Lyrics Plugin ============= The ``lyrics`` plugin fetches and stores song lyrics from databases on the Web. Namely, the current version of the plugin uses `Musixmatch`_, ``_, ``_, and, optionally, the Google custom search API. .. _Musixmatch: .. .. Fetch Lyrics During Import -------------------------- To automatically fetch lyrics for songs you import, enable the ``lyrics`` plugin in your configuration (see :ref:`using-plugins`). Then, install the `requests`_ library by typing:: pip install requests The plugin uses `requests`_ to download lyrics. When importing new files, beets will now fetch lyrics for files that don't already have them. The lyrics will be stored in the beets database. If the ``import.write`` config option is on, then the lyrics will also be written to the files' tags. .. _requests: Configuration ------------- To configure the plugin, make a ``lyrics:`` section in your configuration file. The available options are: - **auto**: Fetch lyrics automatically during import. Default: ``yes``. - **bing_client_secret**: Your Bing Translation application password (to :ref:`lyrics-translation`) - **bing_lang_from**: By default all lyrics with a language other than ``bing_lang_to`` are translated. Use a list of lang codes to restrict the set of source languages to translate. Default: ``[]`` - **bing_lang_to**: Language to translate lyrics into. Default: None. - **fallback**: By default, the file will be left unchanged when no lyrics are found. Use the empty string ``''`` to reset the lyrics in such a case. Default: None. - **force**: By default, beets won't fetch lyrics if the files already have ones. To instead always fetch lyrics, set the ``force`` option to ``yes``. Default: ``no``. - **google_API_key**: Your Google API key (to enable the Google Custom Search backend). Default: None. - **google_engine_ID**: The custom search engine to use. Default: The `beets custom search engine`_, which gathers an updated list of sources known to be scrapeable. - **sources**: List of sources to search for lyrics. An asterisk ``*`` expands to all available sources. Default: ``google musixmatch genius tekstowo``, i.e., all the available sources. The ``google`` source will be automatically deactivated if no ``google_API_key`` is setup. The ``google``, ``genius``, and ``tekstowo`` sources will only be enabled if BeautifulSoup is installed. Here's an example of ``config.yaml``:: lyrics: fallback: '' google_API_key: AZERTYUIOPQSDFGHJKLMWXCVBN1234567890_ab google_engine_ID: 009217259823014548361:lndtuqkycfu .. _beets custom search engine: Fetching Lyrics Manually ------------------------ The ``lyrics`` command provided by this plugin fetches lyrics for items that match a query (see :doc:`/reference/query`). For example, ``beet lyrics magnetic fields absolutely cuckoo`` will get the lyrics for the appropriate Magnetic Fields song, ``beet lyrics magnetic fields`` will get lyrics for all my tracks by that band, and ``beet lyrics`` will get lyrics for my entire library. The lyrics will be added to the beets database and, if ``import.write`` is on, embedded into files' metadata. The ``-p`` option to the ``lyrics`` command makes it print lyrics out to the console so you can view the fetched (or previously-stored) lyrics. The ``-f`` option forces the command to fetch lyrics, even for tracks that already have lyrics. Inversely, the ``-l`` option restricts operations to lyrics that are locally available, which show lyrics faster without using the network at all. Rendering Lyrics into Other Formats ----------------------------------- The ``-r directory`` option renders all lyrics as `reStructuredText`_ (ReST) documents in ``directory`` (by default, the current directory). That directory, in turn, can be parsed by tools like `Sphinx`_ to generate HTML, ePUB, or PDF documents. A minimal ```` and ``index.rst`` files are created the first time the command is run. They are not overwritten on subsequent runs, so you can safely modify these files to customize the output. .. _Sphinx: .. _reStructuredText: Sphinx supports various `builders `_, but here are a few suggestions. * Build an HTML version:: sphinx-build -b html . _build/html * Build an ePUB3 formatted file, usable on ebook readers:: sphinx-build -b epub3 . _build/epub * Build a PDF file, which incidentally also builds a LaTeX file:: sphinx-build -b latex %s _build/latex && make -C _build/latex all-pdf .. _activate-google-custom-search: Activate Google Custom Search ------------------------------ Using the Google backend requires `BeautifulSoup`_, which you can install using `pip`_ by typing:: pip install beautifulsoup4 You also need to `register for a Google API key`_. Set the ``google_API_key`` configuration option to your key. Then add ``google`` to the list of sources in your configuration (or use default list, which includes it as long as you have an API key). If you use default ``google_engine_ID``, we recommend limiting the sources to ``musixmatch google`` as the other sources are already included in the Google results. .. _register for a Google API key: Optionally, you can `define a custom search engine`_. Get your search engine's token and use it for your ``google_engine_ID`` configuration option. By default, beets use a list of sources known to be scrapeable. .. _define a custom search engine: Note that the Google custom search API is limited to 100 queries per day. After that, the lyrics plugin will fall back on other declared data sources. .. _pip: .. _BeautifulSoup: Activate Genius and Lyrics -------------------------------------- Using the Genius or backends requires `BeautifulSoup`_, which you can install using `pip`_ by typing:: pip install beautifulsoup4 These backends are enabled by default. .. _lyrics-translation: Activate On-the-Fly Translation ------------------------------- Using the Bing Translation API requires `langdetect`_, which you can install using `pip`_ by typing:: pip install langdetect You also need to register for a Microsoft Azure Marketplace free account and to the `Microsoft Translator API`_. Follow the four steps process, specifically at step 3 enter ``beets`` as *Client ID* and copy/paste the generated *Client secret* into your ``bing_client_secret`` configuration, alongside ``bing_lang_to`` target `language code`. .. _langdetect: .. _Microsoft Translator API: