Bibus bibliographic software
Copyright 2004, 2005 Pierre Martineau <>

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Debian users. Please try the new packages.
Windows users. Since version 1.1.1, there is a graphical installer.

Bibus is a bibliographic database. It has been designed with in mind. The "ultimate" goal is to have an opensource bibliographic software that will allow easy formating (and reformatting) of the bibliographic index in Writer.

The first public release of Bibus was version 0.8 and was available in June 2004.
The current version is 1.1.1
Here is the current documentation.

Main Features


Future of Bibus

Bibus has been developed during the two years. I started this project to learn python and the wxWidgets library. As it is my first "real" software please don't use the source code as an example of good programing practices! However, feel free to read it and use it in your own software (it is under the GPL license) but don't complain if somebody tells you that your code is ugly.

If we want to make Bibus a real alternative we need to improve it in several directions:

Interesting links

Windows 98 users
Support for Windows98 is much better in Bibus 1.0 than in 0.8.0 and it is now perfectly usable.

Here are some remarks: