.. _writing-plugins: Writing Plugins --------------- A beets plugin is just a Python module inside the ``beetsplug`` namespace package. (Check out this `Stack Overflow question about namespace packages`_ if you haven't heard of them.) So, to make one, create a directory called ``beetsplug`` and put two files in it: one called ``__init__.py`` and one called ``myawesomeplugin.py`` (but don't actually call it that). Your directory structure should look like this:: beetsplug/ __init__.py myawesomeplugin.py .. _Stack Overflow question about namespace packages: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1675734/how-do-i-create-a-namespace-package-in-python/1676069#1676069 Then, you'll need to put this stuff in ``__init__.py`` to make ``beetsplug`` a namespace package:: from pkgutil import extend_path __path__ = extend_path(__path__, __name__) That's all for ``__init__.py``; you can can leave it alone. The meat of your plugin goes in ``myawesomeplugin.py``. There, you'll have to import the ``beets.plugins`` module and define a subclass of the ``BeetsPlugin`` class found therein. Here's a skeleton of a plugin file:: from beets.plugins import BeetsPlugin class MyPlugin(BeetsPlugin): pass Once you have your ``BeetsPlugin`` subclass, there's a variety of things your plugin can do. (Read on!) To use your new plugin, make sure your ``beetsplug`` directory is in the Python path (using ``PYTHONPATH`` or by installing in a `virtualenv`_, for example). Then, as described above, edit your ``config.yaml`` to include ``plugins: myawesomeplugin`` (substituting the name of the Python module containing your plugin). .. _virtualenv: https://pypi.org/project/virtualenv .. _add_subcommands: Add Commands to the CLI ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Plugins can add new subcommands to the ``beet`` command-line interface. Define the plugin class' ``commands()`` method to return a list of ``Subcommand`` objects. (The ``Subcommand`` class is defined in the ``beets.ui`` module.) Here's an example plugin that adds a simple command:: from beets.plugins import BeetsPlugin from beets.ui import Subcommand my_super_command = Subcommand('super', help='do something super') def say_hi(lib, opts, args): print "Hello everybody! I'm a plugin!" my_super_command.func = say_hi class SuperPlug(BeetsPlugin): def commands(self): return [my_super_command] To make a subcommand, invoke the constructor like so: ``Subcommand(name, parser, help, aliases)``. The ``name`` parameter is the only required one and should just be the name of your command. ``parser`` can be an `OptionParser instance`_, but it defaults to an empty parser (you can extend it later). ``help`` is a description of your command, and ``aliases`` is a list of shorthand versions of your command name. .. _OptionParser instance: https://docs.python.org/library/optparse.html You'll need to add a function to your command by saying ``mycommand.func = myfunction``. This function should take the following parameters: ``lib`` (a beets ``Library`` object) and ``opts`` and ``args`` (command-line options and arguments as returned by `OptionParser.parse_args`_). .. _OptionParser.parse_args: https://docs.python.org/library/optparse.html#parsing-arguments The function should use any of the utility functions defined in ``beets.ui``. Try running ``pydoc beets.ui`` to see what's available. You can add command-line options to your new command using the ``parser`` member of the ``Subcommand`` class, which is a ``CommonOptionsParser`` instance. Just use it like you would a normal ``OptionParser`` in an independent script. Note that it offers several methods to add common options: ``--album``, ``--path`` and ``--format``. This feature is versatile and extensively documented, try ``pydoc beets.ui.CommonOptionsParser`` for more information. .. _plugin_events: Listen for Events ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Event handlers allow plugins to run code whenever something happens in beets' operation. For instance, a plugin could write a log message every time an album is successfully autotagged or update MPD's index whenever the database is changed. You can "listen" for events using ``BeetsPlugin.register_listener``. Here's an example:: from beets.plugins import BeetsPlugin def loaded(): print 'Plugin loaded!' class SomePlugin(BeetsPlugin): def __init__(self): super(SomePlugin, self).__init__() self.register_listener('pluginload', loaded) Note that if you want to access an attribute of your plugin (e.g. ``config`` or ``log``) you'll have to define a method and not a function. Here is the usual registration process in this case:: from beets.plugins import BeetsPlugin class SomePlugin(BeetsPlugin): def __init__(self): super(SomePlugin, self).__init__() self.register_listener('pluginload', self.loaded) def loaded(self): self._log.info('Plugin loaded!') The events currently available are: * `pluginload`: called after all the plugins have been loaded after the ``beet`` command starts * `import`: called after a ``beet import`` command finishes (the ``lib`` keyword argument is a Library object; ``paths`` is a list of paths (strings) that were imported) * `album_imported`: called with an ``Album`` object every time the ``import`` command finishes adding an album to the library. Parameters: ``lib``, ``album`` * `album_removed`: called with an ``Album`` object every time an album is removed from the library (even when its file is not deleted from disk). * `item_copied`: called with an ``Item`` object whenever its file is copied. Parameters: ``item``, ``source`` path, ``destination`` path * `item_imported`: called with an ``Item`` object every time the importer adds a singleton to the library (not called for full-album imports). Parameters: ``lib``, ``item`` * `before_item_moved`: called with an ``Item`` object immediately before its file is moved. Parameters: ``item``, ``source`` path, ``destination`` path * `item_moved`: called with an ``Item`` object whenever its file is moved. Parameters: ``item``, ``source`` path, ``destination`` path * `item_linked`: called with an ``Item`` object whenever a symlink is created for a file. Parameters: ``item``, ``source`` path, ``destination`` path * `item_hardlinked`: called with an ``Item`` object whenever a hardlink is created for a file. Parameters: ``item``, ``source`` path, ``destination`` path * `item_reflinked`: called with an ``Item`` object whenever a reflink is created for a file. Parameters: ``item``, ``source`` path, ``destination`` path * `item_removed`: called with an ``Item`` object every time an item (singleton or album's part) is removed from the library (even when its file is not deleted from disk). * `write`: called with an ``Item`` object, a ``path``, and a ``tags`` dictionary just before a file's metadata is written to disk (i.e., just before the file on disk is opened). Event handlers may change the ``tags`` dictionary to customize the tags that are written to the media file. Event handlers may also raise a ``library.FileOperationError`` exception to abort the write operation. Beets will catch that exception, print an error message and continue. * `after_write`: called with an ``Item`` object after a file's metadata is written to disk (i.e., just after the file on disk is closed). * `import_task_created`: called immediately after an import task is initialized. Plugins can use this to, for example, change imported files of a task before anything else happens. It's also possible to replace the task with another task by returning a list of tasks. This list can contain zero or more `ImportTask`s. Returning an empty list will stop the task. Parameters: ``task`` (an `ImportTask`) and ``session`` (an `ImportSession`). * `import_task_start`: called when before an import task begins processing. Parameters: ``task`` and ``session``. * `import_task_apply`: called after metadata changes have been applied in an import task. This is called on the same thread as the UI, so use this sparingly and only for tasks that can be done quickly. For most plugins, an import pipeline stage is a better choice (see :ref:`plugin-stage`). Parameters: ``task`` and ``session``. * `import_task_before_choice`: called after candidate search for an import task before any decision is made about how/if to import or tag. Can be used to present information about the task or initiate interaction with the user before importing occurs. Return an importer action to take a specific action. Only one handler may return a non-None result. Parameters: ``task`` and ``session`` * `import_task_choice`: called after a decision has been made about an import task. This event can be used to initiate further interaction with the user. Use ``task.choice_flag`` to determine or change the action to be taken. Parameters: ``task`` and ``session``. * `import_task_files`: called after an import task finishes manipulating the filesystem (copying and moving files, writing metadata tags). Parameters: ``task`` and ``session``. * `library_opened`: called after beets starts up and initializes the main Library object. Parameter: ``lib``. * `database_change`: a modification has been made to the library database. The change might not be committed yet. Parameters: ``lib`` and ``model``. * `cli_exit`: called just before the ``beet`` command-line program exits. Parameter: ``lib``. * `import_begin`: called just before a ``beet import`` session starts up. Parameter: ``session``. * `trackinfo_received`: called after metadata for a track item has been fetched from a data source, such as MusicBrainz. You can modify the tags that the rest of the pipeline sees on a ``beet import`` operation or during later adjustments, such as ``mbsync``. Slow handlers of the event can impact the operation, since the event is fired for any fetched possible match `before` the user (or the autotagger machinery) gets to see the match. Parameter: ``info``. * `albuminfo_received`: like `trackinfo_received`, the event indicates new metadata for album items. The parameter is an ``AlbumInfo`` object instead of a ``TrackInfo``. Parameter: ``info``. * `before_choose_candidate`: called before the user is prompted for a decision during a ``beet import`` interactive session. Plugins can use this event for :ref:`appending choices to the prompt ` by returning a list of ``PromptChoices``. Parameters: ``task`` and ``session``. * `mb_track_extract`: called after the metadata is obtained from MusicBrainz. The parameter is a ``dict`` containing the tags retrieved from MusicBrainz for a track. Plugins must return a new (potentially empty) ``dict`` with additional ``field: value`` pairs, which the autotagger will apply to the item, as flexible attributes if ``field`` is not a hardcoded field. Fields already present on the track are overwritten. Parameter: ``data`` * `mb_album_extract`: Like `mb_track_extract`, but for album tags. Overwrites tags set at the track level, if they have the same ``field``. Parameter: ``data`` The included ``mpdupdate`` plugin provides an example use case for event listeners. Extend the Autotagger ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Plugins can also enhance the functionality of the autotagger. For a comprehensive example, try looking at the ``chroma`` plugin, which is included with beets. A plugin can extend three parts of the autotagger's process: the track distance function, the album distance function, and the initial MusicBrainz search. The distance functions determine how "good" a match is at the track and album levels; the initial search controls which candidates are presented to the matching algorithm. Plugins implement these extensions by implementing four methods on the plugin class: * ``track_distance(self, item, info)``: adds a component to the distance function (i.e., the similarity metric) for individual tracks. ``item`` is the track to be matched (an Item object) and ``info`` is the TrackInfo object that is proposed as a match. Should return a ``(dist, dist_max)`` pair of floats indicating the distance. * ``album_distance(self, items, album_info, mapping)``: like the above, but compares a list of items (representing an album) to an album-level MusicBrainz entry. ``items`` is a list of Item objects; ``album_info`` is an AlbumInfo object; and ``mapping`` is a dictionary that maps Items to their corresponding TrackInfo objects. * ``candidates(self, items, artist, album, va_likely)``: given a list of items comprised by an album to be matched, return a list of ``AlbumInfo`` objects for candidate albums to be compared and matched. * ``item_candidates(self, item, artist, album)``: given a *singleton* item, return a list of ``TrackInfo`` objects for candidate tracks to be compared and matched. * ``album_for_id(self, album_id)``: given an ID from user input or an album's tags, return a candidate AlbumInfo object (or None). * ``track_for_id(self, track_id)``: given an ID from user input or a file's tags, return a candidate TrackInfo object (or None). When implementing these functions, you may want to use the functions from the ``beets.autotag`` and ``beets.autotag.mb`` modules, both of which have somewhat helpful docstrings. Read Configuration Options ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Plugins can configure themselves using the ``config.yaml`` file. You can read configuration values in two ways. The first is to use `self.config` within your plugin class. This gives you a view onto the configuration values in a section with the same name as your plugin's module. For example, if your plugin is in ``greatplugin.py``, then `self.config` will refer to options under the ``greatplugin:`` section of the config file. For example, if you have a configuration value called "foo", then users can put this in their ``config.yaml``:: greatplugin: foo: bar To access this value, say ``self.config['foo'].get()`` at any point in your plugin's code. The `self.config` object is a *view* as defined by the `Confuse`_ library. .. _Confuse: https://confuse.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ If you want to access configuration values *outside* of your plugin's section, import the `config` object from the `beets` module. That is, just put ``from beets import config`` at the top of your plugin and access values from there. If your plugin provides configuration values for sensitive data (e.g., passwords, API keys, ...), you should add these to the config so they can be redacted automatically when users dump their config. This can be done by setting each value's `redact` flag, like so:: self.config['password'].redact = True Add Path Format Functions and Fields ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Beets supports *function calls* in its path format syntax (see :doc:`/reference/pathformat`). Beets includes a few built-in functions, but plugins can register new functions by adding them to the ``template_funcs`` dictionary. Here's an example:: class MyPlugin(BeetsPlugin): def __init__(self): super(MyPlugin, self).__init__() self.template_funcs['initial'] = _tmpl_initial def _tmpl_initial(text): if text: return text[0].upper() else: return u'' This plugin provides a function ``%initial`` to path templates where ``%initial{$artist}`` expands to the artist's initial (its capitalized first character). Plugins can also add template *fields*, which are computed values referenced as ``$name`` in templates. To add a new field, add a function that takes an ``Item`` object to the ``template_fields`` dictionary on the plugin object. Here's an example that adds a ``$disc_and_track`` field:: class MyPlugin(BeetsPlugin): def __init__(self): super(MyPlugin, self).__init__() self.template_fields['disc_and_track'] = _tmpl_disc_and_track def _tmpl_disc_and_track(item): """Expand to the disc number and track number if this is a multi-disc release. Otherwise, just expands to the track number. """ if item.disctotal > 1: return u'%02i.%02i' % (item.disc, item.track) else: return u'%02i' % (item.track) With this plugin enabled, templates can reference ``$disc_and_track`` as they can any standard metadata field. This field works for *item* templates. Similarly, you can register *album* template fields by adding a function accepting an ``Album`` argument to the ``album_template_fields`` dict. Extend MediaFile ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ `MediaFile`_ is the file tag abstraction layer that beets uses to make cross-format metadata manipulation simple. Plugins can add fields to MediaFile to extend the kinds of metadata that they can easily manage. The ``MediaFile`` class uses ``MediaField`` descriptors to provide access to file tags. If you have created a descriptor you can add it through your plugins ``add_media_field()`` method. .. automethod:: beets.plugins.BeetsPlugin.add_media_field .. _MediaFile: https://mediafile.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ Here's an example plugin that provides a meaningless new field "foo":: class FooPlugin(BeetsPlugin): def __init__(self): field = mediafile.MediaField( mediafile.MP3DescStorageStyle(u'foo'), mediafile.StorageStyle(u'foo') ) self.add_media_field('foo', field) FooPlugin() item = Item.from_path('/path/to/foo/tag.mp3') assert item['foo'] == 'spam' item['foo'] == 'ham' item.write() # The "foo" tag of the file is now "ham" .. _plugin-stage: Add Import Pipeline Stages ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Many plugins need to add high-latency operations to the import workflow. For example, a plugin that fetches lyrics from the Web would, ideally, not block the progress of the rest of the importer. Beets allows plugins to add stages to the parallel import pipeline. Each stage is run in its own thread. Plugin stages run after metadata changes have been applied to a unit of music (album or track) and before file manipulation has occurred (copying and moving files, writing tags to disk). Multiple stages run in parallel but each stage processes only one task at a time and each task is processed by only one stage at a time. Plugins provide stages as functions that take two arguments: ``config`` and ``task``, which are ``ImportSession`` and ``ImportTask`` objects (both defined in ``beets.importer``). Add such a function to the plugin's ``import_stages`` field to register it:: from beets.plugins import BeetsPlugin class ExamplePlugin(BeetsPlugin): def __init__(self): super(ExamplePlugin, self).__init__() self.import_stages = [self.stage] def stage(self, session, task): print('Importing something!') It is also possible to request your function to run early in the pipeline by adding the function to the plugin's ``early_import_stages`` field instead:: self.early_import_stages = [self.stage] .. _extend-query: Extend the Query Syntax ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You can add new kinds of queries to beets' :doc:`query syntax `. There are two ways to add custom queries: using a prefix and using a name. Prefix-based query extension can apply to *any* field, while named queries are not associated with any field. For example, beets already supports regular expression queries, which are indicated by a colon prefix---plugins can do the same. For either kind of query extension, define a subclass of the ``Query`` type from the ``beets.dbcore.query`` module. Then: - To define a prefix-based query, define a ``queries`` method in your plugin class. Return from this method a dictionary mapping prefix strings to query classes. - To define a named query, defined dictionaries named either ``item_queries`` or ``album_queries``. These should map names to query types. So if you use ``{ "foo": FooQuery }``, then the query ``foo:bar`` will construct a query like ``FooQuery("bar")``. For prefix-based queries, you will want to extend ``FieldQuery``, which implements string comparisons on fields. To use it, create a subclass inheriting from that class and override the ``value_match`` class method. (Remember the ``@classmethod`` decorator!) The following example plugin declares a query using the ``@`` prefix to delimit exact string matches. The plugin will be used if we issue a command like ``beet ls @something`` or ``beet ls artist:@something``:: from beets.plugins import BeetsPlugin from beets.dbcore import FieldQuery class ExactMatchQuery(FieldQuery): @classmethod def value_match(self, pattern, val): return pattern == val class ExactMatchPlugin(BeetsPlugin): def queries(self): return { '@': ExactMatchQuery } Flexible Field Types ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If your plugin uses flexible fields to store numbers or other non-string values, you can specify the types of those fields. A rating plugin, for example, might want to declare that the ``rating`` field should have an integer type:: from beets.plugins import BeetsPlugin from beets.dbcore import types class RatingPlugin(BeetsPlugin): item_types = {'rating': types.INTEGER} @property def album_types(self): return {'rating': types.INTEGER} A plugin may define two attributes: `item_types` and `album_types`. Each of those attributes is a dictionary mapping a flexible field name to a type instance. You can find the built-in types in the `beets.dbcore.types` and `beets.library` modules or implement your own type by inheriting from the `Type` class. Specifying types has several advantages: * Code that accesses the field like ``item['my_field']`` gets the right type (instead of just a string). * You can use advanced queries (like :ref:`ranges `) from the command line. * User input for flexible fields may be validated and converted. .. _plugin-logging: Logging ^^^^^^^ Each plugin object has a ``_log`` attribute, which is a ``Logger`` from the `standard Python logging module`_. The logger is set up to `PEP 3101`_, str.format-style string formatting. So you can write logging calls like this:: self._log.debug(u'Processing {0.title} by {0.artist}', item) .. _PEP 3101: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3101/ .. _standard Python logging module: https://docs.python.org/2/library/logging.html When beets is in verbose mode, plugin messages are prefixed with the plugin name to make them easier to see. Which messages will be logged depends on the logging level and the action performed: * Inside import stages and event handlers, the default is ``WARNING`` messages and above. * Everywhere else, the default is ``INFO`` or above. The verbosity can be increased with ``--verbose`` (``-v``) flags: each flags lowers the level by a notch. That means that, with a single ``-v`` flag, event handlers won't have their ``DEBUG`` messages displayed, but command functions (for example) will. With ``-vv`` on the command line, ``DEBUG`` messages will be displayed everywhere. This addresses a common pattern where plugins need to use the same code for a command and an import stage, but the command needs to print more messages than the import stage. (For example, you'll want to log "found lyrics for this song" when you're run explicitly as a command, but you don't want to noisily interrupt the importer interface when running automatically.) .. _append_prompt_choices: Append Prompt Choices ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Plugins can also append choices to the prompt presented to the user during an import session. To do so, add a listener for the ``before_choose_candidate`` event, and return a list of ``PromptChoices`` that represent the additional choices that your plugin shall expose to the user:: from beets.plugins import BeetsPlugin from beets.ui.commands import PromptChoice class ExamplePlugin(BeetsPlugin): def __init__(self): super(ExamplePlugin, self).__init__() self.register_listener('before_choose_candidate', self.before_choose_candidate_event) def before_choose_candidate_event(self, session, task): return [PromptChoice('p', 'Print foo', self.foo), PromptChoice('d', 'Do bar', self.bar)] def foo(self, session, task): print('User has chosen "Print foo"!') def bar(self, session, task): print('User has chosen "Do bar"!') The previous example modifies the standard prompt:: # selection (default 1), Skip, Use as-is, as Tracks, Group albums, Enter search, enter Id, aBort? by appending two additional options (``Print foo`` and ``Do bar``):: # selection (default 1), Skip, Use as-is, as Tracks, Group albums, Enter search, enter Id, aBort, Print foo, Do bar? If the user selects a choice, the ``callback`` attribute of the corresponding ``PromptChoice`` will be called. It is the responsibility of the plugin to check for the status of the import session and decide the choices to be appended: for example, if a particular choice should only be presented if the album has no candidates, the relevant checks against ``task.candidates`` should be performed inside the plugin's ``before_choose_candidate_event`` accordingly. Please make sure that the short letter for each of the choices provided by the plugin is not already in use: the importer will emit a warning and discard all but one of the choices using the same letter, giving priority to the core importer prompt choices. As a reference, the following characters are used by the choices on the core importer prompt, and hence should not be used: ``a``, ``s``, ``u``, ``t``, ``g``, ``e``, ``i``, ``b``. Additionally, the callback function can optionally specify the next action to be performed by returning a ``importer.action`` value. It may also return a ``autotag.Proposal`` value to update the set of current proposals to be considered.