Package bsh.reflect

Class ReflectManagerImpl

  • public class ReflectManagerImpl
    extends ReflectManager
    This is the implementation of: ReflectManager - a dynamically loaded extension that supports extended reflection features supported by JDK1.2 and greater. In particular it currently supports accessible method and field access supported by JDK1.2 and greater.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ReflectManagerImpl

        public ReflectManagerImpl()
    • Method Detail

      • setAccessible

        public boolean setAccessible​(Object obj)
        Set a java.lang.reflect Field, Method, Constructor, or Array of accessible objects to accessible mode. If the object is not an AccessibleObject then do nothing.
        Specified by:
        setAccessible in class ReflectManager
        true if the object was accessible or false if it was not.