#!/bin/bash # spam-lookup.sh: Look up abuse contact to report a spammer. # Thanks, Michael Zick. # Check for command-line arg. ARGCOUNT=1 E_WRONGARGS=85 if [ $# -ne "$ARGCOUNT" ] then echo "Usage: `basename $0` domain-name" exit $E_WRONGARGS fi dig +short $1.contacts.abuse.net -c in -t txt # Also try: # dig +nssearch $1 # Tries to find "authoritative name servers" and display SOA records. # The following also works: # whois -h whois.abuse.net $1 # ^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Specify host. # Can even lookup multiple spammers with this, i.e." # whois -h whois.abuse.net $spamdomain1 $spamdomain2 . . . # Exercise: # -------- # Expand the functionality of this script #+ so that it automatically e-mails a notification #+ to the responsible ISP's contact address(es). # Hint: use the "mail" command. exit $? # spam-lookup.sh chinatietong.com # A known spam domain. # "crnet_mgr@chinatietong.com" # "crnet_tec@chinatietong.com" # "postmaster@chinatietong.com" # For a more elaborate version of this script, #+ see the SpamViz home page, http://www.spamviz.net/index.html.