#!/bin/bash # realname.sh # # From username, gets "real name" from /etc/passwd. ARGCOUNT=1 # Expect one arg. E_WRONGARGS=85 file=/etc/passwd pattern=$1 if [ $# -ne "$ARGCOUNT" ] then echo "Usage: `basename $0` USERNAME" exit $E_WRONGARGS fi file_excerpt () # Scan file for pattern, { #+ then print relevant portion of line. while read line # "while" does not necessarily need [ condition ] do echo "$line" | grep $1 | awk -F":" '{ print $5 }' # Have awk use ":" delimiter. done } <$file # Redirect into function's stdin. file_excerpt $pattern # Yes, this entire script could be reduced to # grep PATTERN /etc/passwd | awk -F":" '{ print $5 }' # or # awk -F: '/PATTERN/ {print $5}' # or # awk -F: '($1 == "username") { print $5 }' # real name from username # However, it might not be as instructive. exit 0