class Asciidoctor::Extensions::BlockProcessor

Public: BlockProcessors are used to handle delimited blocks and paragraphs that have a custom name.

When Asciidoctor encounters a delimited block or paragraph with an unrecognized name while parsing the document, it looks for a BlockProcessor registered to handle this name and, if found, invokes its {Processor#process} method to build a corresponding node in the document tree.

If the process method returns an instance of Block, the content model of that Block is :compound, and the Block contains at least one line, the parser will parse those lines into blocks and append them to the returned block.

If your custom block can be applied to a paragraph or delimited block, and you want to preserve the content model of the input, check whether the value of the cloaked-context attribute is :paragraph. If it is, set the content model of the returned block to :simple. Otherwise, set the content model to :compound.

AsciiDoc example:

Get a move on.

Recognized options:

BlockProcessor implementations must extend BlockProcessor.





Public Class Methods

new(name = nil, config = {}) click to toggle source
Calls superclass method Asciidoctor::Extensions::Processor::new
# File lib/asciidoctor/extensions.rb, line 541
def initialize name = nil, config = {}
  super config
  @name = name || @config[:name]
  # assign fallbacks
  case @config[:contexts]
  when ::NilClass
    @config[:contexts] ||= [:open, :paragraph].to_set
  when ::Symbol
    @config[:contexts] = [@config[:contexts]].to_set
    @config[:contexts] = @config[:contexts].to_set
  # QUESTION should the default content model be raw??
  @config[:content_model] ||= :compound

Public Instance Methods

process(parent, reader, attributes) click to toggle source
# File lib/asciidoctor/extensions.rb, line 557
def process parent, reader, attributes
  raise ::NotImplementedError, %(#{BlockProcessor} subclass #{self.class} must implement the ##{__method__} method)