class Asciidoctor::Extensions::DocinfoProcessor

Public: DocinfoProcessors are used to add additional content to the header and/or footer of the generated document.

The placement of docinfo content is controlled by the converter.

DocinfoProcessors implementations must extend DocinfoProcessor. If a location is not specified, the DocinfoProcessor is assumed to add content to the header.



Public Class Methods

new(config = {}) click to toggle source
Calls superclass method Asciidoctor::Extensions::Processor::new
# File lib/asciidoctor/extensions.rb, line 487
def initialize config = {}
  super config
  @config[:location] ||= :head

Public Instance Methods

process(document) click to toggle source
# File lib/asciidoctor/extensions.rb, line 492
def process document
  raise ::NotImplementedError, %(#{DocinfoProcessor} subclass #{self.class} must implement the ##{__method__} method)