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Cairo::ToyFontFace Class Reference

A simple font face used for the cairo 'toy' font API. More...

#include <cairomm/fontface.h>

Inheritance diagram for Cairo::ToyFontFace:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

std::string get_family () const
 Gets the familly name of a toy font. More...
FontSlant get_slant () const
 Gets the slant a toy font. More...
FontWeight get_weight () const
 Gets the weight a toy font. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Cairo::FontFace
 FontFace (cairo_font_face_t *cobject, bool has_reference=false)
 Create a C++ wrapper for the C instance. More...
 FontFace (const FontFace &)=delete
FontFaceoperator= (const FontFace &)=delete
virtual ~FontFace ()
FontType get_type () const
 Returns the type of the backend used to create a font face. More...
cobjectcobj ()
const cobjectcobj () const
void reference () const
void unreference () const

Static Public Member Functions

static RefPtr< ToyFontFacecreate (const std::string & family, FontSlant slant, FontWeight weight)
 Creates a font face from a triplet of family, slant, and weight. More...

Protected Member Functions

 ToyFontFace (const std::string & family, FontSlant slant, FontWeight weight)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from Cairo::FontFace
typedef cairo_font_face_t cobject
- Protected Attributes inherited from Cairo::FontFace

Detailed Description

A simple font face used for the cairo 'toy' font API.


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ToyFontFace()

Cairo::ToyFontFace::ToyFontFace ( const std::string family,
FontSlant  slant,
FontWeight  weight 

Member Function Documentation

◆ create()

static RefPtr< ToyFontFace > Cairo::ToyFontFace::create ( const std::string family,
FontSlant  slant,
FontWeight  weight 

Creates a font face from a triplet of family, slant, and weight.

These font faces are used in implementation of the the Context "toy" font API.

If family is the zero-length string "", the platform-specific default family is assumed. The default family then can be queried using get_family().

The Context::select_font_face() function uses this to create font faces. See that function for limitations of toy font faces.

familya font family name, encoded in UTF-8.
slantthe slant for the font.
weightthe weight for the font.
Examples, and

◆ get_family()

std::string Cairo::ToyFontFace::get_family ( ) const

Gets the familly name of a toy font.

◆ get_slant()

FontSlant Cairo::ToyFontFace::get_slant ( ) const

Gets the slant a toy font.

◆ get_weight()

FontWeight Cairo::ToyFontFace::get_weight ( ) const

Gets the weight a toy font.

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