, the "source" array).
75 //
76 // <h4> Constructing With Full Information </h4>
77 //
78 // To fully specify a subarray, you must supply three pieces of information
79 // for each axis of the subarray:
80 //
81 // <ol>
82 // <li> where to start
83 // <li> how many elements to extract
84 // <li> what stride (or "increment" or "interval") to use: a stride of
85 // "n" means pick extract only every "nth" element along an axis
86 // </ol>
87 //
88 // The most basic constructor for Slicer illustrates this. To create
89 // an Slicer for getting selected elements from a 3D array:
90 //
91 // <srcblock>
92 // IPosition start (3,0,0,0), length (3,10,10,10), stride (3,3,3,3);
93 // Slicer slicer (start, length, stride);
94 // // assume proper declarations, and meaningful values in the source array
95 // subArray = sourceArray (slicer);
96 // </srcblock>
97 // It gets elements 0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27 for each dimension.
98 //
99 // <note role=caution> If you wish to extract elements from the array
100 // at intervals, these intervals must be regular. The interval is one
101 // constant integer for each dimension of the array: it cannot be a function.
102 // </note>
103 //
104 // <note role=caution> "length", the second parameter to the Slicer
105 // constructor above, may actually be used in two ways. In normal
106 // (and default) use, it specifies how many elements to select from the
107 // source. In the alternative use, it specifies the index of the last element
108 // to extract from the source array. This ambiguity (does "end" mean
109 // "length" or does it mean "last index"?) is handled by a default
110 // fourth parameter to the constructor. This code fragment will
111 // extract the same subarray as the example above:
112 // <srcblock>
113 // IPosition start (3,0,0,0), end (3,27,27,27), stride (3,3,3,3);
114 // Slicer slicer (start, end, stride, Slicer::endIsLast);
115 // subArray = sourceArray (slicer);
116 // </srcblock>
117 // Note that in this example end(3,28,29,28) gives the same result.
118 // (We use "end" as the name of the formal parameter because it supports
119 // both meanings -- "last index" or "length." You may wish to use a
120 // clarifying name for the actual parameter in your code, as we have
121 // above when we used "length".)
122 // </note>
123 // Similar to Python it is possible to address the start and/or end value
124 // from the end by giving a negative value (-1 means the last value).
125 // However, a length and stride cannot be negative.
126 // Unlike Python the end value is inclusive (as discussed above).
127 // For example,
128 // <srcblock>
129 // Slicer slicer (IPosition(1,-4), IPosition(1,-2), Slicer::endIsLast)
130 // Slicer slicer (IPosition(1,6), IPosition(1,8), Slicer::endIsLast)
131 // </srcblock>
132 // Both Slicers give the same result when used on a Vector with length 10.
133 //
134 // <h4> Constructing with Partial Information </h4>
135 //
136 // Some of the constructors don't require complete information: Slicer
137 // either calculates sensible default values or deduces them from the
138 // source array. If you do not specify a "stride" argument, for example,
139 // a value of 1 will be used for all dimensions. If you specify a "start"
140 // but nothing else, a stride of 1, and (perhaps against expectation)
141 // a length of 1 will be used.
142 //
143 // Note that using a negative start or end is also partial information.
144 // The actual array shape is needed to derive the exact start or end value.
145 //
146 // To instruct the Slicer to get otherwise unspecified information
147 // from the source array, you can create an IPosition like "end"
148 // as shown here:
149 //
150 // <srcblock>
151 // IPosition start (3,0,0,0), stride (3,3,3,3);
152 // IPosition end (3,Slicer::MimicSource, Slicer::MimicSource,
153 // Slicer::MimicSource);
154 // Slicer smartSlicer (start, end, stride);
155 // // assume proper declarations...
156 // subArray = sourceArray (smartSlicer)
157 // </srcblock>
158 //
159 // If you are a library programmer, and write a class that can be sliced
160 // by the Slicer class, you need to understand the mechanism for
161 // completing the information which the application programmer, in using
162 // your class, specified incompletely. (If you are an application
163 // programmer, who wants to slice a library class, this explanation will
164 // be only of academic interest.)
165 //
166 // When the source array (the library class you provide) gets the Slicer --
167 // which typically comes when the source array is asked to return a
168 // reference to a subarray -- the source does a callback to the Slicer
169 // object. The source array passes its own shape as one of the arguments
170 // to the Slicer callback and asks the Slicer to fill in the missing
171 // values from that shape.
172 //
173 // In use, and with an imagined class "MyVector", code would look
174 // like this:
175 // <srcblock>
176 // // first, a fragment from the application program:
177 // IPosition start (1,10), end (1, Slicer::MimicSource);
178 // Slicer slicer (start, end);
179 // MyVector <int> v0 (100);
180 // MyVector <int> v1 = v0 (slicer);
181 // //....
182 // // second, a fragment from a constructor of the library class "MyVector":
183 // // the MyVector class will construct v1 as a reference to
184 // // selected elements of v0, using (among other things) a
185 // // callback to the slicer it was passed (above, in the
186 // // construction of v1.
187 // //
188 // IPosition start, end, stride;
189 // fullSliceInformation =
190 // slicer.inferShapeFromSource (MyVector::shape(), start, end, stride);
191 // // now the MyVector instance knows everything it needs to
192 // // construct the instance.
193 // </srcblock>
194 // Please note that v1 will have a length of 90, and refer to elements
195 // 10-99 of v0.
196 //
197 // <note role=warning> An exception will be thrown if the positions
198 // defined in the Slicer exceed the source array's shape.
199 // </note>
200 // </synopsis>
201 //
202 // <example>
203 // Given a large image, 4k on a side, extract (by sampling) an image
204 // 1k on a side, but covering the same region as the original.
205 //
206 // <srcblock>
207 // Image <float> image ("N5364.fits"); // a 4-d VLA map, 4096 x 4096 x 3 x 1
208 // IPosition start (4,0,0,0,0), stride (4,4,4,1,1);
209 // IPosition end (4, Slicer::MimicSource, Slicer::MimicSource,
210 // Slicer::MimicSource, Slicer::MimicSource);
211 // Slicer smartSlicer (start, end, stride);
212 // // assume proper declarations...
213 // Image <float> subImage = image (smartSlicer);
214 // </srcblock>
215 //
216 // </example>
218 // <motivation>
219 // Slicer is particularly convenient for designers of other library
220 // classes: Array and Image, for example. (In fact, this convenience
221 // was the original motivation for the class.) The benefit
222 // is this: the application programmer, who needs a slice of an Array,
223 // may provide slicing specifications in many different ways, but the
224 // Array class author needs to provide only one member function to
225 // return the slice. The Slicer class, in effect, and with its
226 // many constructors, provides a way to funnel all of the variety
227 // into a single member function call to the array or image class.
228 //
229 // For example, imagine a 100 x 100 x 100 array from which you want to
230 // extract various subarrays. Here are some of the ways you might
231 // specify the the subarray in the -absence- of Slicer.
232 //
233 // <srcblock>
234 // // preliminaries: create a cube and assign values to all elements --
235 // // this will be "source" array
236 // Cube <int> bigCube (IPosition (3, 100, 100, 100));
237 // assignValues (bigCube);
238 // // declare a smaller cube, the destination array.
239 // Cube <int> smallCube (IPosition (3, 10, 10, 10));
240 //
241 // // example 1: use Slice objects to extract a subcube -- the first
242 // // ten elements along each axis
243 // Slice xIndices (0,10,1), yIndices (0,10,1), zIndices (0,10,1);
244 // smallCube = bigCube (xIndices, yIndices, zIndices);
245 //
246 // // example 2: get the same subcube using three IPosition arguments
247 // IPosition start (3,0,0,0), end (3,10,10,10), stride (3,1,1,1);
248 // smallCube = bigCube (start, end, stride);
249 //
250 // // example 3: use 2 IPositions, letting the 3rd (stride) default to
251 // // IPosition (3,1,1,1)
252 // smallCube = bigCube (start, end);
253 // </srcblock>
254 //
255 // So the Cube class (together with its base class) must define three separate
256 // member functions for the essentially identical operation of
257 // extracting a subcube. The same replication is also required of
258 // Image, Array, and the other Array subclasses (Matrix and Vector).
259 //
260 // The Slicer class collapses all of this into a single member
261 // function per class:
262 //
263 // <srcblock>
264 // Slicer slicer = (call the constructor that best suits your problem)
265 // smallCube = bigCube (slicer);
266 // </srcblock>
267 //
268 // Since there are many constructors available for Slicer, you
269 // can still specify the subarray that you may want in a number of
270 // different ways, by constructing the Slicer in the way most natural
271 // to your circumstances. You then pass the Slicer to the array, and
272 // you will get back the slice you want.
273 //
274 // This class also offers the application programmer considerable
275 // flexibility by allowing the shape of the source array to determine
276 // some of the slice specification. This benefit is explained and
277 // demonstrated above.
278 // </motivation>
280 // <todo asof="1994/07/01">
281 // <li> This class, and the TableArray, Array and Image classes,
282 // could allow for the extraction of a subarray with fewer axes than the
283 // source array. At present, for example, you cannot, directly slice
284 // a matrix from a cube.
285 // </todo>
288 class Slicer
289 {
290 public:
292  // Define the "MimicSource" value which defines the open start or end.
293  // This value should be different from MIN_INT in IPosition.h.
294  // It should also not be the lowest possible value, since that
295  // will probably be used as an undefined value.
296  // It must be a negative number.
297  enum {MimicSource= -2147483646};
299  // Define the possible interpretations of the end-value.
301  // The end-values given in the constructor define the lengths.
303  // The end-values given in the constructor define the trc.
304  endIsLast
305  };
307  // Construct a 1-dimensional Slicer.
308  // Start and end are inferred from the source; stride=1.
309  // "endIsLength" and "endIsLast" are identical here, so there's
310  // no need to discriminate between them by using a default parameter.
313  // The member function <src>inferShapeFromSource</src>
314  // (invoked as a callback by the
315  // source array) will use the shape of the source array for the
316  // unspecified values: IPosition elements with the value
317  // Slicer::MimicSource
318  // <thrown>
319  // <li> ArraySlicerError
320  // </thrown>
321  // Create a Slicer with a given start, end (or length), and stride.
322  // An exception will be thrown if a negative length or non-positive
323  // stride is given or if the IPositions start, end, and stride
324  // do not have the same dimensionality.
325  // If length or stride is not given, they default to 1.
326  // <br> It is possible to leave values in start and end undefined
327  // by giving the value <src>MimicSource</src>. They can be filled
328  // in later with the actual array shape using function
329  // <src>inferShapeFromSource</src>.
330  // <group>
331  Slicer (const IPosition& start, const IPosition& end,
332  const IPosition& stride,
333  LengthOrLast endInterpretation = endIsLength);
334  Slicer (const IPosition& start, const IPosition& end,
335  LengthOrLast endInterpretation = endIsLength);
336  explicit Slicer (const IPosition& start);
337  // </group>
339  // Create a Slicer object from Slice objects.
340  // In a Slice object one defines the start, length, and stride for
341  // one axis.
342  // The default Slice constructor (called with no arguments) creates
343  // a Slice with start and length equal to zero, and an undefined stride.
344  // <group>
345  // Create a Slicer for a 1-dimensional array.
346  Slicer (const Slice& x, LengthOrLast endInterpretation = endIsLength);
348  // Create a Slicer for a 2-dim array.
349  Slicer (const Slice& x, const Slice& y,
350  LengthOrLast endInterpretation = endIsLength);
352  // Create a Slicer for a 3-dim array.
353  Slicer (const Slice& x, const Slice& y, const Slice& z,
354  LengthOrLast endInterpretation = endIsLength);
355  // </group>
357  // Equality
358  bool operator==(const Slicer&) const;
360  // Return the number of dimensions of the Slicer.
361  size_t ndim() const;
363  // This function checks all of the start, length (or end),
364  // and stride IPositions, and fills in missing values by
365  // getting the corresponding values from the shape of the
366  // source array.
367  // These will first be resized, if necessary.
368  // If, for a given axis, (end < start) , it means that a
369  // length of zero was specified.
370  // An exception is thrown if the
371  // start, end, or length exceeds the array shape or if the
372  // dimensionality of the array and Slicer do not conform.
373  // <thrown>
374  // <li> ArraySlicerError
375  // </thrown>
377  (const IPosition& shape, IPosition& startResult,
378  IPosition& endResult, IPosition& strideResult) const;
380  // Report the defined starting position.
381  const IPosition& start() const;
383  // Report the defined ending position.
384  const IPosition& end() const;
386  // Report the defined stride.
387  const IPosition& stride() const;
389  // Report the length of the resulting axes.
390  const IPosition& length() const;
392  // Are all values fixed (i.e., no MimicSource given)?
393  bool isFixed() const;
395  // Set the start and end positions. No explicit checking is done that
396  // the input parameters make sense, so you must be certain if you
397  // call these. These are useful if you have a loop with many iterations
398  // and you do not wish the overhead of creating a new Slicer object
399  // for each iteration if the only thing you are doing is adjusting
400  // the start and end positions. Other than for performance reasons,
401  // these methods should not be called and you should prefer the
402  // error checking provided by constructing a new Slicer object.
403  // Note that the length is not updated, so in principle care should
404  // be taken that the length does not change.
405  // <group>
406  void setStart (const IPosition& start)
407  { start_p = start; }
408  void setEnd (const IPosition& end)
409  { end_p = end; }
410  // </group>
413 private:
418  IPosition len_p; // Length of input
419  bool fixed_p; // no MimicSource used
421  // Define a private constructor taking an ssize_t.
422  // This is to prevent the user from the unexpected and meaningless
423  // Slicer that would result when the ssize_t argument is promoted to
424  // an IPosition.
425  // Slicer (ssize_t);
427  // Check the given start, end/length and stride.
428  // Fill in the length or end.
429  // It also calls <src>fillFixed</src> to fill the fixed flag.
430  void fillEndLen();
432  // Fill in start, len and stride from a Slice.
433  void fillSlice (const Slice&, ssize_t& start, ssize_t& length,
434  ssize_t& stride);
436  // Fill the fixed flag.
437  void fillFixed();
438 };
441 // <summary>IO functions for Slicer's</summary>
442 // <group name="Slicer IO">
443 // Print the contents of the specified Slicer to the specified stream.
444 std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& stream, const Slicer& slicer);
445 // </group>
446 std::string to_string(const Slicer& slicer);
449 inline size_t Slicer::ndim() const
450  { return start_p.nelements(); }
452 inline const IPosition& Slicer::start() const
453  { return start_p; }
455 inline const IPosition& Slicer::end() const
456  { return end_p; }
458 inline const IPosition& Slicer::stride() const
459  { return stride_p; }
461 inline const IPosition& Slicer::length() const
462  { return len_p; }
464 inline bool Slicer::isFixed() const
465  { return fixed_p; }
471 #endif
size_t nelements() const
The number of elements in this IPosition.
Definition: IPosition.h:568
const IPosition & length() const
Report the length of the resulting axes.
Definition: Slicer.h:461
void setEnd(const IPosition &end)
Definition: Slicer.h:408
const IPosition & end() const
Report the defined ending position.
Definition: Slicer.h:455
Slicer(const IPosition &start, const IPosition &end, LengthOrLast endInterpretation=endIsLength)
Slicer(const Slice &x, const Slice &y, const Slice &z, LengthOrLast endInterpretation=endIsLength)
Create a Slicer for a 3-dim array.
Slicer(const Slice &x, LengthOrLast endInterpretation=endIsLength)
Create a Slicer object from Slice objects.
IPosition stride_p
Definition: Slicer.h:417
const IPosition & stride() const
Report the defined stride.
Definition: Slicer.h:458
Slicer(const Slice &x, const Slice &y, LengthOrLast endInterpretation=endIsLength)
Create a Slicer for a 2-dim array.
void fillSlice(const Slice &, ssize_t &start, ssize_t &length, ssize_t &stride)
Fill in start, len and stride from a Slice.
void fillEndLen()
Define a private constructor taking an ssize_t.
LengthOrLast asEnd_p
Definition: Slicer.h:414
Slicer(const IPosition &start, const IPosition &end, const IPosition &stride, LengthOrLast endInterpretation=endIsLength)
The member function inferShapeFromSource (invoked as a callback by the source array) will use the sha...
IPosition start_p
Definition: Slicer.h:415
const IPosition & start() const
Report the defined starting position.
Definition: Slicer.h:452
void fillFixed()
Fill the fixed flag.
Slicer(const IPosition &start)
bool isFixed() const
Are all values fixed (i.e., no MimicSource given)?
Definition: Slicer.h:464
IPosition len_p
Definition: Slicer.h:418
Construct a 1-dimensional Slicer.
Define the possible interpretations of the end-value.
Definition: Slicer.h:300
@ endIsLast
The end-values given in the constructor define the trc.
Definition: Slicer.h:304
@ endIsLength
The end-values given in the constructor define the lengths.
Definition: Slicer.h:302
bool operator==(const Slicer &) const
IPosition end_p
Definition: Slicer.h:416
size_t ndim() const
Return the number of dimensions of the Slicer.
Definition: Slicer.h:449
IPosition inferShapeFromSource(const IPosition &shape, IPosition &startResult, IPosition &endResult, IPosition &strideResult) const
This function checks all of the start, length (or end), and stride IPositions, and fills in missing v...
void setStart(const IPosition &start)
Set the start and end positions.
Definition: Slicer.h:406
this file contains all the compiler specific defines
Definition: mainpage.dox:28
TableExprNode shape(const TableExprNode &array)
Function operating on any scalar or array resulting in a Double array containing the shape.
Definition: ExprNode.h:1987
std::string to_string(const IPosition &ip)
ostream & operator<<(ostream &os, const IComplex &)
Show on ostream.