#!/bin/sh set -e if test -d $HOME/allegro5-examples then echo "Error: Directory ~/allegro5-examples already exists. Please remove it first." exit 2 fi echo Copy compressed example sources from /usr/share/doc/allegro5-doc/examples to $HOME/allegro5-examples cp -r /usr/share/doc/allegro5-doc/examples $HOME/allegro5-examples echo "Uncompressing example sources" gzip -dr $HOME/allegro5-examples echo Creating symbolic link to DejaVuSans.ttf ln -s /usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu/DejaVuSans.ttf $HOME/allegro5-examples/data #For simplicity we link against all libraries provided by Allegro here. #Probably no example will really need all of them. We put the linker #flags into a variable: ALLEGRO_LIBS=$(pkg-config --libs allegro-5 allegro_color-5 allegro_font-5 allegro_main-5 allegro_memfile-5 allegro_primitives-5 allegro_acodec-5 allegro_audio-5 allegro_dialog-5 allegro_image-5 allegro_physfs-5 allegro_ttf-5 allegro_video-5) #Switch to the source directory: cd $HOME/allegro5-examples echo "Compiling examples..." for i in ex_*.c; do #ex_curl.c, ex_physfs.c and ex_glext.c are omitted because they need curl, physfs and glu around. if test x$i != xex_curl.c -a x$i != xex_physfs.c -a x$i != xex_glext.c; then gcc $i -o $i.ex $ALLEGRO_LIBS -lm -lGL -lenet fi done for i in ex_*.cpp nihgui.cpp; do if test x$i != xex_d3d.cpp -a x$i != xex_ogre3d.cpp; then g++ -c $i -o $i.o fi done for i in ex_*.cpp.o; do g++ $i nihgui.cpp.o -o $i.ex $ALLEGRO_LIBS -lm -lGL done echo "Compiled example programs are now in ~/allegro5-examples"