#!/bin/bash # rp.sdcard.sh # Preparing an SD card with a bootable image for the Raspberry Pi. # $1 = imagefile name # $2 = sdcard (device file) # Otherwise defaults to the defaults, see below. DEFAULTbs=4M # Block size, 4 mb default. DEFAULTif="2013-07-26-wheezy-raspbian.img" # Commonly used distro. DEFAULTsdcard="/dev/mmcblk0" # May be different. Check! ROOTUSER_NAME=root # Must run as root! E_NOTROOT=81 E_NOIMAGE=82 username=$(id -nu) # Who is running this script? if [ "$username" != "$ROOTUSER_NAME" ] then echo "This script must run as root or with root privileges." exit $E_NOTROOT fi if [ -n "$1" ] then imagefile="$1" else imagefile="$DEFAULTif" fi if [ -n "$2" ] then sdcard="$2" else sdcard="$DEFAULTsdcard" fi if [ ! -e $imagefile ] then echo "Image file \"$imagefile\" not found!" exit $E_NOIMAGE fi echo "Last chance to change your mind!"; echo read -s -n1 -p "Hit a key to write $imagefile to $sdcard [Ctl-c to exit]." echo; echo echo "Writing $imagefile to $sdcard ..." dd bs=$DEFAULTbs if=$imagefile of=$sdcard exit $? # Exercises: # --------- # 1) Provide additional error checking. # 2) Have script autodetect device file for SD card (difficult!). # 3) Have script sutodetect image file (*img) in $PWD.