#!/bin/sh # readpipe.sh # This example contributed by Bjon Eriksson. ### shopt -s lastpipe last="(null)" cat $0 | while read line do echo "{$line}" last=$line done echo echo "++++++++++++++++++++++" printf "\nAll done, last: $last\n" # The output of this line #+ changes if you uncomment line 5. # (Bash, version -ge 4.2 required.) exit 0 # End of code. # (Partial) output of script follows. # The 'echo' supplies extra brackets. ############################################# ./readpipe.sh {#!/bin/sh} {last="(null)"} {cat $0 |} {while read line} {do} {echo "{$line}"} {last=$line} {done} {printf "nAll done, last: $lastn"} All done, last: (null) The variable (last) is set within the loop/subshell but its value does not persist outside the loop.