#!/bin/bash # revposparams.sh: Reverse positional parameters. # Script by Dan Jacobson, with stylistic revisions by document author. set a\ b c d\ e; # ^ ^ Spaces escaped # ^ ^ Spaces not escaped OIFS=$IFS; IFS=:; # ^ Saving old IFS and setting new one. echo until [ $# -eq 0 ] do # Step through positional parameters. echo "### k0 = "$k"" # Before k=$1:$k; # Append each pos param to loop variable. # ^ echo "### k = "$k"" # After echo shift; done set $k # Set new positional parameters. echo - echo $# # Count of positional parameters. echo - echo for i # Omitting the "in list" sets the variable -- i -- #+ to the positional parameters. do echo $i # Display new positional parameters. done IFS=$OIFS # Restore IFS. # Question: # Is it necessary to set an new IFS, internal field separator, #+ in order for this script to work properly? # What happens if you don't? Try it. # And, why use the new IFS -- a colon -- in line 17, #+ to append to the loop variable? # What is the purpose of this? exit 0 $ ./revposparams.sh ### k0 = ### k = a b ### k0 = a b ### k = c a b ### k0 = c a b ### k = d e c a b - 3 - d e c a b