Package bsh

Class NameSpace

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    BshClassManager.Listener, NameSource, Serializable
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class NameSpace
    extends Object
    implements Serializable, BshClassManager.Listener, NameSource
    A namespace in which methods, variables, and imports (class names) live. This is package public because it is used in the implementation of some bsh commands. However for normal use you should be using methods on bsh.Interpreter to interact with your scripts.

    A bsh.This object is a thin layer over a NameSpace that associates it with an Interpreter instance. Together they comprise a Bsh scripted object context.

    Note: I'd really like to use collections here, but we have to keep this compatible with JDK1.1

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail

      • JAVACODE

        public static final NameSpace JAVACODE
      • importedClasses

        protected Hashtable importedClasses
    • Method Detail

      • setName

        public void setName​(String name)
      • getName

        public String getName()
        The name of this namespace. If the namespace is a method body namespace then this is the name of the method. If it's a class or class instance then it's the name of the class.
      • unsetVariable

        public void unsetVariable​(String name)
        Remove the variable from the namespace.
      • getVariableNames

        public String[] getVariableNames()
        Get the names of variables defined in this namespace. (This does not show variables in parent namespaces).
      • getMethodNames

        public String[] getMethodNames()
        Get the names of methods declared in this namespace. (This does not include methods in parent namespaces).
      • getMethods

        public BshMethod[] getMethods()
        Get the methods defined in this namespace. (This does not show methods in parent namespaces). Note: This will probably be renamed getDeclaredMethods()
      • getParent

        public NameSpace getParent()
        Get the parent namespace. Note: this isn't quite the same as getSuper(). getSuper() returns 'this' if we are at the root namespace.
      • getSuper

        public This getSuper​(Interpreter declaringInterpreter)
        Get the parent namespace' This reference or this namespace' This reference if we are the top.
      • getGlobal

        public This getGlobal​(Interpreter declaringInterpreter)
        Get the top level namespace or this namespace if we are the top. Note: this method should probably return type bsh.This to be consistent with getThis();
      • prune

        public void prune()
        Used for serialization
      • setParent

        public void setParent​(NameSpace parent)
      • getVariable

        public Object getVariable​(String name)
                           throws UtilEvalError
        Get the specified variable in this namespace or a parent namespace.

        Note: this method is primarily intended for use internally. If you use this method outside of the bsh package you will have to use Primitive.unwrap() to get primitive values.

        The variable value or Primitive.VOID if it is not defined.
        See Also:
        Primitive.unwrap( Object )
      • getVariable

        public Object getVariable​(String name,
                                  boolean recurse)
                           throws UtilEvalError
        Get the specified variable in this namespace.
        recurse - If recurse is true then we recursively search through parent namespaces for the variable.

        Note: this method is primarily intended for use internally. If you use this method outside of the bsh package you will have to use Primitive.unwrap() to get primitive values.

        The variable value or Primitive.VOID if it is not defined.
        See Also:
        Primitive.unwrap( Object )
      • getVariableImpl

        protected Variable getVariableImpl​(String name,
                                           boolean recurse)
                                    throws UtilEvalError
        Locate a variable and return the Variable object with optional recursion through parent name spaces.

        If this namespace is static, return only static variables.

        the Variable value or null if it is not defined
      • getDeclaredVariables

        public Variable[] getDeclaredVariables()
      • unwrapVariable

        protected Object unwrapVariable​(Variable var)
                                 throws UtilEvalError
        Unwrap a variable to its value.
        return the variable value. A null var is mapped to Primitive.VOID
      • setTypedVariable

        public void setTypedVariable​(String name,
                                     Class type,
                                     Object value,
                                     boolean isFinal)
                              throws UtilEvalError
        See #setTypedVariable( String, Class, Object, Modifiers )
      • setTypedVariable

        public void setTypedVariable​(String name,
                                     Class type,
                                     Object value,
                                     Modifiers modifiers)
                              throws UtilEvalError
        Declare a variable in the local scope and set its initial value. Value may be null to indicate that we would like the default value for the variable type. (e.g. 0 for integer types, null for object types). An existing typed variable may only be set to the same type. If an untyped variable of the same name exists it will be overridden with the new typed var. The set will perform a Types.getAssignableForm() on the value if necessary.

        Note: this method is primarily intended for use internally. If you use this method outside of the bsh package and wish to set variables with primitive values you will have to wrap them using bsh.Primitive.

        value - If value is null, you'll get the default value for the type
        modifiers - may be null
        See Also:
      • getMethod

        public BshMethod getMethod​(String name,
                                   Class[] sig,
                                   boolean declaredOnly)
                            throws UtilEvalError
        Get the bsh method matching the specified signature declared in this name space or a parent.

        Note: this method is primarily intended for use internally. If you use this method outside of the bsh package you will have to be familiar with BeanShell's use of the Primitive wrapper class.

        declaredOnly - if true then only methods declared directly in this namespace will be found and no inherited or imported methods will be visible.
        the BshMethod or null if not found
        See Also:
      • importClass

        public void importClass​(String name)
        Import a class name. Subsequent imports override earlier ones
      • importPackage

        public void importPackage​(String name)
        subsequent imports override earlier ones
      • importCommands

        public void importCommands​(String name)
        Import scripted or compiled BeanShell commands in the following package in the classpath. You may use either "/" path or "." package notation. e.g. importCommands("/bsh/commands") or importCommands("bsh.commands") are equivalent. If a relative path style specifier is used then it is made into an absolute path by prepending "/".
      • getCommand

        public Object getCommand​(String name,
                                 Class[] argTypes,
                                 Interpreter interpreter)
                          throws UtilEvalError
        A command is a scripted method or compiled command class implementing a specified method signature. Commands are loaded from the classpath and may be imported using the importCommands() method.

        This method searches the imported commands packages for a script or command object corresponding to the name of the method. If it is a script the script is sourced into this namespace and the BshMethod for the requested signature is returned. If it is a compiled class the class is returned. (Compiled command classes implement static invoke() methods).

        The imported packages are searched in reverse order, so that later imports take priority. Currently only the first object (script or class) with the appropriate name is checked. If another, overloaded form, is located in another package it will not currently be found. This could be fixed.

        name - is the name of the desired command method
        argTypes - is the signature of the desired command method.
        a BshMethod, Class, or null if no such command is found.
        UtilEvalError - if loadScriptedCommand throws UtilEvalError i.e. on errors loading a script that was found
      • getClass

        public Class getClass​(String name)
                       throws UtilEvalError
        Load a class through this namespace taking into account imports. The class search will proceed through the parent namespaces if necessary.
        null if not found.
      • getAllNames

        public String[] getAllNames()
        Implements NameSource
        Specified by:
        getAllNames in interface NameSource
        all variable and method names in this and all parent namespaces
      • getAllNamesAux

        protected void getAllNamesAux​(Vector vec)
        Helper for implementing NameSource
      • doSuperImport

        public void doSuperImport()
                           throws UtilEvalError
        Perform "import *;" causing the entire classpath to be mapped. This can take a while.
      • invokeMethod

        public Object invokeMethod​(String methodName,
                                   Object[] args,
                                   Interpreter interpreter)
                            throws EvalError
        Invoke a method in this namespace with the specified args and interpreter reference. No caller information or call stack is required. The method will appear as if called externally from Java.

      • nameSpaceChanged

        public void nameSpaceChanged()
        Clear all cached classes and names
      • loadDefaultImports

        public void loadDefaultImports()
        Import standard packages. Currently:
      • getInvocationLine

        public int getInvocationLine()
      • getInvocationText

        public String getInvocationText()
      • identifierToClass

        public static Class identifierToClass​(ClassIdentifier ci)
        This is a helper method for working inside of bsh scripts and commands. In that context it is impossible to see a ClassIdentifier object for what it is. Attempting to access a method on a ClassIdentifier will look like a static method invocation. This method is in NameSpace for convenience (you don't have to import bsh.ClassIdentifier to use it );
      • clear

        public void clear()
        Clear all variables, methods, and imports from this namespace. If this namespace is the root, it will be reset to the default imports.
        See Also:
      • importObject

        public void importObject​(Object obj)
        Import a compiled Java object's methods and variables into this namespace. When no scripted method / command or variable is found locally in this namespace method / fields of the object will be checked. Objects are checked in the order of import with later imports taking precedence.

      • importStatic

        public void importStatic​(Class clas)