Package bsh

Class BshClassManager

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class BshClassManager
    extends Object
    BshClassManager manages all classloading in BeanShell. It also supports a dynamically loaded extension (bsh.classpath package) which allows classpath extension and class file reloading. Currently the extension relies on 1.2 for BshClassLoader and weak references. See for details on the bsh classloader architecture.

    Bsh has a multi-tiered class loading architecture. No class loader is used unless/until the classpath is modified or a class is reloaded.

    • Field Detail

      • externalClassLoader

        protected ClassLoader externalClassLoader
        An external classloader supplied by the setClassLoader() command.
      • absoluteClassCache

        protected transient Hashtable absoluteClassCache
        Global cache for things we know are classes. Note: these should probably be re-implemented with Soft references. (as opposed to strong or Weak)
      • absoluteNonClasses

        protected transient Hashtable absoluteNonClasses
        Global cache for things we know are *not* classes. Note: these should probably be re-implemented with Soft references. (as opposed to strong or Weak)
      • resolvedObjectMethods

        protected transient Hashtable resolvedObjectMethods
        Caches for resolved object and static methods. We keep these maps separate to support fast lookup in the general case where the method may be either.
      • resolvedStaticMethods

        protected transient Hashtable resolvedStaticMethods
      • definingClasses

        protected transient Hashtable definingClasses
      • definingClassesBaseNames

        protected transient Hashtable definingClassesBaseNames
    • Constructor Detail

      • BshClassManager

        public BshClassManager()
    • Method Detail

      • createClassManager

        public static BshClassManager createClassManager​(Interpreter interpreter)
        Create a new instance of the class manager. Class manager instnaces are now associated with the interpreter.
      • classExists

        public boolean classExists​(String name)
      • classForName

        public Class classForName​(String name)
        Load the specified class by name, taking into account added classpath and reloaded classes, etc. Note: Again, this is just a trivial implementation. See bsh.classpath.ClassManagerImpl for the fully functional class management package.
        the class or null
      • loadSourceClass

        protected Class loadSourceClass​(String name)
      • plainClassForName

        public Class plainClassForName​(String name)
                                throws ClassNotFoundException
        Perform a plain Class.forName() or call the externally provided classloader. If a BshClassManager implementation is loaded the call will be delegated to it, to allow for additional hooks.

        This simply wraps that bottom level class lookup call and provides a central point for monitoring and handling certain Java version dependent bugs, etc.

        the class
        See Also:
        classForName( String )
      • getResource

        public URL getResource​(String path)
        Get a resource URL using the BeanShell classpath
        path - should be an absolute path
      • getResourceAsStream

        public InputStream getResourceAsStream​(String path)
        Get a resource stream using the BeanShell classpath
        path - should be an absolute path
      • cacheClassInfo

        public void cacheClassInfo​(String name,
                                   Class value)
        Cache info about whether name is a class or not.
        value - if value is non-null, cache the class if value is null, set the flag that it is *not* a class to speed later resolution
      • cacheResolvedMethod

        public void cacheResolvedMethod​(Class clas,
                                        Class[] types,
                                        Method method)
        Cache a resolved (possibly overloaded) method based on the argument types used to invoke it, subject to classloader change. Static and Object methods are cached separately to support fast lookup in the general case where either will do.
      • getResolvedMethod

        protected Method getResolvedMethod​(Class clas,
                                           String methodName,
                                           Class[] types,
                                           boolean onlyStatic)
        Return a previously cached resolved method.
        onlyStatic - specifies that only a static method may be returned.
        the Method or null
      • clearCaches

        protected void clearCaches()
        Clear the caches in BshClassManager
      • setClassLoader

        public void setClassLoader​(ClassLoader externalCL)
        Set an external class loader. BeanShell will use this at the same point it would otherwise use the plain Class.forName(). i.e. if no explicit classpath management is done from the script (addClassPath(), setClassPath(), reloadClasses()) then BeanShell will only use the supplied classloader. If additional classpath management is done then BeanShell will perform that in addition to the supplied external classloader. However BeanShell is not currently able to reload classes supplied through the external classloader.
      • reset

        public void reset()
        Clear all loaders and start over. No class loading.
      • setClassPath

        public void setClassPath​(URL[] cp)
                          throws UtilEvalError
        Set a new base classpath and create a new base classloader. This means all types change.
      • reloadAllClasses

        public void reloadAllClasses()
                              throws UtilEvalError
        Overlay the entire path with a new class loader. Set the base path to the user path + base path. No point in including the boot class path (can't reload thos).
      • reloadClasses

        public void reloadClasses​(String[] classNames)
                           throws UtilEvalError
        Reloading classes means creating a new classloader and using it whenever we are asked for classes in the appropriate space. For this we use a DiscreteFilesClassLoader
      • reloadPackage

        public void reloadPackage​(String pack)
                           throws UtilEvalError
        Reload all classes in the specified package: e.g. "" The special package name "" can be used to refer to unpackaged classes.
      • doSuperImport

        protected void doSuperImport()
                              throws UtilEvalError
        Support for "import *;" Hide details in here as opposed to NameSpace.
      • hasSuperImport

        protected boolean hasSuperImport()
        A "super import" ("import *") operation has been performed.
      • getClassNameByUnqName

        protected String getClassNameByUnqName​(String name)
                                        throws UtilEvalError
        Return the name or null if none is found, Throw an ClassPathException containing detail if name is ambigous.
      • definingClass

        protected void definingClass​(String className)
        Flag the class name as being in the process of being defined. The class manager will not attempt to load it.
      • isClassBeingDefined

        protected boolean isClassBeingDefined​(String className)
      • getClassBeingDefined

        protected String getClassBeingDefined​(String className)
        This method is a temporary workaround used with definingClass. It is to be removed at some point.
      • doneDefiningClass

        protected void doneDefiningClass​(String className)
        Indicate that the specified class name has been defined and may be loaded normally.
      • defineClass

        public Class defineClass​(String name,
                                 byte[] code)
      • classLoaderChanged

        protected void classLoaderChanged()
      • noClassDefFound

        protected static Error noClassDefFound​(String className,
                                               Error e)
        Annotate the NoClassDefFoundError with some info about the class we were trying to load.