Package bsh.util

Class NameCompletionTable

    • Constructor Detail

      • NameCompletionTable

        public NameCompletionTable()
    • Method Detail

      • add

        public void add​(NameCompletionTable table)
        Add a NameCompletionTable, which is more optimized than the more general NameSource
      • add

        public void add​(NameSource source)
        Add a NameSource which is monitored for names. Unimplemented - behavior is broken... no updates
      • getMatchingNames

        protected void getMatchingNames​(String part,
                                        List found)
        Add any matching names to list (including any from other tables)
      • completeName

        public String[] completeName​(String part)
        Description copied from interface: NameCompletion
        Return an array containing a string element of the maximum unambiguous namespace completion or, if there is no common prefix, return the list of ambiguous names. e.g. input: "java.l" output: [ "java.lang." ] input: "java.lang." output: [ "java.lang.Thread", "java.lang.Integer", ... ] Note: Alternatively, make a NameCompletionResult object someday...
        Specified by:
        completeName in interface NameCompletion