class Asciidoctor::AbstractNode

Public: An abstract base class that provides state and methods for managing a node of AsciiDoc content. The state and methods on this class are common to all content segments in an AsciiDoc document.



Public: Get the Hash of attributes for this node


Public: Get the Symbol context for this node


Public: Get the Asciidoctor::Document to which this node belongs


Public: Get/Set the String id of this node


Public: Get the String name of this node


Public: Get the AbstractBlock parent element of this node

Public Class Methods

new(parent, context, opts = {}) click to toggle source
# File lib/asciidoctor/abstract_node.rb, line 28
def initialize parent, context, opts = {}
  # document is a special case, should refer to itself
  if context == :document
    @document = self
  elsif parent
    @document = (@parent = parent).document
  @node_name = (@context = context).to_s
  # NOTE the value of the :attributes option may be nil on an Inline node
  @attributes = (attrs = opts[:attributes]) ? attrs.merge : {}
  @passthroughs = []

Public Instance Methods

add_role(name) click to toggle source

Public: Adds the given role directly to this node.

Returns a [Boolean] indicating whether the role was added.

# File lib/asciidoctor/abstract_node.rb, line 232
def add_role name
  if (val = @attributes['role'])
    # NOTE center + include? is faster than split + include?
    if %( #{val} ).include? %( #{name} )
      @attributes['role'] = %(#{val} #{name})
    @attributes['role'] = name
attr(name, default_value = nil, fallback_name = nil) click to toggle source

Public: Get the value of the specified attribute. If the attribute is not found on this node, fallback_name is set, and this node is not the Document node, get the value of the specified attribute from the Document node.

Look for the specified attribute in the attributes on this node and return the value of the attribute, if found. Otherwise, if fallback_name is set (default: same as name) and this node is not the Document node, look for that attribute on the Document node and return its value, if found. Otherwise, return the default value (default: nil).

name - The String or Symbol name of the attribute to resolve. default_value - The Object value to return if the attribute is not found (default: nil). fallback_name - The String or Symbol of the attribute to resolve on the Document if the attribute is not found on

this node (default: same as name).

Returns the [Object] value (typically a String) of the attribute or default_value if the attribute is not found.

# File lib/asciidoctor/abstract_node.rb, line 87
def attr name, default_value = nil, fallback_name = nil
  @attributes[name.to_s] || (fallback_name && @parent && @document.attributes[(fallback_name == true ? name : fallback_name).to_s] || default_value)
attr?(name, expected_value = nil, fallback_name = nil) click to toggle source

Public: Check if the specified attribute is defined using the same logic as {#attr}, optionally performing a comparison with the expected value if specified.

Look for the specified attribute in the attributes on this node. If not found, fallback_name is specified (default: same as name), and this node is not the Document node, look for that attribute on the Document node. In either case, if the attribute is found, and the comparison value is truthy, return whether the two values match. Otherwise, return whether the attribute was found.

name - The String or Symbol name of the attribute to resolve. expected_value - The expected Object value of the attribute (default: nil). fallback_name - The String or Symbol of the attribute to resolve on the Document if the attribute is not found on

this node (default: same as name).

Returns a [Boolean] indicating whether the attribute exists and, if a truthy comparison value is specified, whether the value of the attribute matches the comparison value.

# File lib/asciidoctor/abstract_node.rb, line 106
def attr? name, expected_value = nil, fallback_name = nil
  if expected_value
    expected_value == (@attributes[name.to_s] || (fallback_name && @parent ? @document.attributes[(fallback_name == true ? name : fallback_name).to_s] : nil))
    (@attributes.key? name.to_s) || (fallback_name && @parent ? (@document.attributes.key? (fallback_name == true ? name : fallback_name).to_s) : false)
block?() click to toggle source

Public: Returns whether this {AbstractNode} is an instance of {Block}

Returns [Boolean]

# File lib/asciidoctor/abstract_node.rb, line 44
def block?
  # :nocov:
  raise ::NotImplementedError
  # :nocov:
converter() click to toggle source

Public: Get the Asciidoctor::Converter instance being used to convert the current Asciidoctor::Document.

# File lib/asciidoctor/abstract_node.rb, line 61
def converter
enabled_options() click to toggle source

Public: Retrieve the Set of option names that are enabled on this node

Returns a [Set] of option names

# File lib/asciidoctor/abstract_node.rb, line 168
def enabled_options {|accum| @attributes.each_key {|k| accum << (k.slice 0, k.length - 7) if k.to_s.end_with? '-option' } }
generate_data_uri(target_image, asset_dir_key = nil) click to toggle source

Public: Generate a data URI that can be used to embed an image in the output document

First, and foremost, the target image path is cleaned if the document safe mode level is set to at least SafeMode::SAFE (a condition which is true by default) to prevent access to ancestor paths in the filesystem. The image data is then read and converted to Base64. Finally, a data URI is built which can be used in an image tag.

target_image - A String path to the target image asset_dir_key - The String attribute key used to lookup the directory where

the image is located (default: nil)

Returns A String data URI containing the content of the target image

# File lib/asciidoctor/abstract_node.rb, line 365
def generate_data_uri(target_image, asset_dir_key = nil)
  if (ext = Helpers.extname target_image, nil)
    mimetype = ext == '.svg' ? 'image/svg+xml' : %(image/#{ext.slice 1, ext.length})
    mimetype = 'application/octet-stream'

  if asset_dir_key
    image_path = normalize_system_path(target_image, @document.attr(asset_dir_key), nil, target_name: 'image')
    image_path = normalize_system_path(target_image)

  if ::File.readable? image_path
    # NOTE base64 is autoloaded by reference to ::Base64
    %(data:#{mimetype};base64,#{::Base64.strict_encode64 ::File.binread image_path})
    logger.warn %(image to embed not found or not readable: #{image_path})
    # uncomment to return 1 pixel white dot instead
generate_data_uri_from_uri(image_uri, cache_uri = false) click to toggle source

Public: Read the image data from the specified URI and generate a data URI

The image data is read from the URI and converted to Base64. A data URI is constructed from the content_type header and Base64 data and returned, which can then be used in an image tag.

image_uri - The URI from which to read the image data. Can be http://, https:// or ftp:// cache_uri - A Boolean to control caching. When true, the open-uri-cached library

is used to cache the image for subsequent reads. (default: false)

Returns A data URI string built from Base64 encoded data read from the URI and the mime type specified in the Content Type header.

# File lib/asciidoctor/abstract_node.rb, line 401
def generate_data_uri_from_uri image_uri, cache_uri = false
  if cache_uri
    # caching requires the open-uri-cached gem to be installed
    # processing will be automatically aborted if these libraries can't be opened
    Helpers.require_library 'open-uri/cached', 'open-uri-cached'
    # autoload open-uri

    mimetype, bindata = ::OpenURI.open_uri(image_uri, URI_READ_MODE) {|f| [f.content_type,] }
    # NOTE base64 is autoloaded by reference to ::Base64
    %(data:#{mimetype};base64,#{::Base64.strict_encode64 bindata})
    logger.warn %(could not retrieve image data from URI: #{image_uri})
    # uncomment to return empty data (however, mimetype needs to be resolved)
    # uncomment to return 1 pixel white dot instead
has_role?(name) click to toggle source

Public: Checks if the specified role is present in the list of roles for this node.

name - The String name of the role to find.

Returns a [Boolean] indicating whether this node has the specified role.

# File lib/asciidoctor/abstract_node.rb, line 215
def has_role? name
  # NOTE center + include? is faster than split + include?
  (val = @attributes['role']) ? (%( #{val} ).include? %( #{name} )) : false
icon_uri(name) click to toggle source

Public: Construct a reference or data URI to an icon image for the specified icon name.

If the ‘icon’ attribute is set on this block, the name is ignored and the value of this attribute is used as the target image path. Otherwise, construct a target image path by concatenating the value of the ‘iconsdir’ attribute, the icon name, and the value of the ‘icontype’ attribute (defaulting to ‘png’).

The target image path is then passed through the image_uri() method. If the ‘data-uri’ attribute is set on the document, the image will be safely converted to a data URI.

The return value of this method can be safely used in an image tag.

name - The String name of the icon

Returns A String reference or data URI for an icon image

# File lib/asciidoctor/abstract_node.rb, line 291
def icon_uri name
  if attr? 'icon'
    icon = attr 'icon'
    # QUESTION should we be adding the extension if the icon is an absolute URI?
    icon = %(#{icon}.#{@document.attr 'icontype', 'png'}) unless Helpers.extname? icon
    icon = %(#{name}.#{@document.attr 'icontype', 'png'})
  image_uri icon, 'iconsdir'
image_uri(target_image, asset_dir_key = 'imagesdir') click to toggle source

Public: Construct a URI reference or data URI to the target image.

If the target image is a URI reference, then leave it untouched.

The target image is resolved relative to the directory retrieved from the specified attribute key, if provided.

If the ‘data-uri’ attribute is set on the document, and the safe mode level is less than SafeMode::SECURE, the image will be safely converted to a data URI by reading it from the same directory. If neither of these conditions are satisfied, a relative path (i.e., URL) will be returned.

The return value of this method can be safely used in an image tag.

target_image - A String path to the target image asset_dir_key - The String attribute key used to lookup the directory where

the image is located (default: 'imagesdir')

Returns A String reference or data URI for the target image

# File lib/asciidoctor/abstract_node.rb, line 321
def image_uri(target_image, asset_dir_key = 'imagesdir')
  if (doc = @document).safe < SafeMode::SECURE && (doc.attr? 'data-uri')
    if ((Helpers.uriish? target_image) && (target_image = Helpers.encode_spaces_in_uri target_image)) ||
        (asset_dir_key && (images_base = doc.attr asset_dir_key) && (Helpers.uriish? images_base) &&
        (target_image = normalize_web_path target_image, images_base, false))
      (doc.attr? 'allow-uri-read') ? (generate_data_uri_from_uri target_image, (doc.attr? 'cache-uri')) : target_image
      generate_data_uri target_image, asset_dir_key
    normalize_web_path target_image, (asset_dir_key ? (doc.attr asset_dir_key) : nil)
inline?() click to toggle source

Public: Returns whether this {AbstractNode} is an instance of {Inline}

Returns [Boolean]

# File lib/asciidoctor/abstract_node.rb, line 53
def inline?
  # :nocov:
  raise ::NotImplementedError
  # :nocov:
is_uri?(str) click to toggle source

Deprecated: Check whether the specified String is a URI by matching it against the Asciidoctor::UriSniffRx regex.

In use by Asciidoctor PDF

@deprecated Use Helpers.uriish? instead

# File lib/asciidoctor/abstract_node.rb, line 563
def is_uri? str
  Helpers.uriish? str
media_uri(target, asset_dir_key = 'imagesdir') click to toggle source

Public: Construct a URI reference to the target media.

If the target media is a URI reference, then leave it untouched.

The target media is resolved relative to the directory retrieved from the specified attribute key, if provided.

The return value can be safely used in a media tag (img, audio, video).

target - A String reference to the target media asset_dir_key - The String attribute key used to lookup the directory where

the media is located (default: 'imagesdir')

Returns A String reference for the target media

# File lib/asciidoctor/abstract_node.rb, line 349
def media_uri(target, asset_dir_key = 'imagesdir')
  normalize_web_path target, (asset_dir_key ? @document.attr(asset_dir_key) : nil)
normalize_asset_path(asset_ref, asset_name = 'path', autocorrect = true) click to toggle source

Public: Normalize the asset file or directory to a concrete and rinsed path

Delegates to normalize_system_path, with the start path set to the value of the base_dir instance variable on the Document object.

# File lib/asciidoctor/abstract_node.rb, line 429
def normalize_asset_path(asset_ref, asset_name = 'path', autocorrect = true)
  normalize_system_path(asset_ref, @document.base_dir, nil, target_name: asset_name, recover: autocorrect)
normalize_system_path(target, start = nil, jail = nil, opts = {}) click to toggle source

Public: Resolve and normalize a secure path from the target and start paths using the PathResolver.

See {PathResolver#system_path} for details.

The most important functionality in this method is to prevent resolving a path outside of the jail (which defaults to the directory of the source file, stored in the base_dir instance variable on Document) if the document safe level is set to SafeMode::SAFE or greater (a condition which is true by default).

target - the String target path start - the String start (i.e., parent) path jail - the String jail path to confine the resolved path opts - an optional Hash of options to control processing (default: {}):

* :recover is used to control whether the processor should
  automatically recover when an illegal path is encountered
* :target_name is used in messages to refer to the path being resolved

raises a SecurityError if a jail is specified and the resolved path is outside the jail.

Returns the [String] path resolved from the start and target paths, with any parent references resolved and self references removed. If a jail is provided, this path will be guaranteed to be contained within the jail.

# File lib/asciidoctor/abstract_node.rb, line 458
def normalize_system_path target, start = nil, jail = nil, opts = {}
  if (doc = @document).safe < SafeMode::SAFE
    if start
      start = ::File.join doc.base_dir, start unless doc.path_resolver.root? start
      start = doc.base_dir
    start ||= doc.base_dir
    jail ||= doc.base_dir
  doc.path_resolver.system_path target, start, jail, opts
normalize_web_path(target, start = nil, preserve_uri_target = true) click to toggle source

Public: Normalize the web path using the PathResolver.

See {PathResolver#web_path} for details about path resolution and encoding.

target - the String target path start - the String start (i.e, parent) path (optional, default: nil) preserve_uri_target - a Boolean indicating whether target should be preserved if contains a URI (default: true)

Returns the resolved [String] path

# File lib/asciidoctor/abstract_node.rb, line 481
def normalize_web_path(target, start = nil, preserve_uri_target = true)
  if preserve_uri_target && (Helpers.uriish? target)
    Helpers.encode_spaces_in_uri target
    @document.path_resolver.web_path target, start
option?(name) click to toggle source

Public: A convenience method to check if the specified option attribute is enabled on the current node.

Check if the option is enabled. This method simply checks to see if the <name>-option attribute is defined on the current node.

name - the String or Symbol name of the option

return a Boolean indicating whether the option has been specified

# File lib/asciidoctor/abstract_node.rb, line 149
def option? name
  @attributes[%(#{name}-option)] ? true : false
parent=(parent) click to toggle source

Public: Associate this Block with a new parent Block

parent - The Block to set as the parent of this Block

Returns the the specified Block parent

# File lib/asciidoctor/abstract_node.rb, line 70
def parent= parent
  @parent, @document = parent, parent.document
read_asset(path, opts = {}) click to toggle source

Public: Read the contents of the file at the specified path. This method assumes that the path is safe to read. It checks that the file is readable before attempting to read it.

path - the String path from which to read the contents opts - a Hash of options to control processing (default: {})

* :warn_on_failure a Boolean that controls whether a warning
  is issued if the file cannot be read (default: false)
* :normalize a Boolean that controls whether the lines
  are normalized and coerced to UTF-8 (default: false)

Returns the [String] content of the file at the specified path, or nil if the file does not exist.

# File lib/asciidoctor/abstract_node.rb, line 502
def read_asset path, opts = {}
  # remap opts for backwards compatibility
  opts = { warn_on_failure: (opts != false) } unless ::Hash === opts
  if ::File.readable? path
    # QUESTION should we chomp content if normalize is false?
    opts[:normalize] ? ((Helpers.prepare_source_string path, mode: FILE_READ_MODE).join LF) : ( path, mode: FILE_READ_MODE)
  elsif opts[:warn_on_failure]
    logger.warn %(#{(attr 'docfile') || '<stdin>'}: #{opts[:label] || 'file'} does not exist or cannot be read: #{path})
read_contents(target, opts = {}) click to toggle source

Public: Resolve the URI or system path to the specified target, then read and return its contents

The URI or system path of the target is first resolved. If the resolved path is a URI, read the contents from the URI if the allow-uri-read attribute is set, enabling caching if the cache-uri attribute is also set. If the resolved path is not a URI, read the contents of the file from the file system. If the normalize option is set, the data will be normalized.

target - The URI or local path from which to read the data. opts - a Hash of options to control processing (default: {})

* :label the String label of the target to use in warning messages (default: 'asset')
* :normalize a Boolean that indicates whether the data should be normalized (default: false)
* :start the String relative base path to use when resolving the target (default: nil)
* :warn_on_failure a Boolean that indicates whether warnings are issued if the target cannot be read (default: true)
* :warn_if_empty a Boolean that indicates whether a warning is issued if contents of target is empty (default: false)

Returns the contents of the resolved target or nil if the resolved target cannot be read – TODO refactor other methods in this class to use this method were possible (repurposing if necessary)

# File lib/asciidoctor/abstract_node.rb, line 531
def read_contents target, opts = {}
  doc = @document
  if (Helpers.uriish? target) || ((start = opts[:start]) && (Helpers.uriish? start) &&
      (target = doc.path_resolver.web_path target, start))
    if doc.attr? 'allow-uri-read'
      Helpers.require_library 'open-uri/cached', 'open-uri-cached' if doc.attr? 'cache-uri'
        if opts[:normalize]
          contents = (Helpers.prepare_source_string ::OpenURI.open_uri(target, URI_READ_MODE) {|f| }).join LF
          contents = ::OpenURI.open_uri(target, URI_READ_MODE) {|f| }
        logger.warn %(could not retrieve contents of #{opts[:label] || 'asset'} at URI: #{target}) if opts.fetch :warn_on_failure, true
    elsif opts.fetch :warn_on_failure, true
      logger.warn %(cannot retrieve contents of #{opts[:label] || 'asset'} at URI: #{target} (allow-uri-read attribute not enabled))
    target = normalize_system_path target, opts[:start], nil, target_name: (opts[:label] || 'asset')
    contents = read_asset target, normalize: opts[:normalize], warn_on_failure: (opts.fetch :warn_on_failure, true), label: opts[:label]
  logger.warn %(contents of #{opts[:label] || 'asset'} is empty: #{target}) if contents && opts[:warn_if_empty] && contents.empty?
reftext() click to toggle source

Public: A convenience method that returns the value of the reftext attribute with substitutions applied.

# File lib/asciidoctor/abstract_node.rb, line 264
def reftext
  (val = @attributes['reftext']) ? (apply_reftext_subs val) : nil
reftext?() click to toggle source

Public: A convenience method that checks if the reftext attribute is defined.

# File lib/asciidoctor/abstract_node.rb, line 269
def reftext?
  @attributes.key? 'reftext'
remove_attr(name) click to toggle source

Public: Remove the attribute from the current node.

name - The String attribute name to remove

Returns the previous [String] value, or nil if the attribute was not present.

# File lib/asciidoctor/abstract_node.rb, line 136
def remove_attr name
  @attributes.delete name
remove_role(name) click to toggle source

Public: Removes the given role directly from this node.

Returns a [Boolean] indicating whether the role was removed.

# File lib/asciidoctor/abstract_node.rb, line 250
def remove_role name
  if (val = @attributes['role']) && ((val = val.split).delete name)
    if val.empty?
      @attributes.delete 'role'
      @attributes['role'] = val.join ' '
role() click to toggle source

Public: Retrieves the space-separated String role for this node.

Returns the role as a space-separated [String].

# File lib/asciidoctor/abstract_node.rb, line 188
def role
role=(names) click to toggle source

Public: Sets the value of the role attribute on this node.

names - A single role name, a space-separated String of role names, or an Array of role names

Returns the specified String role name or Array of role names

# File lib/asciidoctor/abstract_node.rb, line 225
def role= names
  @attributes['role'] = (::Array === names) ? (names.join ' ') : names
role?(expected_value = nil) click to toggle source

Public: Checks if the role attribute is set on this node and, if an expected value is given, whether the space-separated role matches that value.

expected_value - The expected String value of the role (optional, default: nil)

Returns a [Boolean] indicating whether the role attribute is set on this node and, if an expected value is given, whether the space-separated role matches that value.

# File lib/asciidoctor/abstract_node.rb, line 206
def role? expected_value = nil
  expected_value ? expected_value == @attributes['role'] : (@attributes.key? 'role')
roles() click to toggle source

Public: Retrieves the String role names for this node as an Array.

Returns the role names as a String [Array], which is empty if the role attribute is absent on this node.

# File lib/asciidoctor/abstract_node.rb, line 195
def roles
  (val = @attributes['role']) ? val.split : []
set_attr(name, value = '', overwrite = true) click to toggle source

Public: Assign the value to the attribute name for the current node.

name - The String attribute name to assign value - The Object value to assign to the attribute (default: ”) overwrite - A Boolean indicating whether to assign the attribute

if currently present in the attributes Hash (default: true)

Returns a [Boolean] indicating whether the assignment was performed

# File lib/asciidoctor/abstract_node.rb, line 122
def set_attr name, value = '', overwrite = true
  if overwrite == false && (@attributes.key? name)
    @attributes[name] = value
set_option(name) click to toggle source

Public: Set the specified option on this node.

This method sets the specified option on this node by setting the <name>-option attribute.

name - the String name of the option

Returns nothing

# File lib/asciidoctor/abstract_node.rb, line 160
def set_option name
  @attributes[%(#{name}-option)] = ''
update_attributes(new_attributes) click to toggle source

Public: Update the attributes of this node with the new values in the attributes argument.

If an attribute already exists with the same key, it’s value will be overwritten.

new_attributes - A Hash of additional attributes to assign to this node.

Returns the updated attributes [Hash] on this node.

# File lib/asciidoctor/abstract_node.rb, line 181
def update_attributes new_attributes
  @attributes.update new_attributes